
Game Star

From good boy to bad boy From happy girl to girl thirsty for revenge A game in between in which love is the greatest weapon and the worst weakness. They will be the protagonists of this game, but ... Who runs it?

Persefone06 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


Three girls approached us with mocking smiles on their faces and interrupted our pleasant chat:

"Good morning, perfect lady, as has been her morning, I hope not very busy," said one of them, the blonde, with a certain tone of sarcasm.

"My dear, I hope you introduce us to this beauty of a man and I also hope to hear from your mouth that he is not your boyfriend, because whatever he is ..." said another who seemed older than the others.

"What would happen if I'm her boyfriend?" I answered before I finished the sentence and I could see a certain astonishment on the faces of the three o'clock.

"No of course not," replied the third, who was a little shorter than the others, but from my point of view the most beautiful of the three and apparently the only one who knew what suited her. "My name is Valentina, but you can say Val, they are Charlotte and Cecilia. You are…

"I'm Cristianno, but you can call me Cris."

—It's a pleasure, if you need something you can see any of the three of us, we will all be happy to help you. Right girls?

"Yes, of course, see you later, sweetheart." Goodbye, perfect lady. "Charlotte said goodbye and Cecilia waved her hand in the form of farewell. When we no longer saw them I returned to my seat and Talía looked at me with some concern.

"Why did you tell them that?"

"You just can't say thank you or something like that."

-Excuse me. Thanks for defending me, but answer me.

-No problem. I did it because they don't have to bother you and if you want to have a boyfriend or if you have that, it doesn't concern any of them in the least and if they say `` Miss perfect '' to you again in front of me, they will have serious problems - her face was indecipherable I didn't know if I was happy or had bothered by what I said —Well, changing the subject, is there a course where they teach you self-defense, how to handle firearms and that? - Guns had always caught my attention.

—Of course, what nobody has wanted to write down, and the few who have signed up leave it right away, they say it's very difficult or something.

-Perfect, thank you very much. But how can I register?

—Next to the office where you were yesterday there is a notice board, there are the different clubs, courses and other extracurricular activities for the students, perhaps if we go now we will have time to register and you could start today.

-Okay let's go.

Said and done, we got to the bulletin board, I signed up for the course and he directed me to the classroom. The whole day was bored and I did not coincide in any class with Talía or with Val and her friends. At the end of the classes, I went to the parking lot, where I arranged to meet Talía to do the shopping he needed. But when I arrived she was already waiting for me.

"It took you a long time, I've been waiting for you for almost half an hour." She looked at me with a frown even though she said it as a joke.

"I'm sorry, my dear, but you should already know that it is practically impossible to break through the crowd of people in the hall at this hour." We both smile. "Come on, we have work to do and a murder to commit."

"You want to annihilate this beauty, you are crazy, completely crazy."

"I know, honey, I'm aware of it." We both laughed again and I got into the driver's seat. "You guide, I drive," she agreed as we laughed.

That day ended better than I expected. It was a quick death for a beautiful car, an afternoon of laughter and snide comments. Talía was a fun girl, I had a good time with her, for a moment she made me forget my problems.

Talía would make exile not so depressing after all.