
GATE: The United Nations of Earth

In the year 3001, a strange structure appear in the middle of New Ginza on planet Eden Prime and a mysterious Roman like army emerge from the gate creating death and chaos. The UNE quickly deploy its forces and push them back into the gate. As news of the attack broasdcasted through out UNE territory, the people demand retribution. Thus the UNE went for vengence. This work of fanfiction is inspired by "GATE: Thus The JSDF Fought There" using ideas from many other science fiction stories, fanfictions and movies as well as games. The story will follow with the original novel and eventually deviate from it.

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20 Chs

Priority: Special Region

--New Ginza Square--

Lining up for the crossing, Lancer tank platoons of the 75th Armored Division are leading the 2 columns (lights tanks are out of commission in this universe as MBTs offer high maneuverability and capable of harass and flanking operations) will be the first to engage enemy's legions detected by cloaked recon drones on the other side. Next in are the command APCs and IFVs carrying 5th SIF and 6th Marine Division then 2 artilleries Regiments and finally the logistics.

--IFV and command APCs--

The Infantry Fighting Vehicle is as heavily armored as the Lancers with the same energy shield generator. However, the main different is its armaments allow effective counter to mass infantry and swarming tactics used by several races in the galaxy. It carry one 45mm rapid firing turret, one AT smart missiles pod, two 20mm three-barrel rotary guns and 3 SWARM pods. The IFV capable of carrying up to 8 fully equipped soldiers and has 4 ports for 4 SAT8 combat bots.

The command APCs is a field command vehicle carrying powerful sensors and electronic warfare suits. It only have two 20mm three-barrel rotary guns and 1 SWARM pods but capable of deploy an energy shield dome with 10 meters (32.8 feet) radius. Armor and shielding are the same as IFV but the APC is longer and capable of carrying 8 fully equipped soldiers in additional to sensor and EW stations


"This is Hammerhead one one, we are exiting the tunnel, over" the commander in one of the lead tanks reports.

"Roger that Hammerhead one one, you are weapon free, I repeat weapon free, over" General Nguyen gives the orders to all units.

"Copy that Hammerhead Command, over".

The stream of Lancers pour out of the gate and span out to create a perimeter around the gate while firing on enemy camps not far away. The IFVs rush to the front lines and deploy their infantry while APCs in the back activate their shield domes. The Empire forces scramble to the sudden attack of the invading force from the gate, some are shocked and panic while those who manage to stay calm rush to gear up and form into combat formations as they are trained to do.

"Ash, you take the 2nd squad and make sure our left flank secure. 1st squad on me, go go! Move everyone!" Ava give orders to her platoon on exiting of the IFV "David, I want LMG on that rock formation! Move!".

Ava can see the enemies are forming up into large formations from the holographic display screen in her helmet, which make them a target for the Lancers' 120mm HEIP shells. TACNet is a system that allows TACs to share and receive information between soldiers, drones, combat bots and vehicles in the immediate combat around. Through TACNet, the number of enemies trying to retake the gate measure up to 700 thousands and is being reduced quickly.

Taking cover next to a Lancer and fire her rifle killing a dozen pig like creatures that was mindlessly charging up the hill to her position. The Lancer fire its main gun giving out a deep boom sound, HEIP shell evaporate a trebuchet and its crews. Stream of 20mm fire and swarm of missiles taking down or evaporating wyvern raiders in the air, effectively reduce the Imperial air support to nothing.

Ava sees a dozen fireballs from the trebuchet behind the enemy lines heading to the UNE line as if the enemy is focusing fire trying to take down one of the shield dome. However, the fire balls are destroyed on impact with the shield without doing any harm. The APC crew give a thumb up to a nearby officer indicate that the shield is holding strong. A several ballista shots also bounce of the shield dome harmlessly.

Thousands of enemy Trolls begin charging up the hill wearing makeshift armors with massive hammers. Not taking any chances, the Lancers start cutting them down with their 120mm. The HEIP shells make short work of the massive troops, even the 45mm on the IFVs still enough to kill them in a few shots.

"Commander, I think you need to see this" Ashley talks to Ava through the comms in their helmets.

"One my way" Ava responds and rush to Ashley's position "What is is LC?"

"Look, 11 o'clock" the location is being share through TACNet with Ava "The enemy is up to something"

Ava vision zoom in on the only stone tower on the battlefield in one of the enemy wooden forts surrounding the gate hill. From the top of the tower a blueish aura dancing around with more and more intensity then finally let out rapid shots of lightning hitting the shield dome in that area continuously make it fluctuates.

"What the hell was that?" Jimmy asks in comms as he did not believe what he just saw "Even Marikar super heavy tank took hours of continuous fire to make the shield of this thing fluctuate like that".

"Hammerhead Command, 5th SIF lead, the enemy is deploying some kind of powerful lightning strike weaponry recommend immediate destruction, target location uploaded, over" Ava makes request with the lead command APC.

"Copy that, 5th SIF lead, over".

"BOHICA!" one of the marines shout over the radio as the aura around the tower light up and let out the same lightning strikes as before, which shutdown the shield dome causing the APC to fall back and allow another to take up it position to deploy another shield dome. The lightning strikes aslo hit half a dozen marines destroying their personal shield and fry their TAC suit, which cause serious burn.

One of the Lancers turn its 120mm to fire of a shot at the tower but the plasma shell is stopped by an invisible shield, which cause the shell to explode and takes the enemy shield down with it.

"They have energy shield technology?" Ashley shout over the radio to which Ava replies "No this is something else, I don't know what it is but it's down now"

"Fire again, everything you got" Ava order the commander of the Lancer to shoot at the tower again through radio. A deep boom from its main turret as a swarm of missiles leaving their pods and fly towards the tower. The stone structure is completely destroyed and the aura disappear.

The destruction of the tower seem like a major moral hit to the imperial forces as their formations starting to fall apart and troops fling into chaos. At this point, the 2 artillery regiments are through the gate and are setting up for fire mission.


In 31st century, fire and forget artillery pieces had fallen out of commission for a long time. Modern artillery is actually Multiple Launch Missile System. Each load can launch 5 salvos of 20 plasma missiles, each missile has an AI that detect enemies at target location and hit with extreme precision. There are 6 MLMS each platoon and 2 missile replicator trucks for ammo reload.


"Hammerhead Command to all artillery units, I want all enemy's positions leveled, weapon free" General Nguyen orders the artilleries to open fire on all the enemy surrounding them.

Salvos after salvos of missiles fired up to the sky then arc down to the area surrounding the UNE position creating blue explosions, which evaporate the enemies that near the center by plasma flash and the shrapnel that cut through armors of enemies further away and kill them or wound them badly. What left of the Imperial forces scattered and attempt to retreat into a nearby forest North West of the gate. General Nguyen gives the order to pursue.

What seem to be a disorganized routing is being scout by drones and live footage is being relayed through TACNet. Commander Bennett picks up that the retreating enemy soldiers are running in a specific pattern and avoiding several wide areas, useful information such as this is only made available by advance thermal imaging technology.

"This is Commander Bennett to all units, do not pursue the enemy into the jungle, I repeat do not pursue the enemy into the jungle, it is boogie trapped" Ava tries to warn the troops. Although the enemy's conventional weapons could not penetrate UNE energy shield and TAC suit, their full capability is unknown and after the lightning strikes, she does not want to take any chances. However, her warning was too late.

A large explosion come with a purple flash throw one of the UNE marines up in the air fluctuates his shield and send him flying into a tree which completely disable the shield. He drops to the ground, hit another boogie trap, the explosion damage his TAC suit, and again sends him flying hitting another trap before the nanotech of the suit could repair the damage. The last explosion further damage his suit and throw him at a rock, the force of the strong impact break some of his ribs.

Another UNE Marine run to the wounded soldier "Medic! We need a Medic here!".

"All units retreat, use your thruster and frog jump out of there. Get the hell out of that forest" General Nguyen orders through the radio.

Explosions from the boogie traps continue to echo the forest as UNE troops attempt to fall back. The boogie traps did not kill anyone but cause 46 cases of minor injuries, 14 serious cases and 1 unlucky marine lost her left arm.

When the last of the UNE troops got out of the forest there's a moment of complete silence before TACNet alarm light up in their helmets. A large formation of enemy wyvern raiders is closing in from the North and routing enemies are rallied and charging out of the forest with additional trolls, goblin and orcs that were hiding deep in the forest.

"Form up create a battle line move move" Ava gives orders for the troops to create a battle line facing the forest and North of their position. The helmet read her brainwave and relay it into TACNet allow other soldiers to understand exactly what her orders are and what needed to be done "Bring the APCs up here and deploy their shields, I want the IFV focus on the North of our line and bring down those fliers".

"They don't know when to give up a losing battle don't they?" Rob ran to a position next to Ava and get ready for combat.

"Ha! Just like you with the girls Rob" Jimmy makes a joke over the radio and the 5th SIF comms fill with laughter.

"Oh fuck off Jimmy" Rob shout back as he is also laughing.

"Focus people, here they come" Ava starts shooting her rifle at the approaching enemies.

Not worrying about the massive wyvern force as IFVs 20mm and SWARM pods seem to very effective against them, Ava focus her full attention on the enemies from the forest. Some of them picked up the left over traps in the forest and have the Trolls throw them at UNE's line. Although those boogie traps capable of fluctuate personal shield, they are harmless against vehicle shields and shield domes.

She admires the enemy's discipline. Despite suffered defeated not long ago and being helplessly cut down by UNE's superior technology and firepower, they are still staying in formation and charge as a unit. In just a few minute most of the enemy are either dead or too wounded to continue fighting, a loud horn can be heard deep inside the forest and the enemy begins to withdraw. Learning from his mistake just an hour ago, General Nguyen orders his troops to fall back and set up a defensive perimeter around the gate.

"Have the engineers set up that beacon and start sending out recon drones to map the area around us" General Zhang ordering his Comm Specialist and contact Commander Bennett "Commander I need to see you".

Ava leaves Ashley in charge of the 5th SIF and start returning to General Nguyen command APC near the gate. Around her are thousands of dead and wounded imperials, UNE marine and medics are trying to gather up and treat wounded enemies and they cry out from pain. She leaves her helmet closed as the smell from dead corpses would otherwise terrible, the ground used to green with grass now barren and littered with corpses, broken glasses created by the heat of plasma explosions.

She asks herself if this is how this war will be? Slaughter after slaughter until the enemy surrender or until the last of them fall. Human, Elves, Orcs, Trolls and Wyvern what do all these mean? Before New Ginza incident, these creatures are only mentioned in ancient literatures. It is a strange world, strangest from all the worlds that humanity ever discovered. The universe yet again surprise us.


"You asked to see me sir?" Ava salute General Nguyen and stand at attention.

"Yes Commander, at ease. Follow me outside there's something I need to tell you" General Nguyen and Ava step outside of the command APC and walk to open field. Combat drones flying overhead to provide look out as soldiers are busy digging a defensive line. The General continues, "It's about your mother, Rear Admiral Ruby Bennett".

Her guts tell her that something is wrong judging from the voice and attitude of the General. Ava manage to take control of her emotion and stay professional "Is she alright sir?"

"I don't know how to make this easier, but she is among our people that were taken to this side of the gate" General Nguyen give Ava a moment to take it in. Although he can see her maintaining a strong appearance, he knows she's in pain "The Admiral came to Eden Prime on that day to surprise you, she was supposed to meet you at the barrack that evening".

"It's been 2 weeks since New Ginza Incident sir, we just know this now?" Ava asks trying her best to hide her worry that is eating her up from the inside.

"She didn't tell anyone and she was on leave, not until yesterday she was due to get back to her fleet, when she fail to turn up we tried to contact her but got no response" General Nguyen takes out a small box and give it to Ava "Today they saw her being taken by the enemy in a video footage from one of the cameras in New Ginza Square, based on the DNA on this officer stars we believe it belong to her and we think you want to hold on to it".

Ava opens the box and take out a small golden officer star with a small bloodstain on it.

"Don't worry commander, we'll get her back no matter the cost, we do not abandon one of our own" General Nguyen try to comfort Ava. An engineer reports to the General through radio that the beacon is up and running and that the fleet is on its way.

"Thank you General, and don't worry I won't let this affect my ability to complete my missions" Ava puts the star back into the box and hold it tight in her fist.

"I know you will Commander, you can go now".

--HSS Normandy bridge, Flagship of 9th Terra Fleet, Eden Prime orbit--

"We got the signal from Special Region sir, coordinate locked and waiting for your order" the XO informs Admiral Owen Hackett.

"Where is it?" Admiral Hackett asks

"It appears to be a rogue system sir" the AI responses as a holographic image of the Milky Way galaxy shows up and then zoom in way outside of the edge of the galaxy to a lone system "75000 light years from Sol system, at max speed we will be there in 1 month".

"What is the situation of the interstellar gate construction fleet?" Admiral Hackett turn to his XO.

"They're ready to go sir, everything are green" the XO replies.

"Signal the fleet get ready for space dive, helmsman take us out" Admiral Hackett orders.

"Space dive sequence initiate in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Space dive successful" the ship's AI countdown.

Each ship in the fleet generates its own wormhole and enter at a speed many times greater than the speed of light. The entire 9th Terra Fleet starts its journey to Special Region.

--Terra Fleet--

Terra Fleet is the main war doctrine of the UNE. The ship designs belong to the Ares line. Unlike Guardian line, ships in Ares line have a lot more firepower and maneuverability while have weaker shielding and slightly less armored. Ares line was created according to UNE military doctrine of not trying to absorb and dish out shocks like all other races but rather cut deep into enemy's supply lines, destroying headquarters and important targets, leaving the enemy to "starve" and then strike for the kill.

A Terra Fleet consist of 1 Flagship with powerful weaponry and EW suits, 5 battle groups and 1 recon group. Each battle group include 2 carriers, 10 battleships, 30 cruisers, 30 destroyers, 40 frigates. Recon group consist of 30 combat recon frigates with advance stealth and cloaking technology.

--Interstellar gate--

Interstellar gate is a unique technology utilized by Humanity. While it would take hours, days, even months to travel from one system to another using conventional space dive, 2 connect interstellar gate allow ships to travel instantaneously between 2 gates. This allows the UNE to station Terra Fleets at gate hubs and ready to response to attacked system in the matter of minutes.

--Terra Sphere--

Terra Sphere is the headquarter of the UNE military. The sphere is built around a G-type yellow-dwarf main sequence star much like Sol and is one of the most well defended location in the galaxy.
