
Who are you?

Yu Yan and Chun Hua arrived at Narita International airport. They were so excited for a great adventure.

While at the airport, they were checking on their phone which place to go first, Yu Yan told Chun Hua that going to the hotel is better since they have luggages.

Then, a group of foreign men came down the escalator. With a whole group of girls swarming at them. They are indeed very manly. All of them were wearing sunglasses.

Chun Hua nudged Yu Yan and said, "Who are those people? Are they celebrities?"

Yu Yan: "I am not sure. Maybe they are. Let's go and take a look."

As they went, they caught a glimpse of the 4 gorgeous guys. Then, Liu Xing took off his sunglasses and spotted Yu Yan. His expression dramatically changed.

Liu Xing tried to chase Yu Yan but the girls were swarming them and he failed.

Yu Yan and Chun Hua went to the hotel afterward.

Chun Hua: "Did you see them? They all look so handsome."

Yu Yan: "I know right, they are. I wonder who are those people."

As evening came, Chun Hua and Yu Yan decided to go seperate ways. Chun Hua will be going to karaoke while Yu Yan will be shopping around in a night market with tons of cute shops. Yu Yan wanted to buy her parents some face masks and face lotions.

Chen Ming was injured during a gun fight between Liu Xing's Black Tiger group, he escaped far away and went into one of the shops. While he wanted to buy some bandages, he suddenly saw Yu Yan.

He could not take his eyes off of her. Everywhere she goes, he will follow her.

Yu Yan accidentally bumped into Chen Ming while walking to the cashier. Chen Ming helped Yu Yan picking up the stuff that's been dropped and put it back inside the basket. But Chen Ming didn't want to let go of the basket.

Yu Yan thought he was mentally insane so she quickly escaped his grasp and left the basket to an employee then she tries to run away.

But, it was futile. Chen Ming followed her everywhere, Yu Yan shouted, "Who are you? Why are you following me? You are a stalker, aren't you?"

Suddenly, they heard a gunshot behind them and Chen Ming quickly took Yu Yan to safety.

While the Black Tigers went their way because of the police cars, Chen Ming looked Yu Yan and said, "It's over. Don't be afraid." in fluent Chinese.

Then suddenly, Chen Ming groaned in pain because of the gunshot wound. Yu Yan notices it and suggested Chen Ming to go to a hospital. But Chen Ming refuses. Yu Yan got no choice but to bring this random man to her hotel room.

While she was back, she quickly ran to the washroom calling her friend frantically that there was a thief in the room. Her friend quickly said, "Keep on hiding in the washroom. I'm coming."

Few minutes passed, Yu Yan heard a scream. She saw Chen Ming tries to take the bullet out.

Yu Yan shouted at Chen Ming that the wound will be infected so she quickly wrapped the wound up. As they introduce each other, Chen Ming leaned close to Yu Yan and said, "You remind of someone."

Yu Yan got kind of awkward and told Chen Ming just stay still and don't move while she ran outside.

Chen Ming thought what if Liu Xing and the Black tiger finds her?

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