
Meeting Him

Olive's POV

As I looked out the window all I could see were the passing trees going by, meaning we were close to our new house. "Olive. We need to talk." my mom said as I continued to play with the fog clouding on my window indicating the cold weather outside. I was not prepared for this weather is South Dakota. I was a Cali girl not a South Dakota girl.

"What's there to talk about mom? It's not like you made me move to South Dakota and away from all friends. Oh wait. You did!" I said almost shouting now. "Now honey we talked about this, The Golden Moon pack was headed to war and I didnt want you to be apart of it so when I got an offer from the Alpha of The Waning Crescent pack I accepted it." Right the Waning Crescent pack. The most powerful pack in the U.S wanted a witch and her human daughter to come and live with them.

I sat there in silence for the rest of the ride from the airport. Soon after that conversation we pulled up to a nice house surrounded by the forest. The house had cottage in the woods type feel but it was pretty big. There was a garden in the front that had what looked like mint and lavender growing in it, some basic potion ingredients. My mom quickly got out of the car and walked over to the door pulling out her keys. I got out of the car and was immediately caught by a freezing climate that had me shivering. Damn! How can South Dakota be this cold?! Truth be told I was wearing California clothes since I hadn't had time to go shopping for South Dakota yet. I jogged up to the door, my blonde hair blowing in the cold breeze.

When I walked inside, I immediately shut the door to keep the warmth from the heater inside. I looked around and my jaw almost dropped. The house was already decorated with the colors white, green and gray with hints of silver. The kitchen was absolutely beautiful with granite countertops and all stainless steel appliances. The dining room was nice with a table that could fit around 12 to 14 people. I quickly ran upstairs and opened a few of the doors to a bathroom, potions lab, library, office and another bedroom until I found my room.

The room was painted a nice lighter mint green color with an accent wall that was painted light gray and dark gray trees with wolf howling to the moon on a cliff. The bed was queen sized with gray and white comforters and mint and gray accent pillows. It had a balcony with double doors made of glass. A few windows scattered the room giving it good natural lighting. There was a bookshelf with some of my books in it. I had a nice desk in the corner with a chair. I looked over to the two doors and opened one of them which was the walk in closet with nothing in it yet.

I walked over to the other door which was a bathroom. It was white and black with a bathtub, shower and the other basics. "Honey! Come help me with these boxes from the car please!" I ran downstairs and grabbed my winter coat before running outside. My mom already had some boxes out of the car so I grabbed two and boxes and went to put them inside. After a little while we had all the boxes sorted out so I went back up to my room to put all the clothes away.

After putting up about half my clothes I heard knocking on my door as well as it opening. "Olive. I'm going over to the packhouse to meet the alpha for dinner," my mom said now coming into my closet to find me surrounded by clothes. "I'm going to be out till 11. There's some cash on the counter for pizza. Love you honey." and with that she left my room. I looked over to the clock by my bedside and realized it was 7:16.

I quickly got up from my clothes fort and walked downstairs. I called the pizza place and ordered a medium pizza and a drink. After it arrived I quickly paid the man then walked over to the couch and turned on Netflix. By the time I finished the pizza it was 10 so I decided i should take a quick shower before I go to bed. I quickly grabbed my towel then took a quick shower. After my shower I threw on a tank top and some pajama pants. I quickly fell asleep to a dreamless night.


I woke up to my alarm clock ringing in my ear. I got up and went to grab an outfit. I decided on a plain white sweater, some black jeans with rips on the knees, a gray scarf and some gray boot heels. I let my blonde hair down in waves and put on some light makeup over my icy blue eyes and freckles. Nothing much just some powder, mascara and a little bit of eyeshadow and highlight. I grabbed my lip gloss and swiped some on my lips before grabbing my gray jansport bag and phone. I walked downstairs and quickly ate a granola bar before looking at a note mom had left for me on the fridge.


I had to go to the pack hospital early this morning and will be there all day. Apparently last night rogues attacked the border and some of the warriors were injured so they needed me for faster recovery. I'll see you after school and remember were going out to dinner tonight with the packs Beta and Alpha. Look NICE please!


I looked over the note before leaving on my motorcycle. When I arrived at school I parked my Harley and set my helmet on the seat before heading in. When I headed in I was given weird looks by all the students. I headed to the office to get my schedule. "Hello, I'm Olive. I'm here to get my schedule." I tell the lady at the desk who is typing away at her computer. "Yes. Here is your schedule." She hands me my schedule and a folder saying Ardglass High School. I give her a small style and walk to my first class. Before I get to my class though I bump into someone causing both them and me to fall over.

"OMG! I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention." The girl says getting up and quickly grabbing her papers and hands me my folder. I look up to a sweet looking girl with dark brown hair with lighter tips at the end. She had lighter brown skin and dark brown eyes. "It's fine! Don't worry please." I get up and look over to her, she seemed to have a scared look on her face.

"I'm fine really. I'm Olive." I say extending my hand out to for her to shake it. She slowly takes my hand and shakes it. "Zemira. Zemira Lee. Are you from the Waning Crescent pack?" She asked in a soft voice as if scared for the answer. "I just moved to Ardglass actually. My moms the pack witch since the old one died." She looked at me terrified and I couldn't figure out why until I asked, "Are you part of the pack?" "N-no. I'm rogue. But the pack took me in as a maid but I usually get beat up by the other pack members." She said softly as if not wanting me to get angered which wasn't working. "WHAT!?" I yell infuriated.

She yelps fearful of my yelling. I look at her and my face immediately softens since I realize how petrified she was. "I'm sorry. If you ever have any injuries just come to my mom and I so she can heal you up." I look over at her and smile which she returns making me light up. "Do you know where Calculus is?" She nods and points to a class down the hall. I quickly thank her and head to Calculus. I sit down in the back of the room by a window, looking out at the forest. I take out my notebook and start doodling before looking back at the forest. Before I can finish my drawings I hear my name being called in the front of the classroom.

"Olive? Is Olive here?" I quickly raise my hand as he nods and continues with the names on the roll. I look back at forest and continued to doodle. "I will be assigning teams for the group project now. Jake your with Alex," I look over at who I assume is Jake as he walks over to Alex and they fist bump as Jake sits down next to him, "Olive you're with Cecilia," I look up from my doodling when I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Hi! I'm Cecilia!" says the beautiful brunette who quickly took a seat next to me. I smile at her and look down at my doodle which happens to be a wolf at the edge of a tree line with a girl next to him. I look back at the forest one more time before closing my book at looking back to Cecilia.

After the teacher is done pairing everyone of in their partners he says to talk about the projects with your partner. "Olive right? Your Velma's daughter correct?" she asked looking at me up and down. "Yes, how do you know my mom?" I ask confusingly. "Oh. I'm the Beta of the pack. Beta Cecilia." Wait. What?! This girl is the Beta? "I always thought Beta's were supposed to be male." I stated not realizing I said it out loud.

I look over at Cecilia who is holding her stomach in laughter. "Why would you think that?" she says in between laughing and snorting. "Nevermind." I say flustered about saying my thoughts out loud. "Oh. I get it. Your pack must have been one of those males are superior packs right?" I nod looking away. It wasn't that the Golden Moon pack was super male superior but the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Third were all males so I grew up expecting those positions to be filled with men.

"Those are old pack rules. Newer ones allow females to be in all those positions. Our Gamma is a she-wolf as well. Anyways we should get going. Lunch is startingggggg," she says just as the bell rings, "Now." She quickly grabs my hand before dragging me outside into the cold weather and sitting me down by a tree. "Can you do magic?" she asks suddenly, not letting me catch my breath from the sudden running.

"A little bit but just some elemental stuff. I am human after all." I say looking off into the forest taking a bite of the granola bar I had in my pocket. "You are? I would never have guessed that, you smell like a werewolf and some light cloudy smell but i don't know what it is." She shrugged it off and at a bite of her sandwich. "Cam youf showf meh somef?" She says her mouth full of food. I nod and raise my hand. A few small white orbs come from the palm of my hand. I start swishing the orbs around in the air as they multiple. I raise my hands and the orbs turn into a wolf howling at the moon. I put my hands down as the orbs animates into a wolf running through the forest.

I put my hands up and the orbs come back absorbing into my hand. "That. Was. AWESOME! You HAVE to show that to Asher tonight!" Oh yeah. Tonight is the dinner with the Beta and Alpha. "Well, as much as I would love to stay and hang out with you all day, I have to get to my next class." I say sitting up from my spot under the tree and grabs my bag. "Oh of course. I'll see you tonight then." She gets up as well and smiles before running off towards the school. I sigh before heading back as well.


School finally ends soon and I take off towards my house on my Harley. I park my bike outside and open the door to find an empty house, besides my cat Misty running around the house chasing something. I drop my backpack by the door and ran up to my room, kicking my shoes off somewhere along the way. I plop on to my bed and let out and exhausting sigh. Soon Misty finds her way to my room and jumps on my bed.

A little while later I finally decide to get up from my spot on my bed and get ready for dinner. I look through my closet before getting a text from my mom.

Honey I left a dress for you in my room

I walk over to my mom's room and open her door. I see a beautiful icy blue colored dress with white heels. The dress is strapless and is long and flowy made of a silk like material. I grab the dress and heels and walk back to my room to get ready. I quickly strip off my clothes and take a shower. I quickly get out of the shower and dry myself before slipping on my dress. It hugs my chest perfectly and shows my curves well.

I curl my hair and put on some makeup. I put on some powder, mascara, brown and gold eyeshadow, highlight, blush and some lip gloss. Not enough to look cake faced but just the right amount. I quickly strap on my heels adding a good 2 inches to my 5'6 stature. "OLIVE! COME ON! WE'RE LATE!"

I hear my mom yell from downstairs. I look in the mirror once more before grabbing my phone and silver clutch before walking downstairs to my mom in a formal black dress.

We quickly get into her car and drove to a formal restaurant. I get out of the car and look around the parking lot. Not a lot of cars but there's a few nice looking ones. We walk into the restaurant and my mom walks over to a table in the back. At the table I see Cecilia and some guy I've never seen before. I look over at him and immediately make eye contact. I sniff the air slightly, not enough to be noticeable, but enough that I get a whiff of the most extraordinary smell. Pine and lavender with a bit of a ocean scent.

"Asher," The man says now in front of me, "Alpha Asher."


Okay so that's the first chapter of Gifted From The Goddess!

I'm so excited to continue writing this story guys it's been OVERWHELMING! This is my first story so please remember to comment, like, vote and all the other goodies that readers do to author's stories. I would like to give a huge shout out to @zeezuh

For editing my stories and helping me with the character designs and stuffs.

Hopefully every Wednesday there will be a new Chapter up of Gifted From The Goddess around 4-5 Pacific Daylight Time Zone.

Welp, that's it for now, Remember

Reality Is An Illusion,

The Universe Is A Hologram,

Things are not what they seem,


( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )

My readers are called the Dark Crescent pack since I love it

psofiaavalinecreators' thoughts
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