
Raiding the chickens’ Lair (2)

Huo Ling promised himself to never run from a rooster or chicken in his life again. This had been the third time he had been chased after by these damned birds.

Of course, Huo Ling wasn't just running blindly. He had already managed to kill seven chickens on his way, including all three of the ordinary chickens following the Guardian Chicken. Huo Ling thoroughly despised these Guardian Chickens. They didn't come to help their fellow brethren, but instead, they came when he was too close to the nest. For what were they called Guardian Chickens, if they did not help out one another?!

Soon, Huo Ling was at the edge of the valley. He planned to ambush the Guardian Chicken. As soon as Huo Ling was gone from the Guardian Chicken's sight, he'd hide.

Not long after, Huo Ling chance came. There were a large boulder and large thick trees around here. When Huo Ling passed the boulder he ducked behind it, disappearing from the chicken's sight. He ran towards one of the thick trees and started climbing it as silently as possible.

Huo Ling was nimble and was quickly four meters up the tree. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the Guardian Chicken hadn't seen him. Although creatures in God's Domain were a lot smarter than on earth, they still weren't self-aware or had complex thoughts, or, at least not at this level of beasts.

A little later, Huo Ling's chance arose. The chicken had still not found him even though he was only a mere three meters away. Huo Ling jumped off from the tree with the claw and gun in hand. The chicken had no time to think -although it couldn't anyway- and spit a fireball. Huo Ling clearly anticipated this, as he shot with his Mana Gun and the storage rune was wiped. He did so because it was a lot simpler. Nothing would happen if it couldn't store any mana.

Huo Ling's claw swiped all over the chicken's body causing a bloody mess to appear. The chicken made a futile attempt of firing another fireball but got interrupted by another swipe across its neck.

After killing over two hundred chickens, of which two Knight ranked ones, Huo Ling was thoroughly tired and laid down for a few minutes.

Slowly, he got up. He unequipped his claw, unsocketed the bloodstone and stored both in his system. The bloodstone was currently showing an orange coloured 3462. He had slain over half of the chicken population in a few hours.

'This should be quite some money correct? Seems I have to go to a place with people to spend though.' He felt it got quite lonely after spending several days without any humans around.

Huo Ling got a solemn look in his eyes. He was used to being alone, never even knowing who his parents were. He had done some research, but nothing had come of it. Even on his birth certificate, nothing about his parents could be found. The only thing what they left him was a house and enough money to live of.

Huo Ling sighed and walked towards the corpse of the Guardian Chicken he had just slain. He took out his bloodstone which he had bought from the system and absorbed the blood.

He did the same to the Guardian Chicken he had slain previously and went back to his cave. Tomorrow, he'd continue his massacre of the chickens. It was

Before going to sleep, he absorbed the knight points. His fitness improved with another 2.2, bringing his fitness to 104.2.


The next day, he continued his massacre. Because he wasn't afraid of Guardian Chickens coming as much anymore, he simply went during the day.

He spent the entire day hunting chickens until finally, he managed to kill all the chickens he could find. One time, he got to close to the hill another Guardian Chicken showed up. Staying true to his promise of the previous day, he didn't run and instead, he fought and defeated it.

When checking his Lifeforce points, he found he had killed another 438 chickens and the three Guardian Chickens. With this, he had also completed one of the four requirements of the quest. He hadn't completed the quest for the Guardian Chickens, making him wonder how many were left.

After absorbing the points from the Guardian Chicken he had slain, he reached 105 in fitness. After all the Ordinary ranked chickens were gone, he started looting a few of the more intact corpses for food. He had no idea how far he had to travel until he would find a human establishment, he could store all this meat in his system anyway. As far as he knew, it wouldn't rot even if left for a year.

Unfortunately, these chickens did not have any valuable parts to sell. After such an intensive day of hunting and killing, he went to sleep.

He still had five days to complete the quest and wasn't in a hurry.

He was rather curious though, what would the treasure hiding be? It had to really important to even give up on defending all the normal chickens. He was also expectant of the rewards. He was completing it with at least a 100% completion rate, the reward had to be worth it right?

He also wanted to have access to see more of his system. He had looked around and found he was unable to enter many rooms.


Around midnight in a forest.

Several noses were pointed in the air, trying to find the direction this particular smell came from. All nearby creatures were shivering in hiding, trying to make zero sound. Lucky for these creatures, the beasts weren't interested in them at all.

Several seconds later, howls were heard. All the beasts from the pack followed the few howls and started running towards a single direction.

On their way, they met a deer. A beast who looked like the leader, barely looked at it before he had already killed it from afar with a swipe of their claws. They then continued their way following the smell.