
Giving The World With entertainment!

A man got killed by mysterious entity, got transported to a parallel world, it's more futuristic but lacks entertainment. Man starts making games! Movies! Manga! Anime! Victor: why is this world so futuristic and yet still have no new entertainment? This place is weird... Let's make them filled this world with entertainment! Note: this is very heavily inspired on multiple game developer novels and fanfics, and I don't any of these games or films or series, they belong to there respective companies. And I don't own the cover, it's a tekeshi's castle if anyone wondering.

DlinkerNovel · Derivasi dari game
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12 Chs

CH 11 Instant accept applications?

(here are the fonts used to differentiate and to help readers understand)

Thought or think

[digital or robot or digital communication voice]


Big or loud echoing voice












Ganyu indulges in her favorite pastime, playing Helldivers on her phone, when suddenly she is interrupted by a ringing notification. It distracts her from the game, prompting her to check her phone for the new alert.

"Hm?" Ganyu hums and checks it, discovering that it is actually the official website of the HelloKitty industry, a surprising revelation that catches her off guard.

"Hmmm???" Ganyu hums in shock as she sits right up in bed, her interest piqued at the sight of an official website associated with the game Helldivers, a game she is currently engrossed in playing.

Not only Ganyu, but all die-hard fans of Mindustry, UNO, and Among Us, games and card games produced by HelloKitty industry, are equally intrigued by the appearance of this new official website.

Intrigued by this unexpected development, Ganyu decides to explore the website further, only to come across a hiring notice that sparks her curiosity. "Hmm.. but I already have a job..." she muses.

Nevertheless, Ganyu eventually decides to take a chance and submits her survey and application, her thoughts reflecting a mix of uncertainty and cautious optimism, "I mean they wouldn't possibly-"


Shortly after submitting her application, Ganyu's phone suddenly beeps with a notification alerting her that her survey and application have been accepted.

"Eh?" Her eyes widen in absolute confusion at the swift acceptance of her application, leaving her surprised and intrigued by this turn of events "eeeeehh???"










Meanwhile, somewhere else...










"Bronya, what are you looking at?" Kiana inquired curiously as she peered over Bronya's screen while idly tapping away on her mobile phone.

"It's the HelloKitty industry again... And they've launched a new official website with job openings... Surprisingly, there's no specified age limit," Bronya informed her small group.

"oh? Do you plan on applying? Remember, we have school starting on Monday," Mei interjected, glancing up from her book.

"I might give it a shot," Bronya mused, retrieving her previously saved application from her phone.

"Wait, you already have an application ready?" Kiana exclaimed in surprise.

"Perhaps I'll give it a shot," Bronya pondered, scrolling through her phone files to locate her application. "I already have one prepared."

"You do?" Kiana exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, remember the time I worked at the café with my cousin?" Bronya reminded Kiana, maintaining a stoic expression.

Kiana's eyes widened in sudden realization. "Oh... OH! Yes, that cafe! Right, right," she murmured, scratching her head awkwardly.

With a resigned shrug, Bronya proceeded to complete the online survey on her phone. "I doubt I'll be accepted anyway," she muttered as she tapped the final submit button.

As a sudden "DING" echoed through the room, all three friends simultaneously voiced their confusion, "Eh?"

Bronya's eyes widened at the unexpected notification, Kiana raised an eyebrow, and Mei set her book down, all sharing a moment of puzzled anticipation.














Meanwhile, Somewhere else.

Yae Miko entered the house of Ei with a sense of concern etched on her face. Miko, donned in stylish attire accentuated by a jacket elegantly draped over her shoulder, cast her eyes around the room, her gaze searching for Ei's kids, but they were nowhere in sight. Presuming they were still in school, Miko pondered momentarily before taking a step towards the door. As the door swung open, her eyes widened at the sight that greeted her -- the room was a chaotic blend of Otaku and Weeb items, with remnants of finished junk food scattered amidst overflowing trash bags. Amidst the clutter, Miko found her friend Ei, engrossed in her game on the PC, her gaming session interrupted by Miko's entry.

"Here you are again," Miko remarked with a mixture of exasperation and concern evident in her voice, "I understand your sister is unwell, but shouldn't you strive to do better for both her and your children, rather than indulging in this mess?" Her eyes swept over the disarray around her before fixing back on Ei, her expression a mix of disappointment and determination.

Ei remained silent, her eyes reflecting her inner turmoil. "It's not as bad as it seems," she murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of defensiveness.

Unwilling to let the matter slide, Miko pressed on, her tone soft but resolute. "Listen, it's time for a change. Consider finding a new job or increasing your income, instead of relying on your child to support the family." With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she brandished her phone, revealing a surprising revelation to Ei.

Ei's confusion was palpable as she gazed at the phone in Miko's hand. "What's this?" she managed to ask, her curiosity piqued.

With a playful smirk, Miko divulged, "I've taken the liberty of applying for a job opportunity at the company behind the game you're engrossed in. They were impressed enough to extend an offer." Ei's eyes widened in disbelief as she struggled to process the unexpected turn of events.

Fumbling for words, Ei protested, "You can't just..." However, her protestations were cut short by Miko's decisive announcement of her successful application, leaving Ei dumbfounded.

Offering a parting smirk, Miko quipped, "Consider it a gesture of true friendship. I'll be raiding your fridge now as a reward. Until next time, Ei." With that, she made a swift exit, leaving Ei to grapple with the sudden whirlwind of emotions and possibilities that lay ahead.

As Miko's footsteps faded, Ei sank to her knees in contemplation, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. "What should I do now?" she mumbled, caught between the comfort of her routine and the uncertainty of change, "Urrghhh," she groaned in frustration, torn between the conflicting thoughts swirling in her mind.

"What do I do?" The weight of the impending conversation pressed on her, urging her to make a decision.

"I have to go out and have a talk." The inevitability of facing the situation head-on loomed over her, compelling her to confront her fears.

"Can I just not go?" A flicker of doubt sparked within her, hinting at the allure of avoidance, tempting her to escape the discomfort of the confrontation. "Yes. That's right." A fleeting moment of self-assurance surfaced, momentarily offering solace in the prospect of evading the interaction. "No wait."

However, a sudden realization dawned on her, shaking her certainty, as the potential consequences of avoidance materialized in her mind. "She might even drag me there."

The thought of being unwillingly coerced into the conversation sent a shiver down her spine, emphasizing the inevitability of the impending discussion. With a heavy heart and a mind clouded with uncertainty, she succumbed to the overwhelming emotions, collapsing to the floor, her body mirroring the chaos of her conflicted thoughts as she rolled around, grappling with the decision ahead.












As time continued to flow, an increasing number of individuals sought to submit applications for positions within the renowned HelloKitty industry, aiming to secure employment within one of the most prestigious sectors of the current era.

Surprisingly, a significant portion of these applicants found themselves promptly granted acceptance without much delay.

Victor, in particular, had strategically put forth his application in a manner that ensured almost instantaneous approval, harboring the intention of gaining direct access to the pertinent information during the forthcoming interview sessions. This calculated move was a product of his meticulous planning and anticipation of the recruitment process ahead.

While many were left baffled by the swiftness of their acceptance, the overall sentiment among the fortunate candidates was one of genuine elation and readiness to contribute effectively to the development of captivating video games, engaging movies, and delightful toys, creating an atmosphere saturated with entertainment as if from an endless downpour.

The passage of time saw merely three days elapse before Victor found himself immersed in a sea of applications, calmly perusing the extensive list with a composed expression that belied his underlying satisfaction. Without much ado, he proceeded to arrange for all the successful candidates to attend scheduled interviews set to commence the following day, effectively setting the stage for the next phase of the hiring process.

With this vital step completed, the foundation was laid for what lay ahead, with every detail meticulously planned and set in motion.

Victor murmurs to himself, "Now then... I don't really like to show my face... I'm not a chuuni or anything, but it's better to protect privacy," his voice dropping off as he looks at the item he had bought some time ago. Looking through his belongings, he finds this adorable cat face with a cute ribbon on it. Admiring the amusing item, a little smile pulls at the corner of his lips.

"Meh, it's perfect," he concludes with a satisfied tone, slipping the cat face on and instantly feeling a surge of confidence. The cool, smooth material fits snugly against his skin, transforming his appearance in a subtle yet noticeable way. With a newfound air of authority, Victor stands a little taller, his posture exuding a sense of self-assuredness that he wasn't aware he possessed.

Embracing this newfound persona, he thinks to himself, "Now then, I have to prepare for tomorrow." 












To be continued....

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