
Global Lord: I Am The Leader Of Earth Heroes

As many as six billion earthlings transmigrated to another world. The Lord Continent. Where they can find wealth, glory, eternal life and other desires. Equipped with the lost knowledge, where the history of the forgotten world is torn apart by something that cannot be explained by human reason. Adventure, blood, alliances, betrayal and despair. Follow Alex's journey as he uses the history only he knows to bring together forgotten heroes drowned in the river of time. Important: There are some characters who deviate from history, maybe the history we know is different? Or could it be that the gods deviated on purpose? Who knows? Feel free to give me ideas on which heroes you'd like to resurrect to battle in the Lord Continent.

Monarch_Sweetyfox · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Territory x Goblin

Alex looked at Gawain, the rookie militia, and the farmer who looked back at Alex with respect.

"Look at our surroundings, we are in the middle of a forest. Even the name which we still don't know."

"But to find information about where we are still takes a long time, we can't speed it up."

"Haste makes waste"

"We will get the information after we make the territory below us habitable," Alex said as he emphasized his tone to the sixteen pairs of eyes that were looking at him.


"Yes, sir!"

"You take those guys, rookie militia to clean up and search for resources, be it water or food around us. But remember not to go far, take a distance of about 500 meters from this Lord Territory as the center, then move around this place as a reference point."

"You can go now"

"Understood, my lord," Gawain said with a glint in his eye.

Gawain twisted his arm as he turned to the five militia rookies who were his subordinates now. "What are you waiting for, follow me quickly."

"Aye ayes sir!" shouted the five in unison.

Alex watched Gawain leave with the five rookie militia he had just recruited.

Gawain walked ahead accompanied by the five rookie militia he commanded. He tied his favorite horse to a tree trunk not far from the Hero Altar building.

"I hope Gawain can train them, is it possible to make the five militia rookies into knights? The system mentions the job system subtly. There are still many things I have to learn and analyze", Alex said in an impatient tone.

"Where is the tutorial section? Is it just me or are there many others who don't know about it?"

Alex weighed the options of whether he should observe the chat section to learn what others already knew.

"I don't think that's a good idea right now, I still need to clean this place," said Alex frowned.

"And these farmers, what should I do with them?"

"Before they start farming I should order them to clear the bushes in the territory."

"Not that they can farm right away since there is no land available for farming, Alex smiled a little.

"Come here you guys," Alex ordered the ten farmers to get in front of him.

Finally getting their orders, the farmers breathed a sigh of relief. They were not happy about not being ordered. Instead, they were afraid.

Afraid that Alex would find them a burden, and abandon them.

After Alex looked at them carefully, Alex saw that their clothes were simple, the men only wore a few clothes that only covered their chests and stomachs. The women were the same, but their clothes were a bit longer than the men. Not that the clothes were enough to protect them from the heat and cold though.

"Where are you from," Alex asked curiously.

"My lord, we come from the western part of the Lord Continent. All ten of us also live in the same village. A small village that was eventually destroyed by the beast riot."

"Uhh, I sympathize with you all. Don't worry, as long as you work hard and follow orders. I will try to make your lives better than before. I will also try to find the residents of your village."

"Thank you my lord."

"Thank you sir, you have a noble heart."

The farmers said with teary eyes, never before had their lord been like this. They didn't need much. As long as their stomachs were full and their safety was maintained, they were willing to work hard to make a living.

"Haha, don't cry like little children all of you," Alex said as he looked at them with sympathy.

'I promise I'll make my territory bigger so you guys can live more properly."

"But first I want you to clean up the inside of the territory."

"Cut down all the bushes and small trees using the hoe you're holding," Alex instructed the farmers in front of him.

"Yes my lord," the ten farmers responded with visible enthusiasm. They set to work immediately, cutting back bushes, sweeping up fallen leaves and cutting down small trees that were obstructing the road with their hoes.

Alex raised the corners of his lips at how enthusiastically they were working.

"Now, it's time for me to learn more about the system," Alex turned away and walked towards the Lord Manor with small steps.


Gawain walked in front followed by the five rookie militia. They had been walking for ten minutes and were circling their master's territory.

But suddenly Gawain halted his steps. "Stop," he ordered his men.

Gawain sniffed at the odour wafting through the air. "Hummph, this smell is familiar," and said so in an exasperated tone.

"Rotten goblins," Gawain said after which he spat towards the ground nearby. As if smelling goblins was the biggest insult to him.

"Prepare your weapons!" shouted him to the five rookie militia.

Hearing the order from commander Gawain, they immediately prepared the swords they carried on their waists.

Not far from where they stood, a group of about 20 goblins finally appeared.

Each goblin wore animal skin clothing that only covered their private parts.

The weapons they wielded were also made of bones and sharp rocks wrapped around wooden sticks. They look like disgusting creatures with a low level of intelligence.

"They are indeed disgusting creatures," Gawain agreed with what he had just thought.

"Yet another disgusting creature that multiplies rapidly," he recalled back to the days when he was still alive.

"I have fought against mighty dragons, cunning elves, and undead that have eternal life," old memories make him felt a little sad.

"Now I have to fight goblins that are so weak," Gawain grumbled a bit.

"I hope I can meet an opponent worthy of me, I'm sure there are many enemies I can fight in this Lord Continent," feeling that the future he saw was getting brighter and brighter.

"Oops, I was daydreaming about unimportant things while the battle is going to take place," Gawain felt himself getting older.

"Alright, now it's time for the warm-up to begin," he then drew the golden sword he held on his left arm.

"Time to hunt"