
Gangster's paradise

In "Gangster's Paradise," secrets and danger intertwine as Chelsea and Claire navigate a world of deception and betrayal. When their lives collide with those of Eugene, Marquez, and Derek, they find themselves thrust into a dangerous game where trust is a luxury they can't afford. As hidden truths come to light and loyalties are tested, the sisters must confront the dark forces that threaten to tear their family apart. Set against the backdrop of a seedy underworld and the glittering facade of luxury, "Gangster's Paradise" is a thrilling tale of survival, redemption, and the bonds that hold us together in the face of adversity.

Fantasy_babe2015 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


TW/ Physical abuse.

9:56 pm

Claire's pov

Chelsea had a seizure after she got shot in the ankle. She was losing a lot of blood which explains why she had a seizure. How could Derek be so cruel and hurt a 16 year old? Why did she do to him? Oh that's right she did nothing but tell the truth. Now she's being hunted like a prey. I told dad when she returns home we need to keep an eye on her. He can attack any minute and he is involved with the mob which makes it worse. His crew will kill and die for him. Pssh wish I had friends like that.

We arrived inside of ER and had to be sent out because of the procedures that they'll do to keep her alive. "I thought about what you said and," my dad sat down in the waiting room with worry tattoed on his face. "I'm going to hired the FBI," my face lit up and now I know my sister will be safe. "But it will cost more than my budget." my smile drop and I scoff. "You had enough money to do fuckery but not enough to protect your daughter?"

"Claire, it's a bit risky but I'll try." he assures me but I'm still mad. I wish Daniel was here. Just then I see him striding through the halls. I get up and run to him even though a nurse shouted no running in the halls. My breath got knocked outta me as we collided. I kiss his face constantly until I heard my annoying father clear his throat.

I roll my eyes and pull away. "How's Chelsea?" he ask looking down at me. "I don't even know it's been several minutes now and," a door opening made me turn around. I see a surgeon with blood all over him and my heart felt. She's dead isn't she?!

"She made it." the man smiled like he was apart of the family. I smiled as well because this is the best news so far. I look ahead seeing my dad crying tears of joy as other surgeons came out with my sister's body. They brought her into a different room. I took a seat beside my dad while holding Daniel's hand.

I gripped his hand but he didn't do the same to mine which confused me because we'd always do that. He could be traumatized like I am right now. I don't think I ate yet. "Dad I'm gonna get something to eat I'll be back." I don't why I'm telling this moron where I'm going. I got up and thought Daniel would follow me but he didn't so I left.

Daniel's pov 

Being around claire knowing that I was involved in hurting her sister make me nervous. I can't look into her eyes and not think about her sister almost dying. "Danny." He father said in a stern tone. "You good boy, you look nervous."

I shrugged and look out to the exit hoping clair would hurry up and get back but she just left she can't be back so quickly. "Look kid I'm sorry for threatening you earlier about staying away from my daughter. It's just she's growing up so fast and I won't be her protector anymore. Instead it's going to be some boy."

He said and I was absolutely disgusted because He traumatized her enough but wants to spend more time with her so he can do those awful things to her. "I understand but you can get over it, it's not like she's your girlfriend or whatever."

His jaw clenched as his fingers curled into a fist. "When you get your own which is not with my princessã you'll understand." 

I smug and stared him down until someone's footstep made me look behind me. "I bought Italian hope you like meatballs." she smiles, holding 4 food boxes. I took one and so did her father. The other one was for Chelsea. After what felt like forever we got to see her. She looked awful. Her left leg in the air because of the shot and her right arm bandaged up because of the deep stab wound she got from Jackson.

We sat down watching her breath in and out until her eyes flickered open, adjusting to the brightness in the room. She looked around and met eyes with her dad. "Dad." she sighs and extended her her good arm for him to reach. Claire goes for it instead earning a glare from their father.

They embrace one another and I smile because of this moment. I could feel their father's eyes on me but I didn't care. He huffed and got up, leaving the room. "What's his problem?" Chelsea chuckles as She looks at me.

I shrugged and went outside with him to try and convince him to come back. "You bought Italian food!?" a cheerful Chelsea said as I closed the door. "I don't know what you're hiding but when I find out I'll make sure Clair finds out as well." He threatened and I roll my eyes. What kind of proof does he have that I'm a criminal? 

He goes into his coat and took out a picture of Derek and I in a diner. I gulp. "I won't hesitate to tell her. She's mine Daniel and you can't take her away from me."

He's literally obsessed with his daughter or should I say step daughter since he kill their real parents.

"I know more about you anyways Mr Gonzalez." I smirk and left him hanging. I'll go ask Derek what else he knows about Sanchez and who he really was.

Chelsea's pov

I ate my last meatball that my sister bought me as she played with hair. "You're treating me like I'm a baby, stop." I laugh and she kissed my forehead as our father walked in. I smile ear to ear but dropped it after seeing how he looked. Pissed like something was on his mind.

"Visiting hours are almost over." he muttered to Clair and grabbed her forearm. My eye got wide with confused. She pulls away from me and I honestly didn't want to let go. 

"Well see you tomorrow okay sugar babe." Clair smiles weakly at me as she gets dragged out of the room.

Since the two sudden deaths in my family things have been weird. My dad is mad. My sister is scared of him and that was rare. She'd always stand up for herself.

I watch them from the inside, through the glass. They were basically arguing. What's new? I turn my head to the opposite side and tried sleeping but that would take awhile.

Sanchez's pov

Claire and I leave the hospital after a long argument about her little boyfriend. "I wish my real dad was here." she mumbles as I start up the car. "What did you just say?" I heard everything but I just wanted to hear it one last time.

"You heard me." I look at her and chuckle. The ride to our house was silent and as soon as I was parked in the garage I took off my belt and started hitting her with it.

"Stopppp!!!" She actually fights back. This time which surprised me as she stroke me in the face and jumped out of the car.

It took me a while to regain consciousness and go up the stairs. I pass her room, hearing her sob. I wish I could feel sorry for her but what she said earlier was out of pocket. I just hope she doesn't let it slip out again

Jonathan's pov

My mom and I got down to the ER. They said my dad was killed in a shoot out with the killer of Valerie Harper. She died earlier. "Please say he's in a coma cause no he can not die on me!!!" my mom screamed at one of his co worker, Matthew. "We checked his pulse Mrs Henderson." 

I wanted to just breakdown but I was all cried out. I've been crying on our way here and that was 5 miles ago. "How did this happen?" I managed to say and my mom looked at me. "He shot the killer's son and by the looks of it he took revenge. Jonathan we're truly sorry for your loss." Matthew puts his hand My shoulder and push it off harshly then walked off. "Jonathan sweetie come back here!!" my mom called out to me as I stride to the bathroom. I pass by a bunch of rooms but one got my eye making me put my feet in reverse like a car. There was this girl with dark brown skin and brown hair sleeping in one of the hospital beds. She had a wound on her right forearm and her left leg was in the air . looks like she broke it but I took a better look. There was blood on that spot. I don't know what happened to her but I feel bad for her.

I knew her from my history class. We were in a group for the last assignment before summer break. Chelsea was her name. She was kind, caring and made sure we got that 98 on the assignment. I must've been looking for a long time because I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I gasp and saw this tall guy in a male nurse uniform.

"What you staring at buddy?" he chuckles then look at Chelsea. His eyes widen and he tells me to get out of here. He slips into the room and my mom grabs me like I'm some kind of 5 year old.

"Don't you ever go running off like that." she scowl but my mind was on that guy. Who is he and why did he look surprised to see Chelsea?

Eugene's pov

There she was after 15 years I found my babies. If Chelsea's here that means Claire's around here somewhere. I turn to get out but someone comes inside. When I realized who it was my blood boiled. "You're supposed to be dead." He says quietly. "You can't put a good man down Marquez." I smug and Claire walks in. "Is she alright?" she asked me and I almost forgot I was in disguise as a male nurse. "He said she's fine right doctor?" Marquez says glaring at me and I nod exiting the room.

They look just like Thelma. My beautiful angels. I finally found them and this time I won't let them go.