
Genshin Impact: I Open Manga Store in Teyvat

Transmigration to the World of Teyvat, Takarou acquired the Divine-level Manga Store System. By serving a certain number of customers, exclusive rewards can be obtained. Paimon: I really want that Doraemon foodie tablecloth! Noelle: A maid should have a Gundam! Tartaglia: Why do others get strong Pokémon while mine is just Psyduck? Lumine: If I can improve my abilities simply by visiting the manga store every day and reading manga, then why should I bother looking for my brother?

Otaku_Weaboo · Derivasi dari game
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59 Chs

Invitation for the Ceremony

"If Takarou really comes to Liyue, they can also make requests," Ningguang said.

And now, Takarou had actually arrived in Liyue. Ningguang would give Takarou some face. Before long, Ningguang had someone transport the Porsche 356A back. The next step would be the research.

"Mr. Owner, now that the Farewell Ceremony is over, why don't we have a meal at the Jade Chamber?"

"Hmm, I'll come if I have the opportunity."

"Then, Mr. Owner, Xiangling, I'll take my leave."

"Ah, the vehicle was taken away, and I won't be able to experience it," Hu Tao sighed helplessly as she watched Ningguang and the others leave.

There was nothing she could do. Xiangling, the person involved, had already agreed. Hu Tao couldn't be pushy and make Xiangling go back on her word, right?

Besides, Xiangling had also told her about the past of Wanmin Restaurant. Despite Hu Tao's carefree demeanor, she understood things quite well.

"Mr. Owner, it's getting late. How about we all go to Wanmin Restaurant for a meal?"

"Of course, and the Traveler should come along too."

Xiangling naturally welcomed the opportunity to make new friends. After all, having another friend was always nice.

"Hu Tao, would you like to come to my home for a meal?"

"Of course, I definitely want to!" Hu Tao nodded repeatedly. She had many things she wanted to ask Takarou.

"Alright, let's go." Takarou closed the doors of the New Century Manga Store.

And so, the group consisting of Xiangling, Hu Tao, Lumine, Paimon, and Takarou headed towards Wanmin Restaurant.

"Dad, I'm back, and I've brought a few friends."

"Haha, friends of my daughter are welcome!"

Master Mao looked at Takarou and the others, a smile appearing on his face. As a father, he naturally wanted to treat his daughter's friends well.

"Master Mao, sorry for the trouble."

Takarou looked at Master Mao and couldn't help but say that the dishes at Wanmin Restaurant were the most affordable in Liyue. After all, it was likely that the dishes at Wanmin Restaurant were cheaper than those at the other restaurants. Regular people could afford to eat at Wanmin Restaurant, while eating at other places would probably cost a considerable amount of money.

"You all have a seat, and I'll prepare the food for you."

Xiangling invited Takarou and the others to sit down, then began to busy herself.

"Guoba, breathe fire."

"Mr. Owner, your manga store is truly amazing."

"It would be so great if I had a store like that too." For Hu Tao, the idea of receiving rewards just by reading manga was extremely enviable.

"I think Hu Tao's Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is also great."

"But if Hu Tao didn't have to rely on encounters with people to promote the business of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, it would probably be even better."

Takarou had encountered many similar sales approaches in the past. He had received calls every now and then, asking if he wanted to buy insurance or investment products.

However, it was a completely different world from this one. In that world, sometimes a simple phone call was enough. But in this world, if Hu Tao wanted to promote her business, she either had to distribute flyers or personally go around.

"Hu Tao, if you want to get clients, I can actually give you a clue."

"Oh?" Hu Tao raised an eyebrow.

"Mr. Owner, please tell us more," Hu Tao urged.

"In the next few days, there will be some major events happening in Liyue. Hu Tao, you should observe them closely," Takarou said.

As for the specific details, Hu Tao would understand them when the time came. In just a few days, the Geo Archon would retire, and Wangsheng Funeral Parlor would increase its business.

"At that time, Zhongli will take action. He will serve himself, eat his own banquet," Takarou explained.

"Hey, Mr. Owner, why are you being like that old fogey from my family? You always leave things half-said," Hu Tao complained, intentionally teasing Takarou by withholding information.

"Old fogey from your family? Who's that?" Paimon asked Hu Tao curiously.

The old fogey from her family was Zhongli, an enigmatic guest invited by Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. He possessed a handsome appearance, graceful manners, and knowledge far surpassing ordinary people. Though his origins were unclear, he was well-versed in etiquette and knew the rules. He presided over the farewell ceremonies at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and could perform various rituals for heaven, earth, and all things.

Even the most discerning and bookish scholars couldn't find any fault with the farewell ceremonies organized by Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. The attire of the participants, the auspicious timing and location of the ceremonies, the tools used, and even the weather on that day, the duration of the ceremony, the number and qualifications of the spectators – if all of these aspects were taken into account, they all adhered to proper etiquette.

But it's just that it costs me a lot of money, which gives me a headache. Speaking of Zhongli, Takarou recalled an interesting anecdote. Zhongli had a dislike for seafood. During the Archon War, war raged throughout Teyvat, not only between the Archons but also with countless monsters trying to expand their territories during the chaos.

Among them, there was a particular type of monster that annoyed the Geo Archon, who had yet to ascend to become one of the Seven Archons. These monsters emerged from the deep sea, with soft skin covered in scales and nimble limbs. Even when their limbs were severed, they could survive and excrete a sticky and moist liquid. These characteristics alone were revolting, but that wasn't the main point.

The main point was that they were "tiny" and seemed to be everywhere. Tables, chairs, benches, door cracks, window shutters, curtain folds, even teacups, books, and pen holders – whenever people reached out their hands, they could potentially touch something cold, sticky, and moist. These monsters would crawl on the back of their hands, leaving behind a sparkling trail wherever they went.

In response to the prayers of the early inhabitants of Liyue, Morax promised to eradicate these creatures. However, for monsters that parasitized human society, Morax couldn't simply throw countless spears and shatter the earth like on the battlefield.

Nevertheless, Morax was still the "God of Contracts" from future times. Whatever he promised, he would fulfill.

Driven by a sense of responsibility, he manipulated the size of the Geo Prisons, extracting these monsters one by one from countless houses.

When the prolonged extermination war finally ended, Morax understood the true meaning of the phrase "a weight lifted off one's shoulders." The troublesome extermination and the nauseating slime of aquatic monsters left a deep impression on him.

Even as an incarnation named Zhongli, who lived in a port city, he distanced himself from all living and wriggling seafood.

However, he could still eat seafood tofu, where it was difficult to discern the original form of the ingredients.

"He's such an eccentric person. Lumine, if we have the opportunity, we should definitely meet him," Takarou suggested.

Lumine nodded in agreement. From Hu Tao's words, she also knew that this enigmatic guest named Zhongli from Wangsheng Funeral Parlor was knowledgeable about many things. If they had a chance to meet him, perhaps they could learn more about her brother's whereabouts. Finding her brother would become much easier if she could obtain information from him.


Lumine also wanted to meet Zhongli and ask him some questions. After all, according to Hu Tao, Zhongli knew a lot of things.

Before long, Xiangling brought out many dishes and placed them on the table. Gouba, who was by Xiangling's side, followed closely.

Looking at Gouba, Takarou remembered Gouba's origin. He truly was a great deity.

"Gouba's true identity is the God of the Stove, originally named Marx. According to Madame Ping's account in the game's promotional video, Gouba used to have a large and towering form as the God of the Stove. He could also transform into countless replicas. As a benevolent deity, it helped households with cooking and bringing people together. After encountering a flood, Gouba created the portable delicacy 'Spicy Stewed Meat and Buns' to help the people who were forced to relocate to Liyue Harbor on their way and alleviate their hunger. In the end, Gouba exerted almost all of its power to suppress the disasters on the land, bringing happiness to the people. However, it ended up shrinking to a size barely resembling a human and fell into a deep slumber."

In Liyue, many people have sacrificed too much for this barren land. Those people were great and deserving of respect.

"Lu Lu~"

Gouba noticed Takarou's gaze fixed on it and looked puzzled. "Mr. Owner, is there something you're looking at Gouba for?" Xiangling also expressed her confusion.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just recalled some things," Takarou smiled and shook his head. Then he said, "Let's all start eating."

Though they were still curious, everyone suppressed their questions and began to eat with their chopsticks.

"Hey, Master Mao, who is Xiangling entertaining now?" Some passersby inside Wanmin Restaurant observed Xiangling dining with a few guests.

"These few are my daughter's friends who came to our house for a meal together," Master Mao replied. "As for Hu Tao, you know her. But as for the others, I'm not familiar with them."

Master Mao shook his head, indicating that he wasn't acquainted with Lumine, Paimon, or Takarou, so he couldn't provide any answers.

"Oh," the passersby smiled mischievously. "So that handsome man, could he be..."

"What nonsense!" Master Mao glared at the person. "My daughter is still so young!"

If she really found someone she liked, she would at least have to tell her father, right? No, I'll have to ask her later. The group continued eating and chatting. From their conversations, Xiangling and Hu Tao learned that Takarou had initially opened a comic book store in Mondstadt and had only arrived in Liyue today.

As for the specific place Takarou was from, he didn't provide any details to them. He simply said that he, like Lumine, was a traveler. After finishing dinner, Takarou and the others left Wanmin Restaurant.

"Daughter, there's something your old father wants to ask you," Master Mao said as he looked at Xiangling after Takarou and the others had left.

"Father, what is it?" Xiangling asked.

"Who were those guests today?"

After asking, Master Mao nervously watched Xiangling, afraid to hear any shocking revelations from his daughter.

"Father, you're asking about that?" Xiangling replied. "The golden-haired girl is Lumine, and the little flying companion beside her is Paimon. As for the other person, he's quite impressive. His name is Takarou, the owner of New Century Comic Store. Today, I went to his store to read manga, and although it cost me 10,000 Mora, I received a car in return."

"And I've experienced it myself. That car is amazing. Once you sit in it and operate it a bit, it can start moving."

"Wow, something so incredible? What happened to the car then?"

"Father, it's a pity. The car was taken away by Lady Ningguang. She said she wanted to study it. She'll return it to me after seven days."

"If it hadn't been taken away by Lady Ningguang, I could have taken you out to experience it tonight."

"Taken away by Lady Ningguang?"

"Well, that's alright. Since Lady Ningguang said she'll return it after seven days, we should trust her."

"Seven days will pass quickly, and when the car comes back, I'll take you for a ride, Father."


"But... Daughter, how do you view Mr. Owner?"

"Regarding Mr. Owner... he's quite mysterious. After all, in our Liyue, there has never been a case where reading manga rewards you with things from within the manga. Mr. Owner's comic book store can achieve that, and it's truly astonishing." After listening to his daughter's words, Master Mao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Daughter, do you only think of Mr. Owner as mysterious?"

"Yes, Father, what's the matter with you?"

Xiangling nodded, looking at her father with confusion. She couldn't understand what was going on with him today.

"It's nothing, I was just curious," Master Mao waved his hand and shook his head.

"Oh, I see. Then I'll go busy myself."

"Sure, go ahead."

Time passed quickly, and three days had passed since Lumine arrived in Liyue. Today was the annual ritual of inviting the gods in Liyue.

"Mr. Owner, today is the annual ritual of inviting the gods in Liyue. Do you want to go and take a look?" Lumine looked at Takarou in the New Century Comic Store.

The ritual of inviting the gods, huh? Takarou looked at Lumine and recalled Ningguang's invitation. After contemplating for a moment, he said, 'Lumine, no matter what happens during the ritual, don't panic and stay by my side.'

"Mr. Owner, why did your expression suddenly become so serious?"

"Could something big happen during the ritual today?"

Paimon flew up to Takarou and asked in confusion. In her view, during the ritual of inviting the gods in Liyue, the Lord of Geo would bestow his oracle. Could there still be trouble at that time?

If someone were really causing trouble during this event, it would mean they had no regard for Liyue's Seven Stars.

"It's a secret. Just stick close to me during the ritual."

"Alright, let's go."

Takarou didn't reveal anything and gave a mysterious smile. Then he closed the store door and set off with Lumine and the others towards the Jade Chamber.

I wonder if we'll see Tartaglia later? If we do, should I give him a Klee plush toy as a gift?

Tartaglia and Klee would be a perfect match. Today was the annual ritual of inviting the gods in Liyue.

Everyone in Liyue put aside their tasks and awaited the arrival of the Lord of Geo. Before long, Takarou, Lumine, and Paimon arrived near the ritual site. Ningguang noticed Takarou and the others' arrival. She nodded slightly at Takarou and smiled.

Takarou nodded back.

Standing beside Ningguang were two female attendants responsible for the ritual. As for characters like Keqing and Ganyu, as well as the other members of Liyue's Seven Stars, Takarou didn't see them. But even if they weren't present, they were probably busy preparing other things.


Later, Ningguang looked up at the sky and took a step forward. The auspicious moment had arrived. The two female attendants retired. Ningguang's body shimmered with yellow light, and there were several yellow crystals swirling around her waist. With a wave of her hand, several yellow crystals flew into the cauldron, and suddenly, a more dazzling yellow light shot up into the sky, stirring the clouds and forming a vortex. The people around wore excited expressions because they could now witness the arrival of the Lord of Geo. However, it didn't turn out as everyone had expected. Suddenly, the sky changed, and the clear sky turned completely black at that moment.

"Star of Destiny" Ningguang and the two attendants looked up in shock until darkness completely enveloped them. Then, a gigantic dragon descended from the sky, knocking over the incense burner and destroying all the props used for the ritual, leaving behind only a dragon corpse. Looking at the shattered altar and the overturned incense burner, Ningguang was dumbfounded. She paid no attention to the onlookers or the two attendants lying on the ground but anxiously flew over to the dragon corpse, squatting down to examine it carefully. However, she ultimately felt hopeless; it seemed to be the body of the Lord of Geo.

The onlookers began to whisper among themselves. Most of the people here were foreigners who came to spectate and were surprised by the unexpected turn of events this year.

After observing for a while, Ningguang stood up with a grave expression and looked around. She waved her right hand. "The Lord has been assassinated! Seal off the area!" With Ningguang's words, the Qixing forces in the vicinity immediately surrounded them, blocking the way for everyone present. No one was to be allowed to leave!

"Mr. Owner, what should we do now?" Paimon had never witnessed such a scene before and was panicking. She quickly flew over to Takarou.

"Paimon, don't worry. Lumine, just do as I said earlier. We'll do whatever needs to be done," Takarou reassured Paimon and Lumine with a comforting look, telling them not to worry.

Lumine glanced at Takarou and chose to trust him at that moment. After all, Takarou had never deceived her in any matter. Since Takarou said there was no problem, then there must be no problem. If it were just Lumine and Paimon, they would have chosen to leave in a situation like this. But now it was different; Takarou was with them. Given Ningguang's respect for Takarou, even if the Qixing forces discovered their presence, Ningguang wouldn't let them offend Takarou.

"Mr. Owner, when you said something would happen, is this what you meant?" Seeing Lumine no longer worried, Paimon wasn't as concerned as before. Besides, Mr. Owner was quite mysterious, and if they wanted to leave, these Qixing forces wouldn't be able to stop them. So, they might as well make the best of it.

"Paimon, Lumine, you'll understand once this matter is over." Next, the people around began to check each of the foreigners one by one.

Ningguang approached Takarou. "I apologize, Mr. Owner. I invited you to participate in the ritual today, but I didn't expect such an incident to occur." Ningguang's face carried a hint of apology. She had initially planned to invite Takarou to the Jade Chamber for a meal after the ritual, but she hadn't anticipated the unexpected turn of events today.

"The Lord of Geo was suddenly assassinated, and Liyue's Seven Stars will be busy dealing with it."

"Ningguang, you focus on your own matters for now. We'll have opportunities to gather in the future."

"If there's nothing else, we'll take our leave?"

"Mr. Owner, after this matter is settled, I hope you can accept my invitation."


"Lumine, Paimon, let's go."

"Hey, are we just leaving like this? Won't Ningguang suspect us?"

Paimon looked at Takarou walking away and quickly followed after him.

"Ningguang, what about those individuals..."

A member of the Qixing approached, looking at Takarou and the others with a complicated expression. The sudden assassination of the Lord of Geo had deeply saddened the Qixing forces. However, it was Ningguang's decision...

"They have no connection whatsoever with Mr. Owner and that traveler."

"You should ask others for information."

Ningguang shook her head. She knew that Takarou was very mysterious, but it didn't make sense for him to resort to such means if he wanted to harm Liyue. Moreover, if it was indeed Takarou who had assassinated the Lord of Geo, his power would surpass even that of the Lord of Geo. Even if they wanted to take action and detain Takarou, even if all the Seven Stars of Liyue and the adepti joined forces, they probably wouldn't be able to.

Rather than that, it would be better to investigate thoroughly. In her heart, she hoped that Takarou wasn't an enemy of Liyue.

"Paimon, don't worry. Even if Ningguang suspects us, she won't make a move against us right now."

On the way, Takarou shook his head.

"Why? Mr. Owner, please explain it to me clearly. I don't understand."

"Paimon, you're so dense. Just think about it. If someone can assassinate the Lord of Geo, their power must be stronger than the Lord of Geo. If it really was us who assassinated the Lord of Geo, even if all of Liyue wanted to take action against us, they wouldn't be our match, right?"

"Oh, right."

"Someone capable of assassinating the Lord of Geo is definitely more powerful than the Lord of Geo himself. After all, Liyue was built by the Lord of Geo."

After hearing Lumine's analysis, Paimon nodded. It made sense when put that way.

Just as they left Yujing Terrace, suddenly, a tall figure dressed in gray attire with rolled-up sleeves, revealing a bit of their abdomen, and a water elemental Vision strapped to their waist, approached them. They wore a metal pauldron on their left shoulder, and a scarf tied to their chest extended backward from the left shoulder.

A red mask with an evil eye pattern was slanted on their orange short hair. The youth had blue eyes, similar to their vision.

"Hey, Traveler, hello there."

"And you are?"

Lumine became wary when she saw this person appear out of nowhere.

"Haha, no need to be so cautious. Let me introduce myself. I'm Tartaglia, you can call me Childe."


"That's quite strange. We've only just met, and you're already asking us to be your servants!"

Paimon crossed her arms, looking angry.

"Haha, friend, I didn't say that. Childe is just my codename. I believe you've already encountered the lady in Mondstadt, haven't you?"

"The lady?"

"You're part of the Fatui!" Lumine immediately recalled the misdeeds of the lady in Mondstadt and was ready to draw her sword.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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