
Chapter 63: Story Behind The Yokai

"Hei wait. Let's discuss this for some more." said the first Kurono, running after the last Kurono. The other two Kurono also came running towards the last Kurono.

"What's up guys?" asked the last Kurono. "What do you want to discuss?"

"Did you notice it?" said the third Kurono.

"Notice what?"

"There is something missing on us."

Hearing the second Kurono caused the last Kurono to frown, and contemplate what the three duplicate were saying. He tried to think hard but didn't find anything suspicious. "Er...can you guys tell me directly?"

"Try checking your System Storage."

The last Kurono complied. Then, his expression changed.

"The System! It's gone!" exclaimed the last Kurono. He tried to open up the storage, but it didn't work. He tried to call out the panel for his stats, but also failed.

"It's not gone. It no longer exist."

"That's impossible. Wait, do you mean..."

"The Gantz cannot duplicate the System. Look like the System is too profound for the world logic to recreate." said the second Kurono.

"Then, we are..." some worries appeared in the last Kurono's face.

"We four are just duplicates." said the first one, lowering his head.

"Then, the point for us to be revived..."

The last Kurono didn't want to believe it. He just stay frozen for sometime, and looked blankly at the empty space. "No way...we are just..."

The other three Kurono also feel the same. They all feel lost.

"Should we go back?"

"We better not. It will just disturb their life." said the second.

"I want to see them." said the last one.

"Are you trying to be the real Kei Kurono?"

"No...I just wanted to look at them." said the last one.

"Let's check on them then."

The four of them then teleported away towards the periphery of Kurono's house. Standing not far from the house, they used the X-Ray vision to look inside the house.

In there, they could see that Kurono and the girls are having some good conversation. Although there is the additional girl, Nuwa in there, it didn't break the family vibe in the house.

There is also old man Suzuki who was reading newspaper, and sometimes smiled when he heard Kurono telling funny story to the girls. On one room, there is the middle schooler, Nishi, who is too focused on browsing the web. Sometimes, he will try to hack into some other websites.

The four Kurono looked at those scenes silently, for a long time. After that, they silently left the place.

"I don't want to disturb their harmony." said the first one, looking at the sky, which was already turning dark. His eyes was a bit watery.

"Me neither." agreed the second.

"What do we do now?" asked the third.

"Think we just leave, and go incognito?" suggested the last one.

All of them become silent. The third then nodded, "It's pained me to admit it, but we are not supposed to be here. So, I agree to go incognito."

"I...sigh, I agree too." said the first.

The three then turned to look at the second Kurono. "What about you?"

The second stayed silent for some time. After that he also nodded. They then teleported back to the Gantz Roam.

Tensho looked at the four of them, feeling guilty. "Sorry for bringing you guys out. I didn't consider it thoroughly. I just wanted to have some care from you Dad."

The four looked at the kid without saying anything. There is nothing they could do. Even if they beat the kid, it will not change anything.

"I wish I have some purpose in life." said the first Kurono, looking out at the night city, through the windows.

"Actually I have a suggestion for you four." said Lady Fuu. "Why don't you guys go to another Gantz team?"

The four didn't reply and just listened to the lady. Lady Fuu continued, "You can ask Tensho to control other Gantz. After that you can go there to do some mission. Maybe, by doing that, you can find your own purpose in life."

"I can help you with that." nodded Tensho. He wanted to help as much as he can in order to lessen his guilt.

The four looked at each other, and finally nodded.

"Might as well do as you suggested then."

"Let's go with that."

"By the way, we need to come up with different identity. Otherwise, we will be confused to call each other. Also, we might mistaken one of us as the real Kei Kurono." said the last Kurono.

"I thought so too." said the first one. The confusion in identity will be to troublesome for the current them.

"So, how do we come up with a name?" asked the second.

"How about we just think of a name for our own, and then we tell each other after that." said the third.

They then agreed to the suggestion, and fall into deep thought. After some time, all of them have decided on the name that they wanted to be called.

"So, what's your guys name?" asked the first one.

"Wait. Let's have an order to say our names."

After some deliberation, the order were the first to last Kurono.

"I'm Samurai X." said the first one.



The other three looked at the first with a weird expression, when they heard the name.

The first Kurono frowned. "What? My name is good you know. Oh that's should be my alias. My real name is Rurouni Kenshin. You know, that's the name of the guy who is good with edgeless katana."

"Okay, okay. No need to explain more." said the second one. "My turn. My alias is Shinigami X. My real name should be Zaraki Kenpachi."

"The X and the alias is a naming custom? Fine. I could do that too." said the third Kurono. "Let's see. My alias is Fighter X, and my name is Jin Kazama."

"You took you name straight from Tekken huh." The third one pondered his name. A moment later, he found one. "My alias should be Archer X. My real name is Emiya Shirou."

"You guys already get your name. But your looks are still the same. Why don't you guys do some disguising?" asked Lady Fuu.

"That...we could do that later." said Shirou. "Tensho, I've decided. I want to go to Hong Kong."

"Then, I will go to Iquitos Team, in Peru." said Kenpachi.

"Hei, you two are picking the known ones."

"Well, first come first serve." smirked Shirou.

"Fine. I'll go to Brazil." said Kazama.

"Er...send me to Korea." said Kenshin.

After that, Tensho helped them control the respective Gantz, and registered the four towards each of their chosen Gantz.

Before the four departed to their own location, Kenpachi said, "You know, I kind of feeling happy to go towards the other Gantz. I have a good expectation towards this new life."

"I feel you." nodded Shirou. "Well, good luck to you all guys."

"Yeah. Good luck. Hope we can meet again in the future."

After that, they headed towards their own destination.


Some days passed, and Kurono and his friends continued to go to training. Right now, Kurono already skipped many of his class, and focused on improving himself and his team.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of weirdness in himself. 'What is this feeling?'

"Are you alright?" asked Shinozaki.

"Yeah. Just feeling a little different."

"What is it?"

"Not sure what is it." replied Kurono. Somehow, Kurono can feel that his abilities are improving way faster than normal. 'What's going on? Did the System help me improve my stats?'

"You got it all wrong." said Lady Fuu, hovering not far from Kurono. "I need to tell you something."

"What's up?"

"Last time you didn't check your score in Gantz."

"Ah. I forget about it. So, how much points did I get?" asked Kurono.

"You got 400 pts."

"Wow! Really? Let me go to the Gantz Room. I want to go check it myself."

"Hold it there." stopped Lady Fuu. "There is something else. Tensho used those 400 pts to resurrect four of your duplicates."

"Whaatt?? That Bastard! Then, will the four come to my place?"

"Nah. I advised them to go towards other Gantz. So, you don't need to worry about them."

Kurono sighed, a little relieved. "Still, damn that Tensho. He just wasted my points."

"Actually, you should be grateful to him."

"What do you mean?" asked Kurono.

"Do you believe in Resonance Theory?"

"What is that?"

"It's like this. There are five of you that exist in the same world. This caused there to be resonance between the five of you. Everytime one of you get some improvement in yourself, it will also resonate with the rest of you. So, by having more of you in a single world, the easier for you to improve yourself." explained Lady Fuu.

"So, that's why I have this feeling that I'm improving way faster than usual." said Kurono, realizing his own situation.

"So, don't be harsh with Tensho." advised the lady.

"Well, it's already happened anyway. Moreover, it's still advantageous to me." said Kurono.

"Sorry Dad." said Tensho telepathically. "By the way, the Nurarihyon Alien mission will be happening this afternoon."

"Alright. Remind me when the time comes."


Afternoon come, and it's the time for the Nurarihyon Alien mission. Kurono and the team then got transferred to Osaka.

Target: Nurarihyon

Characteristics: Strong, Smart, Bad

Likes: Tea, Tobacco

Quotes: Nuraaarihyoooon! Nuraaarihyoooon!

"Old man? Are we actually going to kill human this time?"

"That's the boss for the mission this time. He is a very dangerous alien. So, be careful when you saw him." answered Kurono.

After that, Tensho started the transferring, and send them all to Osaka.

In this mission, there are no new people that got revived. Kurono didn't want any unnecessary people come into the room, and die again in the mission. So, he asked Tensho to not let any other people in the Gantz Room.


Right when everyone got transferred, they heard a high pitched scream.

"What was that?"

"Dunno. People screaming?"

Not long later, an old lady come in their direction. This lady is wearing kimono, and a scarf that was wrapped on her head. The odd thing about the lady is that it was floating on air.

"Who is that? Eh, she is floating?"

"Yikes, that lady doesn't have eyes." Rei was feeling a bit scared when she saw the peculiarities.

"Those are Yokai. In this mission, it can be said that we are hunting ghosts." said Kurono, trying to scare Rei. "You know, there is the story behind the Yokai..."

"Let's go. We need to kill as much of these guys as possible." said Rei, leaving Kurono. The rest also headed out.

"Hei, don't you want to listen to my story?" Kurono tried to wave to the others but they are already going away.


"Lady, stop screaming. I got no onion for you."

"You know, I kind of wanted to listen about the story behind the Yokai." said Nuwa. She just got teleported here when Kurono said that there are story behind the Yokai.

Right now, Nuwa was walking with human legs. She was able to transform freely from her half snake state, to a fully human form. That's why she didn't attract the weird attention from the onlookers. Though, her stunning beauty become the fatal attraction for many males. So, while she is out, she used a veil to cover her face.

"Huh? You are here too? Why didn't you stay at home?" asked Kurono

"That's boring. There are only old man in the house, and an overgrown baby that got addicted to internet." Nuwa pouted. "Come, tell me your story."

At this time, the old lady on the side tried to bite Kurono on his head, with her blackened mouth. However, a finger touched her head.


A laser beam was shot and the Yokai died.

"Let's go out too, and hunt these Yokai." said Kurono. He then headed out too.

"Hei, what about you story?"

"You want to hear it? Alright. Do you know that those Yokai are originally a living being?"


"Yeah. A Yokai, let's say a human Yokai is originally a real human. However, they experienced an extremely emotional state, and then died. After that, they become evil entities that we now call Yokai."

"What about the animal type yokai?"

"They also experienced an extremely emotional state..."

The two walked away while Kurono busily telling the beauty about the Yokai.

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