
Concerning Humanity's over-reliance in religion

Do you people need the hand of god to hold yours? Can you not march forward for the sake of your own beliefs? Your own responsibilities? There's no harm in taking god as a piece of emotional solance, but you must not use religion as a crutch. Your parents, siblings, lovers, friends, you must trust in them, as they trust in you. To ne dependent to god is the greatest mistake you could make. God will do nothing to your world. I can assure you of that, only you are capable of saving yourselves, or destroying yourselves. You are the ones with the power to change the world. To create miracles, they above will simply watch down upon you."

"It may sound sound cruel but the world is not his responsibility. No world is. The inhabitants are the ones who decide what happens to their worlds. God will do nothing, i promise you that."

"There will be always be those who depend on their parents forever. But the human of this world are children no longer, i ask that you walk by yourselves, talk by yourselves, if you do so, you should be able to walk with pride and strength, to clear all the obstacles in your path. With that, god will watch over you keenly."