
God-level battle maniac


Black_rabbit24x · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

A healthy dose of face slapping

{name: Eric

Gifts: potential, adaptation

Realm: energy gathering 1/9

Powers: energy refinement, physical refinement, passive growth

Skills: enhanced intellect, rapid learning, black magic(intermediate), sacrificial magic(intermediate), puppet control, soul magic(beginner), multi-minded, body magic(beginner)

Energy: demonic/mana

(NEW) Equipment: flesh seed(growth type)






Constitution: 100

Mp:7,500 (100%)}

Seeing the new category on his status Eric wasn't surprised, he had already learned about this from 'asking' some of the demons. {equipment} would only appear once someone had obtained something that the status deemed 'worthy' the criteria for this was strange and they still didn't quite know what they were. Once someone gained a piece of equipment they were able to 'equip' it to one of their item slots, the flesh seed was a 'unique' item, therefore it would go into one of the three 'attuned' slots. Every person has 2 item slots, 6 amour slots, 4 ring slots, 2 bangle slots, and a necklace slot, along with the 3 attuned slots.

The item slots were for things like a sword or pickaxe, something you would actively use, the amour slots were boots, leggings, a belt, the chest plate, helmet, and gauntlets. The 4 ring slots were for anything that you would wear on your fingers and the bangle slots were the same but for wrists. The necklace slot was for anything you would wear on your neck. Finally, the attuned slots were for unique items, things that didn't fit in any one slot, like the flesh seed. Some items could take up more than one slot. Like a helmet with a neck guard, which would be considered both a neckless and a helmet.

And someone couldn't just wear a ring on each finger because the energy waves would conflict with each other and candle them out, or even worse, explode. Back to the flesh seed, attuned items were special in that they could be 'stored' in someone's status like an inventory. Equipping the flesh seed to his attuned slot, Eric walked out of his tent to see if the hell cat skin was ready. He planned to go out later and find something to dye the fur black as he didn't like the color red.

However, when he walked out he saw the textbook definition of a spoiled brat young master walking around his tanning rack. 5'9 height, blond curly hair, pointy nose, below average face, and above all a signature look of superiority as if everyone else was beneath him. "What a marvelous piece of hell cat fur, guards! Take this and put it in my carriage, I must have this, it doesn't deserve to be in this wretched place with these slaves. I wonder how it got here." walking up to the brat, Eric towered over him at 6'10 in height, looking down at him Eric just said "You touch my pelt, and ill make you even uglier than you already are. Your choice."

Immediately sensing a chance to kiss some ass, one of the brat's guards draw his sword and walked over to Eric before yelling "How dare you talk to the young master like that! I'll have your head!" looking over at the guard Eric pointed over at the hell cats pelt and said "could you hunt that? If not then I advise you to leave because I'm the one that killed it."

Craning his neck to look up at Eric the brat began speaking "No need Fredrick, I'll teach this slave not to mess with the son of a duke." chuckling at the idea of fighting the brat Eric just looked back over to him and said, "really, you? Fight me? Are you sure? You're so small that I'm wondering if you're really a demon and not a gnome. I'm worried that if I breathe any harder you go flying, But if you insist. But I won't take any blame for what happens after."

"what impedance! How dare you speak to me in such a way! Fight me now and receive the beating of your life!" seeing that the brat was serious Eric decided to have some fun "All right then." pointing to an empty piece of ground he said "Let's fight there then." before walking over.

Grabbing one of his guard swords the brat walked over, all the while sneering at Eric. One of his guards walked over and said, "On three the dual will begin, 1, 2, 3!" raising the sword the brat began "Get ready you un-" Before he could finish Eric was in front of him and had slapped him in the face so hard he did a flip midair before landing face first on the ground.

"damn, I can see why those cultivators like to do this so much, feels good." standing straight and flexing his hand Eric just smiled as the brat stood back up. "want some more huh?" now with a red, and swollen face the brat started again "how dare you! I am the son of duke ve-" and just like before he got a smack to face before spinning and landing on the other side of his face.

grabbing the sword that the brat had dropped, Eric walked over and turned the brat over so he was facing him before throwing the sword in the air and waiting for it to fall back down before catching it just before the tip stabbed the brat's eye "As much as I would love to keep throwing you around, I have better things to do. So run back to Daddy, hide between his legs, and hope that I'm still in a good mood when you piss me off again. Or this sword" pointing the sword that was hanging just milometers above the brat's eye "will go straight through your skull."

He then stood back up before throwing the sword over to one of the guards and saying "I'm gonna go to the forest for a while, if I come back and anything has happened to anything I own, someone is going to die." before walking in the direction of the gate of the camp while the guards just picked up the now unconscious young master and bringing him to the camps medical ward to get treated.

The face slapping part was really fun to write

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