
God Rank Isn't For Me!

This is my first sci-fi fantasy novel. Hope You Like It! Humanity countered another advance civilization. Their friendship quickly turned into war. 50 years after the start of the war. A boy name Wu Chang started his journey to the top!

Lazormenot · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Disappointment And Surprise!


Wu Chang's Potential! ERROR!

The result shocked the teacher, and suddenly she pulled Wu Chang out of the room. They ran up the stair and after running up floors after floor, the teacher finally stopped in front of an enormous door.


The teacher opened the gigantic door, and she dragged me into a giant test tube and she instantly closed the door and started the machine.

After a long silent scanning later, Wu Chang finally got back his freedom. When he looked at the teacher, her face was frowning and Wu Chang did not know why. Wu Chang got curious, so he looked at the screen.


Wu Chang's potential: 0


His face instantly frowned, and he quietly left the test room. While Wu Chang left, the teacher looked at Wu Chang with a disappointed look.

On the way home, Wu Chang's mind started going haywire, and he started blaming god for his misfortune.

After the long, sad train ride home, he instantly threw his bag to the wall and started crying in despair. It shocked him that in all of human history; he is the only one with 0 potential. Even normal people at least have over 50 potential points. (highest:9999 point)

'God! Why must you torment me after losing everything!' He shouted in his mind while staring at a blank wall.

[Unknown Meeting Place]

While Wu Chang started crying at home, the presidents of the top 5 high schools were having a meeting about the students. Some of them checked the pile of paper to find the next absolute god rank or any talented student. One of them was the president of Millennium high school.

While they were looking at all the reports, president of Millennium high school saw a report fell, so he went to pick it up. When he picked it up, it surprised him at the report paper.

"Hey who is this student who got 0 in the test?" The president of Millennium high school asked the men who were standing near the door. That man was the person who supervised the whole test.

"Sorry sir, we will immediately take it back and scold the person who put it in." The man said while he was dripping sweat.

"It's okay! I will take this report back with me." The president of Millennium high school told the supervisor. The supervisor instantly nodded while shaking.

When the president of Millennium high school said that, everyone stared at him and every president started laughing in their mind.

'Is the president of the top high school such an idiot!' everyone thought while thinking in their head. They did not dare laugh out because the president of Millennium high school could easily beat them.

What they did not know that the president of Millennium high school is the grandson of the only Absolute God rank human who ever existed. He knew his grandfather had a potential of 10 points.

When he saw the report while picking it up, he had this strange sensation rushed through his body. He didn't know whether it was an unusual feeling, but he knew the positive was more than the negative.

After the meeting ended, the president of Millennium high school took the report and went out of the room.

[Wu Chang's Apartment]

Wu Chang was sitting in the corner while weeping. His bag was staying at the place where he threw it. He started thinking about killing himself.

Suddenly he remembered that in his bag, there was the book which his parents gave him as their last present. He quickly took out the book, and he started hugging it.


The book suddenly illuminated, and he could hear the loud boom. 'What happened!' Wu Chang thought in a surprised tone.

He was curious about what happened, so he opened the book. When he opened the book, text started appearing on the book.

Before, Wu Chang knew the book was blank. He thought his parents gave him a useless book as their last present.

'What is going on?!' It shock him of the sudden change. He kept flipping the pages, but all of them were blank.

He started thinking about who his parents were to make this magical book. He went back to the first and only page with text and started reading it.

"Beginner Bronze Rank Training"

"What!" It shock him. He knew the different between normal human and a bronze rank cultivator. The gap is really far.

He was stay a normal human with no experience in cultivation nor martial arts. He continued reading the texts.

"Human Rank and Bronze Rank gap is significantly big so you will first be learning beginner martial arts and cultivation technique!"

Wu Chang's eyes started sparkling and forgot his zero points in potential. He got excited that he almost fainted.


While he was jumping around in excitement, the doorbell rang. Wu Chang opened the door, and he saw a letter on the floor.

He quickly took it because it was rare that he was getting a mail in this technological era. But he took it and read it inside. After he took it inside, he put it on the table and looked at the letter.

When he clearly looked at the stamp, it astounded him at who sent the letter.

'Millennium High School!'

He was in dismay at the sender. His heart could not stop beating. He swiftly and professionally opened the letter.

"Hello Wu Chang, we have selected you to take part in the entrance exam that will take place in 5 months. We hope you can make it. Love, Millennium High School."

His heart started pumping too much blood that Wu Chang felt dizzy. After cooling down, he took the ticket out, which came with the letter, and stick the ticket on the wall with tape he had. Millennium High School loved to use traditional ways of communicating.

Wu Chang stared at the ticket for 20 minutes straight without leaving a single glance. It surprised him, but he knew he had zero points in potential. He was sad at first, but now he knew that this chance will not happen again.

It excited him to try out the magical book that he has. He gripped the book and his heart started pumping out of excitement.

Hello readers. Hope you enjoy!

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