
Bastard who can't decide what to do

I ready my stuffs, which I actually don't have.

At this point of life, I don't know when I will have times to level up.

I just noticed something, the plants and trees near the lightning tower are changing in colors, they are getting tints of white and blue on the tip of their branches and leaves.

I don't know how many I can modify this time because I'm tight in time (actually just very lazy)

/I can't understand you, you're too weird/ She's contemplating

"This is just the normal me" The tri on my head got confused because there seems to be no one here and so, why am I speaking?

/Nvm, I'm tired, let me sleep, see ya later~ and I still have horny pics~/

Here we go again with her teasing.

I can't be bothered to reply.

"You three should rest too on that tree, I will make clothes for you next time after I get materials" I pointed at the lightning tower filled with wisps

"I don't know what clothes are, but sure" Ali nobbed with her sisters and they hurriedly left for the tree while hopping and skipping here and there. But they seems to be cautious of my 4 special wisps, dunno why.

Now with distractions out of here, I pulled out one of the smaller one. I simply can't get the bigger ones because they are too intimidating. I plan to form contracts with them after this.

I'm just about to start when I suddenly got strucked by a sudden realization.

"Lese, can you give me knowledge about time and space magic?" If I can control time even if it's just in a small duration, then I no longer have to care about time!

/ Yeah, wait for a moment.

._. I'm sleeping, dang it/

I still don't know how she can sleep. It's not like it's good the matter of ladies and I don't have the rights to ask suck personal question.

/Done, I'ma sleep now, bye/ She sounds really sleepy, I feel kind of guilty for waking her up.

"Thanks" Wave after wave of knowledge enter my mind. I'm not expecting to get a skill notification because of the Formless Magic thingy.

/You successfully obtained the 'Art of dimensional creation'/

/No skill level to level up/

Wait.. what? No skill level? A skill that doesn't posses any levels?

I never expected to get something like this.

I feel guilty about what I'm about to do, but nvm I have to ask about it. I really hope she won't hate me

"Hey, hey, I got something"

/ ._. what?

do it quick/ She sounds annoyed.

"It's a skill without level"

/It's a special skill, but its power depends on the user. Maybe you got it because I passed down so many knowledge about space and time.

This skill is not really op, in this world there can be 10 that posseses it. I can't tell you more about them, but they are really strong.

This skill can let you create a self contained space and you can change the time ratio the way you want. And you can change the space in all way you want. You can even build a farm there if you want.

That's all

._. don't wake me up/ She never bothered to hear my reply before going out.

I'm very excited, with this I can save more time, not to mention that I learned a lot of stuffs about time and space and I can now cast a lot of magic related to them and also branches like 'void magic'. I can now also create similar enchantments of time and space.

I totally forgot everything I'm supposed to do and started casting the skill. With great concentration I tear a hole in the fabric of space and flooded it with my aura to create a pocket dimensio. Its size grow larger and larger, but the scenery is still the same. I tried if I can create something like a sun, but I failed miserably.

-Sigh- Looks like I overestimated myself, I shouldn't be too arrogant. Acting arrogant really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Looks like I'm expecting too much with my capabilities, with a sigh I just start to create landmasses by materializing my Mana into landmasses, but I got too bored quickly. I will just do the modifications later, I need some fresh air ( or Mana if you want it that way.)

I just left the space with a grown and the moment I stepped out it's already morning. I forgot to regulate the time inside, dang it.

I yawn and stretch my body, incidentally I noticed something not far away. It's a crab, it's huge. I got really curious and the crab reminded me of the fishes that got drowned in my sea of memories. In short, I completely forgotten those fishes and I lack the motivation to modify them.

I quickly ordered my wisps to catch it and they immediately flash towards it. It quickly allerted the crab, but it's too late. I pet my wisps(Isa, Dalawa, Tatlo, Sucmadic, and the other who arrived first)

They happily floated arround me and can't help but smile. The newcomers got startled too, but they quickly returned to what they are doing. Those trio are sleeping too.

I inspect the pinned down crab and focus more on its shells, it will be really helpful if I can add it to my other creatures in the future.

The crab lack eyes and it only have a mouth which occupy most of the space on its front.

The legs posseses rigged spikes on each joints, on each legs are fins like structures at each tips with the rear legs being more wider and posseses more larger fins.

Its insides have a thin inner armor of metallic shin and another membrane separating the flesh and inner armor. Its inner has 1 core at the middle and 2 smaller cores at where gills should be.

The 2 smaller cores are the same as other cores, but the main one isn't. It doesn't produce Mana, instead it produce poison by using the Mana of the 2 cores. The flesh appears to be poisonous as well. What's weirder is that the main core seems to be the stomach of this crab.

The mouth is not connected to any huge passages. Instead each teeth are hollowed and have a sucking mechanism directly connected to the main core and 2 sub cores. The core can also send poison to the teeth and from what I can see, it's very corrosive and it's not affecting its own body because it identify the crab as its host. I don't know if the poison is alive or not. The legs are not fleshly as well, they are composed of pure bony materials. And no organs whatsoever (no brain and stuffs), should I consider those cores as organs?

Truly mysterious. I withdraw myself and -sigh-. Nothing make sense.

I stand up and make a contract with that crab to prevent it from escaping. Unlike the frogs and those wrigling plants, this crab might escape.

Should I start exploring the river? I will definitely want to, but I'm lazy and unmotivated, nvm.

As far as I know, this is a major problem that I have which is laziness and lack of motivations. I mean, what's the purpose of doing something when you can survive without doing it?

Groaning, I forced myself to stand up and drag that previous plant back to the space and set the time ratio to 1/1. Quite misleading, but it means that 1 day inside is 1 day outside. I used the day as refference for time so it's not written as '24/1'

Now, time to get serious, I'm forcing all my laziness to the back of my head.

The flower I have in hand is a vine of white color and lily flowers grow on it. It doesn't posseses any leaves and there are only lily flowers. Its entirety is white. The roots are thin, but strong and sharp. They adorn the vines like white hairs. It's simply too beautiful, I will put it as my fave plant now.

"Lese, can you give me its info?" I rarely ask this question, but I'm interested in this flower.


Unnamed plant.

It grows on swamp and feeds on bones, but it can sustain itself by absorbing Mana.

This particular plant start as non sentient, but it gradually form a consciousness as it develop a core.

Its roots and flowers can be used as medicine for bone deseases, the vine can be turned into a whip.

Can't be classified by grades and quality system as they still don't exist/

"Thanks" It's very useful indeed. From now on I will invest some of my time on knowing stuffs.

/You're welcome/ She just brushed it off, she's like this whenever I thank her.

The current space only have a huge huge landmass in the middle while there are smaller landmasses float around it like an island.

I brush everything out of my mind and started doing my stuff.

Since it's feeds on bones, I'm expecting it to have a very corrosive sap and substances. But I can't find those in its body. How weird.

The flower petals are coated with tiny tiny hairs that are highly sensitive to Mana and presence. The petals themselves are thin and sharp like blades. In the middle of all the petals was a small mouth with a sucker like thing in the middle. The mouth consist of 12 barbed thorns as teeth (two thorns for each petals) and a small hole in the middle ranging from the flower steam to the base where there are small rooms that seems to be used to contain whatever fall to the mouth.

Interesting indeed, now everything that's left is for me to change it.

to be continued...

still sucks

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