
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Chapter 25: Hello Bùtóng

"Bùtóng...?" Hydro gasped as his jaw gaped.

"Hey there Goldie! Did you miss me?" Bùtóng said cheekily.

Hydro hopped off his seat as he gave his tall friend a welcoming hug. Bùtóng chuckled under his breath as he returned the hug. Bùtóng gaze soon shifted to match Jesse expected glare. However, instead of the mixed expression of surprise, confusion and annoyance he wanted. He was met with a face of utter calmness and confidence as Jesse showed a cheek smirk on her face.

Instead of Jesse being the shocked one, it turned into Bùtóng.

He didn't want to show his frustration to Hydro, Bùtóng hide his anger with an innocent smile.

"Bùtóng, how did you get here? I thought certain types of people were only allowed on board." Hydro said with curious eyes.

Bùtóng smiled he as taking Hydro back on his seat before Bùtóng sat next to Hydro. "I used my rank to get on the train."

"Rank? Wait... you're a noble?" Jesse questioned, not believing what Bùtóng said is true.

"I was once a soldier in my county, However, I've relieved myself from my duty four years ago." Bùtóng explained.

"A solider? Is that why you have so many muscles?" Hydro said as he caress on Bùtóng muscular arm.

Bùtóng smirked slightly. "No, that's only because I exercise my body everyday to stay in shape."

"So what rank were you anyway?" Jesse asked with a smug expression.

Bùtóng huffed. "I was a Lieutenant in the military."

Jesse lifted a brow before she chuckled. "Huh? That's pretty high rank for any nation, I sorta of can't believe it."

"Well it's true." Bùtóng said as he held up a folded wallet and revealed a knitted patch on the outside.

The patch was a blue circle with two sliver stars inside along with a sliver ribbon line underneath the two stars.

"And I was stand corrected. So I assumed you are originally from the Japan Terra, however you don't possess a Japanese name." Jesse said with curious eyes.

"My name was given to me from grandmother, she was from the China Terra." Bùtóng explained with a dark tone.

"What was she like?" Hydro asked with an innocent smile.

Bùtóng chuckled as he patted Hydro's fluffy head. "She was a wonderful woman, she was the one who raised me after my folks passed away."

"Did she made you snacks?" Hydro asked while he wagged his tail.

"Hell yeah she did! My grandmother made the best baked sweet potatoes ever. Well, that's what I think at least." Bùtóng chuckled.

"My Auntie Terra used to make me stuffed tomatoes, they were really great! Right Cairo?" Hydro said.

The red crow puffed it's feathers as it caws. "Of course she did! Auntie Terra was the best cook in the entire city!"

Bùtóng chuckled as he tickled Cairo underneath his beck. "She must a incredible woman if she can make a prideful crow like you, to give someone else an genuine praise."

"You know what Cairo saying too Bùtóng?" Hydro questioned.

"I'm Shifter. Shifter children are usually raised to learn different animal languages. Birds are one of them." Bùtóng explained with a calm smile.

Cairo leaned into Bùtóng touch while he cooed. "Of course I know I'm amazing as well, but I guess you're decent."

"I'm honored." Bùtóng chuckled.

"By the way," Jesse smirked.

"May I ask what's your reason on the Rail-Way?" Jesse said with a teasing tone.

Bùtóng clicked his tongue as he glared at Jesse. "Keramoti Town."

Jesse smirked grew into a wide grin. "What a wonderful coincidence! We're heading Keramoti as well~"

"Your point?" Bùtóng sneered.

"Nothing! I just was--" Jesse was about to say before a woman's scream was heard across the other side of the room.

Hydro's fur stood out on their ends as he muttered. "Blood...?"