
Chapter 1 Strange little game

After a day's work, Lu Yao dragged his exhausted body back to the rental house.

In a small company with a dozen or so people, more than half of them are related households dawdling around. Besides the boss and partners, there are only three people who actually do things. It has only been three months since he joined the job, and Lu Yao is already living a bit like a year.

But he didn't dare to resign until he found another home. Now that the economy is in a downturn, we have to survive first, and then consider the next step in life.

At this time every day, Lu Yao will have a little room to relax. He switched moods and temporarily put aside all the unhappiness during the day.

Now is, game time!

He turned on his old computer, and the mouse moved slowly on the screen.

Let me see, which one to play today.

Get a ranking?

a knife?

Or Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9?


An inconspicuous icon caught Lu Yao's attention.

The icon is in the lower right corner of the screen, and the logo is a green pixel-style island that blends in with the green grass in the background image of the computer, which is very inconspicuous.

"God Simulator"?

what game is this?

Lu Yao didn't remember downloading or purchasing it at all.

He clicks on the file properties to view it. The source file is 20M, which is a small game. This capacity seems to be a game from a long time ago.

Lu Yao's computer configuration is low. He has been using this machine since he was in college, and he is reluctant to replace it with a new one. To play lol and Dota, you have to turn on the lowest quality. The masterpieces of games can only be played on the cloud and watched other people's game videos. Most of the time, Lu Yao is playing all kinds of classic old games.

He tried to open "God Simulator".

The screen slowly turns black.

Accompanied by melodious old-fashioned 8-bit electronic music, white Chinese characters are displayed one by one on the black screen, which is very classical pixel game style.

[On this day, the world finally welcomed back the great god. ]

[Your arrival has brought meaning back to the world. Your mighty power will create a brand new civilization. ]

Then the dark scene faded away, replaced by a group of villains who were building various buildings, some were plowing the fields, and others were cheering with their arms raised. The pixel-style picture looks fresh and nostalgic, which makes Lu Yao feel relaxed for a while.

Three white options appear on the background.

[new game]

[Continue the game]


Lu Yao clicked [New Game].

The screen returned to pitch black again, and uniform green pixels emerged on it, like paint blocks smeared on a blackboard.

[The world is being captured...]

After about five seconds, green pixels filled the screen.

[World positioning is complete, welcome, great god. ]

The pixel background changed again.

A flat green field appeared on the screen, surrounded by forests, rivers, mountains and deserts. In the center of the picture is a white domed building that looks like a temple.

A line of text emerged in the center: This is your temple, and you named it the temple of ___.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Yao typed a word casually.

Yao Temple.

The words "Yao Temple" appeared in the sky above the temple.

Then the picture fell into a strange static state.

Lu Yao clicked on the temple, but there was no option.

What's happening here?

Which company made the old game without even a basic tutorial and guidance?

Just when he was wondering, two naked and barefoot figures appeared in the corner of the screen. These two figures moved all the way, walking around the temple.

An exclamation point popped up on one of the little people's heads, and then a dialog box popped up on his head.

"What an exquisite and magnificent house, it must have been made by God."

Another villain held up his hands.

"God, god!"

"This must be a revelation from the gods. This is a lucky place. We want more people to settle here!"

"The land promised by the gods! The land promised by the gods!"

Smiley symbols appeared above the heads of the two villains. They ran out of the screen all the way, and within a few seconds, they came here with five villains.

A total of seven villains began to worship around the temple. They built a small thatched hut next to the temple, and transplanted some berry-like bushes from off-screen, and began to live next to the temple.

At this time, a prompt appeared on the screen.

[You have obtained the first batch of believers in this world, the power of faith is the means for you to perform miracles, please collect more faith. ]

Lu Yao noticed that there was a small human head portrait in the upper right corner, showing population, and there was a palace icon next to it, showing belief. Both Population and Faith are 7.

It seems that 1 believer will provide 1 point of faith.

He clicked on the population with the mouse, but there was no response. Click Faith again, this time an icon that looks like a cloud of fog pops up.


Below is a row of options, each with a corresponding stick figure. All wonders are greyed out, indicating that none are currently available.

Faith points are consumed for each miracle performed. Even [Rainfall], which requires the least Faith Points, still needs to consume 10 Faith Points.

In other words, there must be 10 believers to perform a miracle.

Increasing the population became the primary concern.

Different from other simulation management games, God Simulator cannot directly build houses or produce residents, and can only wait for the pixel villains to multiply or gather by themselves. Currently, the only option that can be operated is [Miracle].

Lu Yao watched the pixel villains farming the land, the mouse kept trying to grope on the screen, and his stomach began to growl.

He went to the kitchen to cook a bowl of noodles and came back with a few cloves of garlic.

When returning to the computer, Lu Yao noticed that the villains around the temple were in an abnormal state. Sad expressions appeared on their heads, and they all worshiped around the temple.

Dialogue boxes kept popping up above the little people's heads.

"Great god, I request your apparition!"

"Please bless us! Great God!"

"The forest tribe thinks that what we believe in is a demon, and wants to overthrow the temple, please show a miracle!"

Lu Yao took a mouthful of noodles and thought, this seems to be the first crisis.

However, the current faith value is only 7 points, and even the rain cannot be achieved, and the column of miracles cannot be used yet.

Lu Yao continued to explore, and finally clicked a new interface on the temple with the mouse.

In the center of the picture is a stone bonfire, and in front of the bonfire is a gray humanoid statue in a sitting posture. The faces of the portraits are blurred, and men and women cannot be discerned. It seems to be the image of gods imagined by pixel villains.

There is a long table in front of the statue, and there are two slots of different shapes on the table.

The large placement slot on the left is labeled [Sacrifice].

The smaller one on the right says [Gift].

These slots are currently empty.

Sacrifice is easy to understand, it is naturally something that these believers and villains offer to the gods.

According to the corresponding relationship, the gift should be the power or props given by the temple to these believers.

Is this the miracle they want?

Lu Yao searched and searched, but couldn't find anything that could be moved and dragged. He was a little stuck for a while, and he got stuck on the first question.

Suddenly, he noticed a strange thing.

The long table in front of the statue looks familiar.


Why is that desk exactly the same as my own computer desk?

There are two placement slots, the sacrificial slot is completely rectangular in shape of the keyboard, the gift slot is oval, and the mouse?

Take a closer look, the enshrined god appears to be sitting at the long table, isn't it himself who is playing with the computer?

This thought startled Lu Yao.


It must be a coincidence.

Then, a bold idea popped up in my mind.

He carefully placed the garlic clove next to the instant noodles on the mouse.

Lu Yao looked at the mouse expectantly.

Two seconds later, the garlic cloves rolled off the mouse.

"It really is a coincidence."

Lu Yao laughed at himself, feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

At this moment, the falling garlic cloves suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Lu Yao subconsciously looked at the computer screen.

In the [Gift] slot of the temple, there is a pixel icon of garlic.

[Garlic]: A gift from the gods, a special spice and a medicinal herb.

A line of characters is displayed on the screen.

——May I ask you to give [Garlic] to your believers?


Lu Yao's hand holding the mouse trembled.

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