
God's Challenger

First multiplayer virtual reality game first. The character questioning the fact that First was so realistic was chosen as GM's representative, and it turned out that First was a game between five transcendents and a god to choose the next god… God and transcendent, mortal. A world that is a game, but not a game. 『 Heavenly Mother's Dungeon! The writer of Shinkon's Second Coming. A case happened to Puppy Jean, a free-spirited but eager game planner, who was craving real fun while stirring up a transverse gaming system with his veteran and VR game era opening. "You're weaker than I am, so I'm going to eat you." An ultra-high level VR "First" with superpowers, magic, and masonry. In that world, Ajin finally fulfills the cruel desire he longed for. His ruthless demeanor turns gamers against notoriety, and receives the attention of 'transcendents' who dream of revenge and victory against their gods. [Welcome to First World.] A battle of conspiracy, betrayal and desire unfolds in the seat of the fittest!

Gaming_Ghost_3716 · Fantasi
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37 Chs

Chapter 23

Let's knock.

Azin, standing at Lunia's door, ponders for a moment. Killing is obvious, but not a lady. Of course, Lunia is not a nobleman's woman. There is no penalty for opening the door rudely and sneaking in. Maybe he got hit with an insult or a cheek. Azin grins and grabs the door hook.

If she does, she'll die even more painfully.

"Huh? Who... Agin? "

Lunia, sitting at her desk writing something, looks back, surprised. Without answering the question, Azin bursts into Lunia's room. Then Lunia pulls the chair back up and frowns.

"Without knocking, what-- no, why are you coming in? "

You do not answer. Lunia continues to look at the coming pain, staggering back without her knowing it.

"Wait, don't come in! "

Unlike usual, Lunia notices the expressionless expression on her face. The azine she remembered was always such a shameless man, smiling awkwardly at herself. A man who is shy and can't even look at his eyes, who stutters and answers when he talks. But what about the pain now? Instead of a good smile, he kept his lips closed. Eyes that have not met properly are narrow and cannot be shaken.

"Hey, what..."

What's wrong with him all of a sudden? The moment I asked him about it, his movements changed. Faster. Pubuck! A swift blow from Azin knocks Lunia's head down. Lunia's glasses fall off and are shattered. And so was her skull. Qadang! Lunia, who can't even scream, falls to the ground. Ajin glances down at Lunia with a flutter of his fist.

'It'll be fun to commit. '

I don't have to. I have a sexual desire, but I'm not crazy enough to be seduced by something meaningless. What he cares about is efficiency. The only reason he killed Zach was because he coveted the magic he possessed and the magic he gathered in Harnemos. There is no other reason. It's not a grudge killing. It's all driven by desire. It's no different than a robber who catches and kills pedestrians for money.

Let's just say it's a courtesy to the poor wizard. '

Azin thought, looking down at Lunia, who was not moved. You might get a little pleasure if you commit it because you're a foe... But you don't have to think about it anymore because you've already killed him. I don't have bad taste in playing with dead bodies. But if anything else, the story is different.

Azin stands up with Lunia's body on his shoulders. He comes out of Lunia's room, into the basement where he set the fire. The instant I opened the door in the basement, a fierce heat swept over me. The flame has not yet risen to the stairs, but the heat is overwhelming. Azin squeezes his lips together and goes down the stairs.

In the basement, there was a red flame. With enough oil, the flames do not go out, but they continue to spread. Azin throws Lunia's body into the right place, away from the blazing flames. The flames greedily devoured Lunia's corpse.

Now we just have to wait. Until Lunia and Zach's bodies are properly incinerated. Azin climbs the stairs and closes the door in the basement. It's a little early to make an explosion right now. A little more, until it burns. We should spend that much time, just in case. How long has it been? It won't be more than an hour. Ajin, who thought it was time, left home.

He shrugged his shoulders as he danced away from home. Then I turned around.

How many choreographies does a wizard need if he can't get away with it?

Azin reaches out his hands forward. Then he pulled up the River of Thousand, which was not used well. His hands twitch as the massive internal air drips down. It was like putting a flame in both hands. Azin twists his lips, gazing at the strength that was surging around his hands.

There's no one around.

No one to see.


Kwaaaaang! The blasted steel completely destroyed the house. Azin looks at the ruined house with a loud bang and swallows it with a smile. Then he quickly flew away. Away from Shake's house, he enters the raging forest circling the ice instead of entering the village. Red wolf realm, tree tops. The azin on the right branch immediately twists the scaffold.

As I moved the internal air through the hemorrhagic heart hole, the vast internal air that had accumulated was twitching. The energy drawn from the wizard and the energy drawn from the pile of Hanemoth. It has been moved through the energy drain to all the pieces of azine. First allows you to experience the real world, but the only exception to that world is this avatar. The energy drawn is replaced by internal air and accumulated in a single phase, which increases the total amount of internal air in the status of the Avatar of Azin. Consume it until it reaches zero, but if it is a weather breakfast, it will recover.

Likewise, if you run a hemopericardium, the internal air flow increases gradually.

Cough! It was like thunder in my body. An enormous amount of internal air flowed through the veins of Ajin, who had been practiced in Marathon. The rate at which the internal air flow of the azin through the Marathon technique was not as old as before. With the help of the Raw Snow, the barren vein widens and rolls a massive internal air.

It didn't take long to get to the mainland. Currently, the hemopericardium of azine is 9 stars. It was because they practiced deep law while gathering Hanemoth after receiving the Marathon Law completely. The rapid growth of the hemorrhagic heart method was also due to the Marathon technique and the large internal air accumulated. And it was the same today. The internal air of Ajin, which had massively sucked out the energy of Shake and Hanemoth, was nearly twice as much as before.

[Explosive heart attack has reached 10 stars.]

[Hemocardia has grown into blood flow cardiography.]

[The Thousand Necromancer is adjusted to the blood flow method.]

[Because you are not a Thousand Magician, the Magician's power is reduced to 60%.]

I heard that tone while performing the law for a long time. I smiled as Azin's tail fainted. Azin stops grinning and bursts into laughter. The laughter gets louder and louder.


It became an enclave. Azin tilts his head back and cracks up a crazy smile. At last, the method of hemostasis became the method of blood flow. It wasn't until five days after the game began that he arrived here. And the power reduction of the sacrament was reduced from 80% to 60%. You can do twice as much power as the astronaut you used before.

That's not all. Hemocardiography is not the same as Hemocardiography, but it can operate within the air according to the specifications. Unlike having to focus on the law for a long time while playing the crown, we can grow the law while hunting. Azin couldn't help laughing.

Nickname: Azin

Title: None

Level: 16

Health: 7500/7500

Magic Power: None

MP: 9100/9300 Internal Air: 23000/23000

Hemocardiography: 1-star (0%)

Energy Drain: LV: 24 (56%)

Thousand Horse Maker

Thousand Star Bombardment (89%)

Thousand Wave Ceiling 1-Star (87%)

1 Star Celestial Welcome (78%)

Thousand Ganglia 1-Star (3%)

The laughter continues to appear while checking the status quo. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the air blowing so loud. If you have this much inner space, you will not run out of inner space even if you use the sacred stone as a pole. No, if you continue to operate the blood flow method, the internal aircraft can recover quickly from an instant. There is no need to delay the battle.

'The energy drain is quite high. '

The energy drain has been used throughout the hunt, so it is natural that it is high. I am satisfied with the size of my mental strength. I can't think of anything more than potions to restore my mental strength, but with a mind that size, I should be able to concentrate on hunting for quite a long time.

'I'm ready. '

Everything I wanted was in my hands. The killing of Shake yields enormous amounts of Hanemoth, where explosive energy is gained. The hemolysis method was also grown into the blood flow method, and soon the celestial body will reach 2-star. The level of forced air that was consuming and did not need to be used was extremely low, but there is no need to focus on growing it. You can leave the Forge as the number of spleens.

"It's time to end this. "

Azin wakes up smiling, tearing his lips. Even though I sat for a long time, my body was as light as flying. Whether he was in a good mood, he even sang a nostril he didn't usually enjoy. He falls from the tree, obsessed with his own singing. A percussion! Asin, lightly descended like a cat, took a deep breath of clear forest air.

".. it's a good day. "

Proud and joyful, Azin mutters.

After gathering a few Hanemos, Azin comes back to town, singing a nostril over his shoulder sack. I didn't see the vigilante guarding the entrance, but it's nothing special. He takes a light step toward Shake's house.

"Ah, Ajin! "

There were a lot of people at Shake's house. There were some players who seemed to be curious spectacles, including daisies. Azin tilts his head toward the daisy, pretending to know him.

"What's going on? Why is Daisy here? "

"Oh, yeah! You know him, don't you? NPC, a wizard who gives quests for gathering Harnemos! The NPC is dead! "

"Yes?! "

Ajin asked with a surprised face. He hurriedly pushes away the obstructed NPCs and approaches the house.

The house flew completely, so I couldn't recognize the shape. The ruins of the houses are partly burnt and blackened. Azin looks at the ruins and falls to his knees with a dazzled face.

"Must have been an explosion during the experiment. "

A calm voice approaches. Azin looks at Hans, a vigilante with his hands on his shoulders, and cries.

"Oh, my God, how did... how did this..."

"Phew... It's a shame... but it's pretty common to encounter problems during magic. But I'm glad you didn't get caught up. "

Hans takes a deep sigh and shakes his head. Asin, who shed tears over his head, lifted up his sack that had fallen to the ground. He just blushes as he pulls the other Hanemoth out of the forest.

"Khh... I got this Harnemos for Shaq... How could this happen..."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... How did this happen?"

Hans shakes his head to see if any more consolation was meaningless. After crying for a long time, Azin raises his head and looks at Hans.

"What happened... to the body?" There must have been a Lunia in that house...! "

"Well, I found the body. Two bodies came out of the basement. It was so burnt that I couldn't confirm it properly... But it must be Shake and Lunia. Phew... I don't usually like Seike's magic experiments... He's angry because he's helping Seike by blowing winds. "

In saying that, he shed tears as his head fluttered.

Is that you?

I'm crying like that, and I hear voices in my head. Azin shudders at it. 'It's a whistle,' Azin thought. And in this world, you can use a vocal cord.

[I asked if it was you. Answer me, I don't want to speculate. I'm curious.]

It's just black snow. Azin slowly raises his head and looks for it. The smell of Raw Snow is not far away. She wears a black eye patch as usual, with her long black head hanging on a snug pipe. The thin black snow-scented eyes met the pain.

Azin twists his lips, his face stained with tears.