
New Begining

Where is this? It doesn't look like hell, but I don't think I'm the kind of guy who can go to heaven. How do I say this, suddenly a fellow covered in porn mosaic materialized suddenly in from of me.

What is this fellow?

「Nice to meet you. I am God.」

"Haa? You are God?"

It's downright... hearing it suddenly... Well, whatever. Let's try listening to what God has to say.

"Am I dead here?"

「You died. This place is like... shall I call it the after death world and boundary of this world?」

Hmm... let's just say I'm convinced for now.

"So... does that mean I'm going to hell now?"

The mosaic guy who introduced himself as God chuckled at my words.

「Would you like to go to hell?」

Of course not.

"It's not because I'd like to go. It's just that I don't think I qualify for heaven, because... I haven't atoned from my sins before I died..."

「Is that so? Then... to hell?」

"Yes. Only there I who have died can atone..."

Again, God chuckled at my words.

「Well then, shall I give you a chance at redemption?」


Could it be you're going to take me to experience hell? Or are you going to revive me?

God shook his head as if he had read my thoughts. Then what did he mean...

「You can't go to hell but it is impossible to revive you.」

"Eh? How come I can't go to hell?"

「Your death was not planned.」


Oi oi. Isn't this a common pattern? I who died, actually died in vain. Could it be the child would still be fine even if I didn't help from truck attack?

「Not you, it was that child that was supposed to die...」

Huh? If that is so... did I die a useless death? Typical.

「The child was planned to go to heaven after death. So there's no free place in hell.」

"Ah, because I died instead of that child?"

「That's right. You can't go to heaven.」

I guess so. What a waste. It's impossible for me to go to heaven. But this is a problem. I can't go to either one, so that's probably why I'm here.

So what to do now? I turned my eyes to God hoping that he would give me an answer.

「So that's why you can't go to heaven, and you can't go to hell to make amends. So now you're going to reincarnate into another world or any fiction world with your memory intact. Think this just a reward for saving the kid」

Oo, reincarnation isn't it? So there really is such a thing! I'm very excited by immediately calms down.

"So can I get reincarnated in anime world?"

「hmm..that's possible which world do you want to go?」

"of course Dragonball world as goku!!"

「No Problem, as a gift i will give you instant mastery trait to you」

"Thank you very much and I can do anything in that world right? Can I change the main story?"

「yes it is not at all a problem you can live your life full this time so don't worry about it.」

"thank you"

「Enough the Thank And so, you get to walk a second life. Live in however way you want. Do as you like.」

I will stand on my own in another world. And I lose consciousness when I opened my eyes I found myself infont woried grandpa Gohan and my head hurt so much.

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