
God-level battle maniac


Black_rabbit24x · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Start of the academy arc

Over the night Eric broke through to energy refining stage 4, this is his current status.

{name: Eric

Gifts:Potential, adaptation

Realm: energy gathering 4/9

Powers: soul fire, tree of flesh, custom physique lv4


enhanced intellect lv7, rapid learning lv7, black magic(Journeyman), sacrificial magic(Journeyman), puppet control lv3, soul magic(intermediate), multi-minded lv3, body magic(journeyman) life/trade skills(intermediate), combat mastery lv4, weapon mastery lv4, bestial fighting(self-made), appraisal(self-made), refining formation, sacrificial formation

Energy: demonic/mana

Equipment: bestial set (4/4, coat, gloves, pants, shoes, growth type), bone armory (spear, sword, axe, bow, scythe, sickle, chain sickle, gauntlets, hammer, growth type, connected to tree of flesh)

Stats: (master of Nyx, healthy)





Constitution: 450

Ep: 30,000 (100%)}

Some changes were that weapon and combat mastery had leveled up after the fight with Nyx, and after refining the soul of the demon that won that rune test his enhanced intellect and rapid learning had leveled up, and lastly even after his stats had been enhanced from 300 to 350 after absorbing flesh increased by 100 instead of 50 after leveling up causing the 450 in his status instead of the expected 400. Following the current rate of leveling, he would reach stage 9 by the end of the year.

Currently, he was standing at the testing grounds of the academe as today was the day he and Nyx would officially become students. Standing on the podium was a tall and well-dressed demon with slight horns on his head,

"Hello students, I am the head of this school. Lucifer, the first fallen angel. Today you will be accepted into this prestigious academe and begin on your path to becoming supporting pillars of our underworld. Now, some things are different this year. Firstly, a new world has been introduced into the expanse, this will affect your schooling significantly. Second, it has been 300 years since the last war between angels and demons, For those of you who don't know this is an annual event held between us to decide who will 'own' certain worlds under each pantheon. And lastly, for the first time in our underworld history, we will have a human student, from the newly collected world nonetheless. You are to treat him as you would any other demon, that is to say." Pausing for a moment a large smile showing Lucifer's sharp teeth formed as he said, "If you don't like them, kill them. And if they kill you. Your fault for being weak. That is all." before bursting into a pillar of fire and disappearing.

Feeling the hostile gazes aimed at him Eric just put on his usual predatory smile before saying "At least I won't run out of bodies to test on any time soon." Nyx just sighed and said, "I'm sure they won't let you kill all the students." Eric just laughed and said, "I said test, not kill. However, there is not much of a difference in the end. Can't wait to see how much flesh it takes to get my stats to 1,000 each. And I wonder if I can use other people's cultivation to boost my own. Oh, this is gonna be fun." Nyx just sighed again while shaking her head, "Sometimes I wonder who the demon is between you and me." to which Eric replied. "I'm not the necromancer." "You can summon stronger undead than me! And I'm an undead!" "Not anymore. You have a real body now."

Muttering under her breath Nyx said, "I sware you did something to this body, there no way I would be attached to you otherwise, damn it." but we can't have romance go that fast so Eric was busy looking for his next 'willing test subject' which he soon found. Blond hair, blue eyes, luxurious clothing, and a smug smile with a group of demons kissing his ass at every turn, the I'm on looked more like a noble prince of some magic kingdom than a demon. The reason why he was Eric's first target was because the pompous prick had been eyeing Nyx, and although they weren't in a relationship, he was her master, and really didn't like sharing his things.

Walking over to the noble prince-looking demon, who we will now call prick he was stopped by a fat demon before he could reach prick. "stop, then I am blah blah blah... As the demon started the usual, 'I am and this you stand before that' rant Eric just said "I'm guessing you're related to gluttony, no way you got a stomach that big otherwise, might as well restock on souls." as he said this he summoned his scythe before decapitating the demon and collecting his soul and absorbing its flesh and continuing to walk to prick. Along the way more demons tried to boot like tried to stop him, need less to say, his stockpile of souls was nice and big now, he also had some interesting ones that he wanted to test on.

Standing in front of the prick demon Eric looked down and said "I see your staring at my servant. Keep on doing that and I'll take your eyes. I don't like sharing my things." before starting to walk away. But before he could even take a second step he turned around and grabbed the sword that was aimed at his throat as the now pissed demon started his own rant. "how dare you, I am prince ali fabalus, dependent of the cardinal sin of pride. With me are the other six sins, I will torture you as a use your slave as I see fit. You have no right to defy me."

Unamused Eric sighed and said "If you're talking about the other six that were with you, I killed them. And she's not my slave she's my servant, and I don't give a flying fuck who you are because in a moment you'll be dead, bye." before turning around and walking back to Nyx and into the academe as prick wondered why there was a headless body in front of him, and why it was holding his sword.

Give it about, 10 to 15 chapters, maybe less if I'm feeling romantical. Eric and nyx will fuck, don't worry. Why else would I give him 12 inches? Nyx is a demon to so she gets hentai anatomy.

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