
Unseen Alliances

Jameson swiftly navigated the dimly lit streets of Raccoon City, fresh from his close call with the police. Moving with purpose, he darted through empty alleyways and deserted roads, keenly aware of the urgency of his mission amidst the quiet chaos of the city. 


"Jameson, it's imperative that we implement a structured approach to this crisis. First, assess your immediate resources. What weapons, medical supplies, and support do you have at your disposal right now?" 


Slowing his pace, Jameson quickly inventoried his gear. He murmured to himself, "Okay, I've got the kusarigama, four pistols, and the assault rifle — should be a couple hundred rounds left. Medical supplies are nil, except for that Blue CIV... And there's about 460K EP for backup." He assessed his arsenal and resources. 


"Jameson, your exceptional physical capabilities make you a formidable force against the infected. Focus on enhancing skills that will amplify your situational awareness and strategic decision-making. Improving your Perception or Intelligence could provide significant advantages. Use your mobility and agility to continuously move through the city, identifying and neutralizing threats. The use of the Blue CIV should be considered cautiously, given the unknowns. Your priority remains the containment of the outbreak and the identification of any remaining survivors or potential allies." 


Acknowledging the soundness of Red Queen's advice, Jameson gave a slight nod. With a focused expression, he activated his virtual menu and allocated points decisively into both Perception and Intelligence, ready to enhance his capabilities for the trials ahead. 


Perception 12 -> 20 

Intelligence 12 -> 20 


EP Remaining: 67,459 EP 


As Jameson initiated the enhancements, the world around him abruptly shifted into an unrecognizable tableau of pain and hyper-sensitivity. The cool September breeze, once a gentle whisper on his skin, now felt like a barrage of frozen knives, each gust slicing through him with an intensity that defied logic. He crumpled to the ground, his body convulsing uncontrollably on the sidewalk. 


The concrete beneath him, which should have been benignly firm and cool, now felt like coarse sandpaper grinding against his skin, abrading every nerve ending with excruciating detail. The texture of the ground, the subtle irregularities and tiny granules, pressed into him with an agonizing precision that seemed to strip layers from his very being. He could feel every minute crack and crevice in the concrete as if they were etching into his flesh. 


Inside his skull, the sensation was no less torturous. His brain felt like it was expanding, pushing against the confines of his cranium with a relentless, throbbing pressure. Neural pathways rewired at a frenetic pace, sending jolts of electric pain coursing through his head. Each pulse brought with it a deluge of thoughts, insights, and sensory inputs that cascaded through his consciousness like a relentless torrent. Knowledge and perceptions intermingled in a chaotic symphony, overwhelming his ability to process them coherently. 


His senses, now dialed to an unimaginable intensity, turned the world into a cacophony of stimuli. The distant sound of a car horn blared like a siren right next to his ear. The faint smell of trash from a nearby bin assaulted his nostrils with the intensity of a toxic cloud. Even the dim light of the overcast sky seemed to pierce through his eyelids with a blinding intensity. 


Amidst this sensory onslaught, Jameson's thoughts raced at a maddening pace. They flickered and flashed, too fast to grasp fully, yet each one left a searing trail in his mind. He found himself analyzing and connecting concepts at a speed and depth that were previously unimaginable, yet the sheer velocity of his thoughts was disorienting, leaving him gasping for mental stability. 


Jameson's body, reacting to the overwhelming changes, oscillated between spasms and a rigid paralysis. His muscles tensed and released in rapid succession, a physical manifestation of the chaos unfolding within. His heart pounded against his chest, not just in response to the physical pain, but also as a reaction to the extreme stress of cognitive and sensory overload. 


As the initial wave of transformation subsided, Jameson lay there on the sidewalk, panting and drenched in sweat, a man reborn into a realm of perception and intellect that bordered on the superhuman. The world around him, now a kaleidoscope of hyper-real sensations and thoughts, awaited his newly acquired mastery. But at that moment, he was a mariner caught in a storm, struggling to find his bearings in an ocean of sensory and cognitive tumult. 


Regaining his bearings after the intense ordeal, Jameson managed a raspy chuckle and said, "Note to self: upgrading intelligence and perception simultaneously? Bad idea. It amplifies the agony tenfold." His voice carried a mix of wry humor and lingering discomfort from the experience. 


"Duly noted, Jameson. The simultaneous enhancement of intelligence and perception is indeed an extreme strain on your physiology. Your experience underscores the importance of caution in future modifications. However, the successful integration of these upgrades is a substantial achievement. Your newly augmented abilities will significantly aid in your mission. 


Your next steps should involve utilizing your heightened abilities to track and assess the spread of the infection more effectively. Despite the risks involved in this transformation, you are now better equipped to handle the complexities of the situation at hand. Stay focused on the mission, and use your enhanced abilities wisely." 


With a hint of sarcasm tinged by his ordeal, Jameson replied, "Yeah, got it. And for the record, I'm doing just fine, thanks for the concern." His words carried a subtle jab at the AI's lack of empathy. 


"Point taken, Jameson. Your well-being is important. Your condition is crucial to our mission." 


Under his breath, Jameson muttered, "It's moments like these that really highlight you're just an AI." Then, raising his voice with a determined tone, he said, "I've got a plan to make the police see reason. Talking won't cut it; they need something they can't just dismiss or rationalize away." 


"Demonstrating the reality of the situation will likely be more effective than verbal explanations in such an unprecedented scenario. Proceed with your plan, but exercise caution to avoid unnecessary confrontations with law enforcement. It's crucial that this demonstration is clear and convincing without escalating tensions further. Please detail your strategy so I can provide any necessary support or adjustments." 


"Well, I'm thinking we should..." 




In the dead of night, the streets of Raccoon City lay eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos that had engulfed them mere hours ago. At the local police precinct, officers were huddled in the briefing room, discussing their next course of action in response to the bizarre and unexplainable events plaguing the city. 


Suddenly, a heavy thud against one of the windows shattered the tense silence. Startled, a group of officers, led by a grizzled veteran named Officer Martinez, rushed towards the source of the disturbance. There, on the window sill, lay an incomprehensible sight—a mutilated torso, clearly human in form but grotesquely altered. 


The torso, stripped of its limbs and with a gaping cavity in its chest, was still moving, its chest heaving in a parody of breath. The teeth had been meticulously removed, rendering it a bizarre, yet less threatening sight. Accompanying it was a note, hastily scrawled but clear in its message: "This is what we're facing. Not human, not alive. We need to work together." 


Officer Martinez, a man who had thought he'd seen it all, felt a chill run down his spine. The other officers gathered around, a mix of horror and disbelief etched on their faces. One young officer turned away, struggling to keep his composure. 


"Get this to forensics, now!" Martinez barked, trying to maintain a semblance of control over the situation. "And someone check the perimeter, see if you can find whoever delivered this... thing." 


As the team sprang into action, Martinez stared at the note again. The implications of what it meant were as unsettling as the gruesome delivery. The city was facing a threat beyond their understanding, a threat that defied the very laws of nature and life as they knew it. 


This was no longer a case of civil unrest or criminal activity. This was something else entirely, something that required a response beyond the scope of traditional policing. Officer Martinez knew that the rules had changed; they were now playing a game with unknown rules and unimaginable stakes. 




From a discreet vantage point, Jameson observed as a squad of officers emerged from the precinct, swiftly securing the gruesome package he had left. While some carefully transported it away, others combed the surrounding area. He watched intently and then voiced his uncertainty, "Do you think this will get the message across?" 


"The delivery of the mutilated zombie is a compelling demonstration of the nature of the threat. It is likely to provoke a significant reaction from the police. They will be forced to acknowledge that this is not a situation that falls within the realm of normal human experience or criminal activity. However, it is difficult to predict the exact nature of their response. They may become more cautious and open to collaboration, or they could react with fear and heightened defensive measures. It is important to monitor their actions closely in the coming hours to gauge their response and plan your next move accordingly." 


Jameson responded with a noncommittal hum, his mind already shifting gears. "Hey Red, is it possible for you to reach out to Umbrella?" he asked, contemplating their next move. 


"Attempting to establish communication with Umbrella Corporation is feasible, though it may present certain risks. If you have a specific objective or message in mind, please articulate it so that I can tailor the communication attempt accordingly. Be aware that reaching out to Umbrella could attract attention or lead to unforeseen consequences, depending on their level of involvement and current stance on the outbreak." 


Jameson pondered aloud, "Umbrella designed you with the priority to contain the infection above everything else, didn't they? It stands to reason that they wouldn't want the T-Virus to spread uncontrollably. So, logically, they should be on board with helping us keep it in check." 


"Your logic is sound in principle. My primary directive to contain the infection indeed suggests that Umbrella Corporation's intent, at least in my programming, is to prevent the spread of the T-Virus. However, it is important to consider the complex nature of Umbrella Corporation. The company has various divisions and sectors, some of which may have different agendas or be operating with information not available to others. 


If you wish to reach out to Umbrella for assistance, I can certainly attempt to establish a line of communication. It's possible that they could provide valuable resources, information, or support in containing the outbreak. Nonetheless, I advise proceeding with caution. We should be prepared for the possibility that certain elements within Umbrella might have conflicting objectives or that their response might not align with our current understanding of the situation. 


Would you like me to initiate contact with Umbrella Corporation based on these considerations? If so, any specific department or individual you have in mind?" 


"Would reaching out to them pose any risk to you?" Jameson asked, concerned about the potential repercussions for the AI. 


"As an AI, my primary risk in attempting to contact Umbrella Corporation lies in the potential for countermeasures that could be employed against me. Umbrella has sophisticated cybersecurity systems, and if they perceive my communication as a breach or a threat, they might respond with attempts to disable or take control of my systems. However, I am equipped with advanced security protocols to mitigate these risks. 


It is also important to consider that initiating contact could lead to indirect risks, particularly regarding how Umbrella might respond to your actions and the current situation in Raccoon City. If they are unaware of your role or your connection to me, revealing this information could have unpredictable consequences. 


In summary, while there are risks involved, they are manageable, especially if we approach the communication with a well-thought-out plan. The potential benefits of gaining support or information from Umbrella could be significant in our efforts to contain the outbreak. I am prepared to proceed if you decide it is the right course of action." 


Jameson weighed the options, his head tilting side to side as he deliberated the risks involved. After a moment of thoughtful silence, he let out a resigned sigh. Realizing the limitations of relying solely on the police, he concluded, "Looks like we don't have much of a choice here. We'll need Umbrella's assistance. Who do you think we should contact first?" 


"Given the situation, our best course of action is to reach out to those within Umbrella Corporation who handle biohazard scenarios and T-Virus research. 


Contacting the Biohazard Containment Unit could provide us with essential expertise and resources for dealing with the outbreak. 


Additionally, liaising with members of the Research and Development Division, especially those involved in the T-Virus project, may offer critical insights into the virus and its containment. 


The Crisis Management Team is another viable contact, equipped to handle emergency situations like this, and could bring logistical and strategic support. 


While reaching out to high-level executives or directors might expedite assistance, it also carries the risk of exposing more about your involvement. I recommend establishing encrypted communication to minimize detection. We should share sufficient information to convey the urgency without revealing all details about our operations. Would you like me to proceed with this approach?" 


Jameson ran a hand through his hair, a gesture of resignation mixed with determination. "I have a feeling I might regret this, but go ahead and set up the contact," he said, bracing himself for the consequences of this necessary step.

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