
god player

one day an ordinary person obtained a god game

vidusaka · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


one day when I was switched on my computer there was a new icon on my desktop , I clicked on it and there was a normal interface about information like username and password ; I gave my name as ordinary god , it was just a username.

Than this strange game started and it asked if my would be same name as my username and I agreed to it.

Than the sandbox game started . Its graphic was that of a popular game ; It was really interesting .

Than the game asked to design a statue ; it asked me to upload my photo , I did not want to give my data , so i quit the game .

I tried to delete the game but I could not . I thought there was some virus but when I scanned there was no virus I just tried many times but it did not work , so I went to sleep .