
Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

You are about to start your selected Apocalypse World. You are free to choose one of the Gift Packs you'll bring to help you in the early stages of the event. [ Energy Gift Pack ] [ Entertainment Gift Pack ] [ Food Gift Pack ] [ Medical Gift Pack ] [ Shelter Gift Pack ] [ Stealth Gift Pack ] [ Survival Tools Gift Pack ] [ Transport Gift Pack ] [ Water Gift Pack ] [ Weapon Gift Pack ] You have 10 minutes to choose. *** WSA 2024 Entry Please support! Thank you! ** Volume 1: The Third Apocalypse - Completed Volume 2: The Missing 9th Apocalypse: The Battle Against the Ender of Vampire's Rise Apocalypse - In Progress

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In the Grand Auction Hall, the atmosphere was quite tense as they just completed some intense competition...

Boxes of MREs were just sold for about 450 to 550 Points per box, and only 5 Bidders were able to obtain them.

They were Bidder 1101, who obtained 24 boxes; Bidder 1250, who obtained 8 boxes; and Bidder 1104, 1114, and 1134, who obtained 4 boxes each.

Each box contained 40 MRE packs, so it was certainly expensive. Nonetheless, having a different food aside from bread and biscuits was definitely an achievement for many of them.

After these boxes of MREs, the 47th item—a formidable set of 10 Ballistic Shields—was then claimed by Travis, the esteemed Clan Leader of the Drakeheart Vanguard.