
Ch 49 Rolling down in the deep

(No proofreading an somewhat shorter than normal.

Couldn't think of how to start, so I made a small R18.)

The night of fun ended with Leo making sure that both Robin and Nami couldn't move a muscle by the end, then going up to the pillow and lying down with the others to sleep.

As Leo was drifting off, he felt someone lie on his chest and then fell asleep.


When morning came, Leo awoke with a yawn, only to freeze when he saw a pair of beautiful blue eyes and long pink hair. Shirahoshi was lying his chest, staring at his face with a serious expression.

Seeing Shirahoshi lying on him, Leo put his hands on her back and smiled at her. "Good morning Shirahoshi."

Opposite of what he expected, Shirahoshi's cheeks puffed out as she pouted Leo and then looked to the side.

Initially confused, Leo tilted his head, but then remembered what happened before going to sleep. He realised that it was her that lay on him and that meant she had probably been awake for awhile, meaning she watched at least what he did with Nami and Robin, which was the most extreme.

Leo gulped nervously. He didn't want her to be exposed to sex in such a fashion. Shirahoshi is so pure that he doesn't think he could bear the thought of corrupting her and making her make such expressions beneath him as she let's do whatever he want to her... Well... Actually, that would make a for cute scene that he would enjoy and only share with his girlfriends.

This was something that ran through his mind as he stared at Shirahoshi and saw a blush creep up her neck as her eyes widened in embarrment. That thought and the annoyance to all men, that always comes in the morning, his boner was pressed up against smooth stomach.

Chuckling awkwardly, Leo was going to apologise to her, but then Shirahoshi sat up and revealed her beautiful, well developed body in all its glory. Her clothes were nowhere to be seen and now that she'd sat up, her pussy was pressed up against his hard-on and she was staring down at it with embarrassed determination.

Before Leo could think or say anything, Shirahoshi lifted her body up as she grabbed her beloveds member and then plomped herself down on him.

There was silence for a moment. In that moment, Leo came to and realised what she'd just done, while Shirahoshi's eye widened and her teeth clenched together.

Tears suddenly welled up in her eyes and Leo quick sat up, hugging her as she tried to handle the pain of not only losing her virginity, but also of suddenly prying herself open on a large rod. The pain was too much for her to handle and she started crying into his chest.

As Leo hugged her, she began lift her hips up as though to remove the thing bringing her such pain, only to then drop back down. She ignored the pain she felt and continued to move her body to have sex with the person she loves.

When she first started, Leo wanted to stop her, but he felt all of her determination and courage she had summoned in order to take this integral step in their relationship. He couldn't bring himself to dismiss all her efforts, so he chose to help her instead.

Bringing a hand from her back, he gently held her face and raised her head so he could see her, then abruptly began kissing her. The kiss surprised Shirahoshi and she stopped moving.

As she realised what was happening, happiness and love flowed inside her, making her start to forget about the pain she felt. Her body started to relax into Leo's and her arms wrapped around him as she left her being to him.

Leo kept kissing her for more than a minute and then began slowly rocking his hips. This brought some initial discomfort to Shirahoshi, but the previous pain was all but gone.

While he slowly moved, his hand on her back started to wander down to her soft, pearly white rear. Shirahoshi felt his hand start to massage butt and felt embarrassed, but right now, she wouldn't let her timid personality stop her from enjoying this moment she mentally worked hard for.

Her determination was affirmed once more and she decided to continue what she started. Gradually, she moved her hips, failing to match up with Leo, but not putting any focus on it and putting more attention on the rising pleasure that had appeared.

When Shirahoshi started moving again, Leo experience came into play and he change his movements to work with hers, focusing on making it pleasurable for her.

By now, the other five girls had woken up and were watching the two as they passionate embraced each other. It was a surprise to see the innocent Shirahoshi in such a position, but they had know it was going to happen eventually and knew that she had been wanting to join them anyways, so seeing her so passionately and softly making love with Leo, they just smiled sweetly.

To them, with Leo as the bridge, they were all family. So seeing their adorable little sister finally take the step to become a woman, they felt proud of and happy for her. Even the recently joined Sharley was feeling this way, though more from the perspective of a supportive friend, though feeling embarrassed that she did it with him before her, just last night, even though she probably should have went first.

They watched silently and without moving around. None of them wanted to possibly disturb them, knowing how embarrassed Shirahoshi would be if she realised that she was being watched.

As the two lovers continued to have sex, Shirahoshi started going a bit faster, breaking from the kiss with heavy breathing and closed eyes. Her body was more or less moving on it's own and had forgotten about any pain she might have felt, falling into a hypnotic state of pleasure.

Leo could clearly see her breasts bouncing up and down, so with the hand that had been lovingly coming through her hair and massaging her scalp, he brought down and began fondling one of her large breasts. As he fondled the springy softness, he leaned in and began gently kissing her neck.

Feeling the additional pleasure of having her breast massaged and the volley of loving kisses on her neck made her subconsciously shift the position of hips as she bounce her body. Suddenly, she felt an increase in pleasure from finding her G-spot and a cute, melodious moans escaped from her lips.

With the discovery of this pleasure spot, she began moving her body so that Leo's penis would repeatedly hit it and sped up again.

It was clear to everyone that she was getting close to her first climax. Seeing this, a certain sense of anticipation grew in them and they were suddenly eager to see the once innocent Shirahoshi experience her first orgasm.

The time for Shirahoshi to reach her peak closed in and her breathing became more ragged as she worked for the end result, which she had no experience of.

Leo saw and felt her nearing her end, so he prepared himself to join her and started to thrust with vigor. Moments passed, Shirahoshi's moans rang out and both of their bodies moved more roughly. Then, with a pleasured groan from Leo and a melodious, drawn out moan of ecstasy from Shirahoshi, they both came in tandem.

The foreign feeling of having her stomach fill with a hot fluid left Shirahoshi with a shiver of delight. Her upright body fell into Leo's comforting embrace and she panted tiredly with a pleasant expression on her flushed face, her sweet scented sweat coating her beautiful figure and adding a healthy sheen to her flawless skin.

While she was catching her breath, Leo didn't move except for stroking her luscious hair that fell loosely down her back. When she had caught her breath, she lifted her head and looked at him yearningly.

Leo saw this and smile lovingly, before leaning in and connecting his lips with hers. They shared another kiss that expressed all their feelings for the other and then simply embraced each other in a comforting hug.

After a while, the other girls decided to stop hiding and coughed lightly to draw their attention. Leo already knew they were awake and watching, but Shirahoshi froze hearing the cough and then she reached the horrifying realisation of what she'd just done, along with how she acted and that this had all been witnessed by others. She felt like she was going to die of embarrassment.

Suddenly, she felt a few sets of arms wrap around her and heard the happy voices of the others. "Eeeek!!! You did so well! You were so cute!! We're so proud of you!!!"

The girls completely ignored her embarrassment, which was increased when she remembered that she was still holding Leo's dick inside her. They hugged and congratulated her on taking this big step, talking about how they were excited to have her join them next time, leading her to become more embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Leo just smiled. But, he also notice that a certain someone was keeping a distance and was unsure of herself.

Carefully lifting Shirahoshi off his lap and removed his member from her tight grip. He kissed her forehead and said quietly. "You should talk with them for a little bit. I need to comfort Sharley."

Hearing this, she looked over at Sharley and saw her with a nervous, unsure atmosphere. She then looked at Leo and nodded with a smile, giving him a kiss and then saying. "Mm. Okay. Big Sis Sharley needs you more." She then moved off of him and turned to sit with others, who hugged and teased her immediately.

Leo got up and went to Sharley, who was too distracted to notice him approach. So, when she was suddenly caught in a hug by the powerful arms of Leo, she almost jumped with fright. A moment later, she was calm and looked up at him, who had grown to fit her size. "Huh? What are you doing? Shouldn't you be with the Princess?"

Shaking his head, he simply answered. "Shirahoshi is perfectly fine, if not feeling a little sore after her first time. But, you aren't, so you need some assurance." He tightened his hug and rested his head on hers. "You don't have to worry that last night was just some drunken mistake. If I didn't have feelings for as well, then the others wouldn't have dragged you with them. And no matter how drunk I was, I wouldn't have done something I didn't intend to take responsibility for. So..."

Loosening his hold on her, Leo cupped a hand on her cheek and looked her in the eye lovingly. Then, without hesitation, he leaned in and kissed her.

Sharley felt happiness bloom inside her and passionately returned the kiss. Truthfully, she never imagined that the one she had such a terrifying vision of, that the one that killed her wretched brother would be such a caring and loving person toward her, nor that she would fall in love with him.

Forgetting any and all worries, she just enjoyed being in his embrace and receiving his love.


Once everything settled down and emotions were calmed, Leo and the girls had a bath to clean off the smell of sex that they worked up before going to the dining hall where breakfast had already been started.

When they arrived, there were some that tiredly stared at them and others that were nursing hangovers. Then there was Shirahoshi's mom, Otohime, who through her Haki had found that her daughter had lost her virginity and was giggling as she planned to tease her.

A shiver ran through Shirahoshi's spine and she felt a foreboding feeling as she looked around, only for her eyes to fall on her mother, who looked like a laughing Demon with bright red eyes. She was about to turn and run away, but defying common sense, Otohime had somehow appeared behind her and already dug her claws into her prey.

Shirahoshi was then dragged away by her mother while the girls joined them. Leo could only wryly laugh as Shirahoshi cried for him to save her.

Leo joined the other guys for breakfast. When he sat down, he looked at Zoro, who had his head on the table while he groaned from his hangover. "So, Zoro, how you feeling after drinking just a drop of my liqueur?"

Rather than an answer, Zoro just groaned in pain. Leo laughed at him a bit and then threw some Angel fire at him, relieving him of the headache.

Feeling his brain stop melting, Zoro finally lifted his head up and then glared at Leo. "I hate you..."

Gasping in shock, Leo his chest as if he was hurt and pretended to be upset. "Wha!? How could you say that!? After all I've done... Getting you not one, but two girlsfriends! All those training session and good times... How could it come to this sad day where I'm hated so?..."

The people around them laughed at the show Leo was putting on, while Zoro's eye was twitching as he grit his teeth. Slowly, Zoro started reaching for his swords.

Leo continued to mess around though. "And here I thought we were besties! Destined to fight and take on the world together... Well... I guess after getting a couple girlfriends, the mighty Zoro no longer needs me. I've been replaced..."

Finally, Zoro snapped and drew his swords, slashing at Leo with full force. His attack totally missed though, as Leo jumped back while grinning mischievously.

Zoro put his third sword in his mouth and shouted as he chased him. "Get here you bastard!!"

"Haha!" Leo kept jumping around with Zoro trying to hit him. "What's this? Did I embarrass you? Did you not want people to know that you have a friend and even girlfriends?" He dodged a couple swings leisurely. "Ah! I know, you want everyone to think your a tough guy, right? Only caring about swords and alcohol? Well, don't worry buddy, no one will think less of you for being a softy on the inside!"

They now had the attention of everyone in the hall and they were laughing at the show. Luffy even shouted out while holding his stomach from laughter. "Yeah! That's right Zoro! We don't mind you being a softy!!"

Growling with a red face from embarrassment, Zoro stopped holding back and started using Haki on his swords. Seeing him use his full strength, Leo made a spear and started clashing with him while grinning.

Now that they were using such strength, to the weaker people, they were just flashes of light and the occasional blasts. For the strong people that could see, they just enjoyed the show while eating.

As for the girls, Leo's girlfriends and Perona. They were watching them with wry smiles, wondering how such a powerful person can act like such a kid. Not to say that some of them didn't enjoy the fight.

The two of them kept fighting for some time, Leo making jokes and continuing to mess with Zoro. Unfortunately, Leo's fun was taking a bit too much time. "Don't worry Zoro, I will bring you wherever I go and announce to the world our friendship!" He then decided to go on the offensive and said. "But first, I'll kick your ass!"

Laughing, Leo suddenly thrust his spear out as Zoro came towards him and caught all three of his swords with the spear point. Zoro was shocked at the familiar scene and there was a moment of pause as Leo's grin widened.

That moment was broken as a ripple spread from the spear point through the air and blasted Zoro back like a leaf. He would have smashed straight into a wall, but Leo didn't want to destroy the Palace, so he sped over to where Zoro was headed and caught him by his foot.

Handing upside-down by his foot, Zoro was feeling dizzy and like he'd been hit in the head, nauseously complaining. "What happened to no powers..."

Leo laughed. "I've said it before, that was skill and technique. Besides, you deserve it after what you did last time." He let go of Zoro's leg, making him fall, before walking away.

Hearing this, even as he lay on the floor, Zoro shot up and shouted at him. "Your still on about that!? It was a month ago and you deserved it first!!"

This was all a very common occurrence for the two of them. During the last two years, they had gotten in the habit of doing something to mess with the other and then start a fight, like when Leo sent a fireball to chase him.

Leo's reason for these last two pranks is that a month ago, Zoro 'kidnapped' Leo during a nap and smeared some Sea King luring mush on, before then drifting him into the sea. When Leo woke up, he was already in the stomach of some Sea King. This marked the fourth time and he was still upset about it.

No matter what though, both Leo and Zoro knew that they were just messing around, so their friendship wasn't damaged in anyway, just their pride.


For just two more days, the crew stayed on Fishman Island and enjoyed themselves, but like always, they had to leave.

"Hmph! I want you to stay longer!" As they were boarding the Thousand Sunny, Shirahoshi was latched on to Leo with an iron grip.

Of course, Leo could get out of her grasp in a number of ways, but she was just too cute. He stroked her head while chuckling. "Come on, I'll be coming back to see you soon and you'll still have Sharley with you. So, be a good girl or I'll have to punish you~" Speaking of punishing her, he did so with a whisper.

Shirahoshi blushed hearing this and let go of him, looking away shyly. She was reminded of what Leo did to punish Nami and Robin, and while she has some curiosity towards new things, she doesn't think her heart could bear such treatment as she would probably die of embarrassment.

Seeing her like this, Leo laughed lightly and leaned down, giving her a quick kiss. "I will be seeing you soon. Love you."

Nodding shyly, she smiled slightly, happy for his love. "Love you too."

Leo smiled and gave her one last head pat before turning and jumping on to the ship, with the already prepared crew.

With Leo now on board it was time to leave, they were seen off by the Royal family and some friends they made. Unfortunately, Sharley had a business to run, so she couldn't join them, but had already said her goodbyes.

The crew smoothly sailed out of the containment bubbles and into the open sea once more. They already had their heading and didn't have much to do, so Nami went for a bath, while the guys decided to go underwater fishing.

Usopp was tying ropes together to make a stronger one capable of handling the fish's weight. Beside him, Luffy was getting hyped and almost bouncing.

Once the rope was ready, they looked out of the bubble around the ship and started choosing which fish they were going to get. Zoro was staring at a monstrous looking one that apparently would be good with salt. Usopp pointed at an eel which he thought would go well with soy sauce. And Luffy chose a giant blobfish looking thing that he wanted to eat with mayonnaise.

Without bothering with discussion, Luffy punched through the bubble and instantly knocked the fish out. He then got Usopp to shoot the hook he made and captured the fish.

Before they could even pull it in, another giant fish came and chomped down on the blob fish, which turned into bait. But before they could even complain, an even bigger fish came and ate that one.

Seeing this, Leo chuckled and said. "There's always a bigger fish." Beside him, Robin chuckle as well. This made Leo smile, because someone finally understands his references.

When he was in the Twilight-verse, he got the Star Wars movies and watched them with the girls. So now, although not all of his references get a reaction, at least some of them do.

Zoro quickly dealt with the new fish and Sanji started talking about how to cook them. It was only moments later that shouted in surprise. "Whoa! What's that? A snake?"

Looking over, everyone saw a humongous, winding white stream that looked like a snake. After a moment, Robin realised what it was and informed them. "That's a Whiteström. It's a giant white whirlpool that appears without any warning on the sea floor, usually on the Grand Line. If a ship gets caught in one, it usually shows up somewhere else with no crew on board." She told them with a calm smile, which totally didn't fit the situation.

If it wasn't for the existence of Leo, this would be quite a scary event. But he did exist, so what need was there to worry. Well, that was her thought process.

Nami came running out a couple seconds later, likely from feeling the ship being pulled first by the fish and then by the whirlpool that was sucking the fish in. Seeing this and that no one was doing anything, she sighed and then shouted at them angrily. "What are you idiots doing!? Don't just stand there, cut that thing loose and then move the ship away from here!!"

Luffy started complaining and telling her that they were going to eat the fishes, so they couldn't get rid off them. This started a small back and forth between them, at which point it was too late and the ship was already close to entering.

Leo didn't bother stopping them from entering and simply reinforced the ship while ensuring that the bubble wouldn't break. So, as a result, the ship entered the whirlpool and everyone was almost thrown around like toys.

This made Leo laugh, as besides himself, the others grabbed on to whatever they could to stop themselves. Leo was just sitting in his seat while completely unaffected by the rolling of the ship.

Quite suddenly though, the ship bumped into some thing and was knocked out of the whirlpool. With the ship stopped, everyone got up while shooting an irritated look at the laughing Leo, then looked to see what it was that they hit.

What they saw was only a giant eye staring at them, bring some shock to them. The creature stared at them for a few seconds and then moved away, slowly revealing its full body and allowing them to see a massive whale.

Following this, they saw a whole lot more. They'd come across a pod of Island Whales, the same species as Laboon. Seeing this made Brook emotional and he started playing a song.

The whales seemed to enjoy the music and one ended up going under the ship, before the whole pod began making their way to the surface and giving them a ride.

With the help of the whales, it was only a couple minutes before they reached the surface and cheered. Around them, they saw a raging inferno on the sea ahead that dyed the sea red, with a storm in the sky above. Seeing this, there were a few comments, but none of the excitement diminished.

After getting air, the whales sank back into the sea and Brook gave a tearful farewell. In the distance, Luffy noticed an island with an active volcano and even though they were caught in a storm, he wanted to go there.

Nami denied him and pointed out that her new log pose with three needles, wasn't pointing towards that island.

They argued some, Luffy wanting to go to the island and Nami trying to dissuade him because of the fire. In this time, the fish they caught was being burnt, only a small about being removed by Sanji.

While this was happening, Leo was staring at the island with an ominous gaze, the flames on the sea reflecting in his eyes and seeming to rise an his anger. "Enough Nami." He told her, making her and the smiling Luffy look at him, but then saw the look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Seeing his expression, Luffy lost his smile and looked at him seriously. He know Leo well enough now that he could understand that he didn't want to go to have fun.

"Based on the sins I feel, someone is doing human experiments on children." His voice was cold and steady, but they could clearly feel his killing intent.

Everyone listened in when he was talking. They were shocked and disgusted, becoming angry at the thought. Sanji especially had hatred for whoever it was, having been an experiment himself.

Luffy turned to the island angrily and announced. "Then we are going there no matter what!"

"Right!!" The crew answered and Nami no longer wanted to argue, so she took the helm herself and direct the ship towards the island. When they were going to enter the flames, they moved out of the ships path by Leo's will, letting them through safely. They didn't even listen as the ships transponder snail rang, it being to quiet from the fear of the aura the whole crew emitted.

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