
God's Creativity (basic on a farmer's Faith on God,but not a true story)

In India , Odisha , Cuttack, there is a village named Puruna Tigiriya.In the village there is farmer named Ramdas , he lived with his family member happily. In the Village the all villagers lived and eat happily.They also celebrate some festivals based on Cultivating.They help each other with no demand and any


"But the happiness is not staying Forever".The drack clouds covered the village sky with some scary incident.

On a wet monsoon day , there is a heavy strom. By the strom , the crops were destroyed.seen the field with destroyed farming the farmers and Ramadas had worried about their family members that how could they matain their family for the whole year.

In India , organic farming way is best farming method .In this way the plants have there needed vitamins and minerals.By the way the soil doesn't poisoned.So the Indian farmer used the old organic method in their farming.

Ramdas the farmer used the method to farming.He grows weait and rice. To sow his farming again he went to the village head man to asked for some money.But the head man refused his begging.Then he went out there and went to a lonly place to loss his life .But he saw something surprise.He got two bags of rice and wheat seed and rice seeds are high quality seeds that are grows in city with morden technology.

He thought that "The strom destroyed the crops in the village,then how could the seeds come over here".So he got surprised and taked the bags to his home secretly. He reached at home with surprised face. His wife Sarita seen his surprised face. So she asked him that what happened.

Ramdas told her all things that what happened.Sarita told him that doesn't told anyone about this , that we have 2 bags of seeds . But Ramdas is good man . So , he doesn't lisnt to his wife , he went to the village head man to talk about the matter .

Next morning Ramada wakes up and got freshed of and went to the village

head man and told what things happend

.The village head man got surprised.and asked him , where he found the seed bags. Ramdas took him to the place .

The place was at the end of the village where was no road to go out from the village.So the village told "How could the bags came here".

An Old man lived in the village. He was 100 years old. He is very intelligent.So when the villager had their problems , they came over him and got the solution

.So Ramdas and the village head man came together to him.