

There's a huge abnormalities that's currently happening at the Continent.

The rumors that is going around lately is Shuwa admit defeat and now's under the power of Qui.

It was not supposed to be like that.

That kingdom would be the one who ignites the war that lasted for two decades and not the one who would end it before it even started.

"Momma big sister Wendy gave me some dumplings"

Remoa immediately hide the confusion on her face after hearing that soft voice and saw Arctic who had a basket of dumplings instead of his three pieces.

"Given or stolen?"

Instead of answering the little potato just shrug his shoulder and pick one in the basket and filled his mouth with it.

Sigh. Having an opportunity to live two times in this world is possibly the second best thing that happened to her next to Arctic but what she does not understand is how,when and why her innocent,kind and hardworking son turned into a shameless thug on the mold?

Does being away from that man could do such thing?


She warned.

These past few fays after knowing that news of Shuwa surrendering to Qui , Remoa could not help but to be nervous and afraid. She don't understand why instead of being happy that the war would never happened and there's no more thousands of deaths to nourish the land, deep inside she believed that there's might something much worst to come.

"It's compensation though"

Arctic muttered under his breath. What he said was really true, that pony tailed girl asked him to write some poems for that skinny fisherman boy at the shore store in exchange of this basket of dumplings.

If he knows his mother will be angry, he should just ignore the pleas of that troublesome Old woman. It's really a mistake that her mother loves to brag how talented he is in writing and creating poems. Truly a pity.

Seeing the changes in Arctic expression she just helplessly sigh and pat his head to comfort her now sulking son.

The changes in what supposedly to happen is bothering and giving her headache's these fast few days. At first, she thought it may be because of her being reborn but Remoa simply escapedthat terrible life added the fact that she's not even an important individual that could stop the fate.

Honestly speaking she's just a lucky mob character. She has no talent in medicine,terrified to handle blades larger than a kitchen knife , clumsy and absolutely not a genius in any existing factions.


She has a pair of Green Thumbs but does it enough to stop the war that would kill thousands and set the continent on the brink of destruction? She really does not understand why that Kingdom surrendered.

Remoa groaned in frustration that Arctic detected and felt even more guilt presuming that the cause of his mother's distress is still that not really stolen basket of dumplings.

Cursed that person who invented that delicious food.

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