
God on Descent

Helsia, a world filled with countless possibilities with countless races............... Gods even. However, where ever there is a higher being there shall be another. A Supreme God one who created the world has descended!!!! All beings whether they be beasts of the forest, dwarves of the mountains, or humans of the cities. They were all alerted of his presence. 18 years have passed and everyone has believed that it was a false rumor but there are still some faithful believers ,but there hasn't been any news of a Supreme God......or so they thought.

Glasses_Dude · Fantasi
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12 Chs


Up to down is weakest to strongest~

-F rank ( low, mid, high)

-E rank ( low, mid, high)

-Drank ( low, mid, high)

-C rank ( low, mid, high)

-B rank ( low, mid, high)

-A rank ( low, mid, high)

-S rank ( low, mid, high)

-Immortal rank ( low, mid, high)

-Angel/Demon rank ( low, mid, high)

-God rank ( low, mid, high)

-Supreme God rank


Just know that these ranks ONLY apply to this world

The way to rank up is similar to how we rank up in games. in order to get a rank you need to unlock 4 meridians to rank up to mid u need to unlock 8 then 12 note that this is only to get low f rank. after that to get e rank you must "rebirth" and all your meridians would close but you would keep the power. you will unlock abilities from a bloodline when you get to mid in every rank but this is a low chance except for the mc since he is the progenitor of the world. You can also create abilities but this will take extensive amount of time, concetration, and power to do this.

here is some info

Glasses_Dudecreators' thoughts