
Gemstone Magic

Since Leon was a child, he dreamt of becoming a hunter, pushing back the ever growing evil that threatened the Slate Kingdom. For the last four years he has trained himself to become the strongest. Only problem, Leon’s gemstone holds no power. In this world were the gemstone you are born with determines your magic ability and strength, having a weak stone is a major crux. How will he fare as the events starting from the coming-of-age ceremony spiral out of control? Will he be able to find reliable allies to protect what he wants to protect, or will he fail? Hello everyone. This will be a primary fantasy novel focusing on monsters and magic. The general premise is that the surrounding areas are filled with monsters and non-human races that seek to do harm. Humanities weapon against them is the magic granted by their gemstones. Leon, the MC, has a powerless gemstone. However, over the course of the novel he find that there is a secret to it. As for R18 scenes, there will be a few, though probably not the main focus. Enjoy the read and if you guys feel like sharing ides, feedback or corrections please comment. https://discord.gg/GkgShV4u (Link to discord) Also for the artwork. Tried using some ai prompts. Not totally happy, but tried making the character Hela.

WorldWarper · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 9- Ceremony completed

As the morning rays pierce the canopy, the light rouses Leon from his sleep. Waking he finds his whole-body throbbing he opens his eyes. The area in front of him a war zone, charred ground, smouldering trunks and uprooted trees create a large dead zone.

Seeing this, his daze clears. Using a nearby tree to help get himself up he finds a strange sword in his hand. The silver sword has a vine like twist for the hilt, with a ruby like gemstone in the shape of an egg at the guards centre. Just tapping it one can feel the large amount of magic poured into it.

'My head is a mess from last night' slowly remembering that there was a vampire and what happened to Valencia's gem.

"Fuck" Leon slams his hand into the tree, shattering it as it falls over.

'Next time I meet that vampire I will pull out his spine'.

Heading back to the town through the strewn debris Leon notes what he remember.

'I fell unconscious yet when I wake up I have a sword that probably belongs to the vampire and a battleground in front of me. Did I get saved, but that doesn't explain why I have the sword? Did I fight while I was out, but how did I not die then' unable to wrap his head around the truth he refocuses.

'I should probably wrap this up, I don't think I want anyone seeing it' looking down at the priceless sword.

A few hours earlier

Alder arrives at the designated point. Short on time he could only procure two piglets.

"Mistress your loyal dog has arrived".


Next thing he knows his head is on the ground.

"Mistress, that was so mean" he makes a crying face.

"A useless thing like you dares bring back only two humans, I should have never trusted you with such a simple task". Using his head as ball she relives some of her anger by kicking it.

After some moment of silence, Alder's body reforms and he walks back into the clearing.

"The humans are most definitely up to something. I was delayed because I ran into a half-vampire" speaking in a serious tone all of a sudden.

"A half-vampire, disgusting. Head back for now I will investigate further".

"As you wish".

"I will not let some feeble humans ruin my plan".

As morning departs, Leon exits the barrier and makes his way to the town he meets a familiar face.


Chop. As Leon comes close his grandfather brings his hand down on Leon's head in a chopping motion.

"Ouch" rubbing his head he complains.

"You trying to give your grandpa a heart attack".

"Sorry, I was delayed, As for the hunt…" his voice softens trying to forget his failure.

"What do have there", his grandfather gesture towards the wrapped sword.

"I found this, here" Leon passes over the sword.

After Vildred unwraps a bit of the sword he quickly wraps it up again.

"Quite the sword, it needs a scabbard. Let your grandpa go find you one. You go and get yourself recorded then rest up. I have a couple of other errands to run around town".

"Alright, see you later".


As Leon starts heading to town his grandpa turns around.

"And good work Leon".

"Thanks grandpa".

Walking into the town centre Leon finds a small line in front of a marquee, where the now adults are lining up. Looking round the 200 or so people had been halved. Many probably didn't spend the night in the forest based of their appearance.

As Leon arrived at the front he found his answer. Three people sat in front of them each with a piece of paper. The one with the most names on it was obviously those that had failed and were labelled as 'nomads'. Those who would not gain an identifier from the examiners and were therefore unable to enter cities or hold weapons. Next was the sheet his name was to be added. It showed that he had successfully survived the night in the forest but didn't have any hunting results that would place him on the next list. In the last list were those who distinguished themselves, two names that stood out to Leon: Alice Lightheart and Donald Feather.

"So, they had survived" slightly annoyed at the injustice he murmurs to himself.

Walking away the uncomfortable feeling was exacerbated further when his eyes met with her. She and the baron, a tall man with long blonde hair were going round talking to the citizens. Deciding that it would be best to not stay Leon headed back to the inn. The sight of Donald wrapped in bandages head to toe gave some slight relief.

At the baron's house later in the afternoon.

"Sir William is there anyone here that I need to recommend, I can't stand this baron. Such an arrogant prick, the Lightheart's may have some little power but they don't yet have the title of noble six. He is just a member who has been flung to the far reaches" raising her voice she vents her anger at the poor treatment she seemed to be getting.

"The baron's child, Alice managed to bring down a B class monster, that shows she has some talent".

"A grey bear was it, is that all that difficult to defeat?" not wanting to see the man's face again she belittles the achievement.

"Lady, not everyone has such talents as yourself" the soft praise seems to lighten her mood.

"Very well, I will have someone hand it to them after we leave tomorrow" signing one of the letters the knight hands her.

Seeing a second letter still in his hand, she inquires "what's that?"

"A personal recommendation" as she stretches out her hand he gives it over to her.

'Leon Kingsman, his name wasn't on the distinguished list. For someone to cause the great paladin William to recommend, who could he be?'

The knock at the door breaks her attention, as she quickly signs it and hands it back.

"Sir William, there is a man out the front looking for you" his squires voice states.

"I will be out to see them in a second. Please excuse me my lady".

"Who is it?"

"An old friend".

"A friend of a Paladin, how curious" a slight smile crosses her rosy lips.