
6 | Wedding

After the three of them with Manny reached where the Twin Towers will be built in the future and set up a camp there. Bry told everything to her father on the way, and he was taking it with ease.

In the camp around the hearth the three of them sat down and a thousand shadow soldiers guarded them from the shadows. Then looking at Hugh, Bry's father Bram asked "So you're a giant?"

"Yes." He replied.

"And you're way older than me." Bram asked again.

"Yes. Hundred and eleven in human terms." Hugh said.

"So what about in the terms of giants?" Bram asked as he wanted to know about the giants.

"In terms of giants, my age will be in my mid twenty." Hugh said.

"Understandable." Pausing there, Bram started to organise his questions that he needed to ask Hugh as he is the one his daughter Bry found as a husband.

"Do you have a wife?" Bram asked him.

"I do. And I have grandkids too." Hugh said.

Hearing that, Bram lost whatever he wanted to ask and looked at his daughter and said "I told you to find a man to protect you, and you just went ahead and seduced a giant with grandkids."

Hearing the blunt words of her father, she felt embarrassed and looked away from her father avoiding any kind of eye contact.

Seeing that, Hugh chuckled and Bram sighed. Then looking at Hugh he said "I don't know how long I will be alive anymore. So if you're going to marry each other, do it when I'm still alive and give me some grandkids like you had. I want my last days surrounded by them."

Hearing that Hugh nodded at first the spoke "I know what you mean. But, I'm not sure about kids as we're from different species so.... "

Bram nodded at what Hugh said, then looking at his daughter he said "That's not an issue as long as she is happy."

"I will make sure of it." Hugh said.

Hearing that a smile bloomed on Brams face and he stood up from his seat and went inside the ten while saying "I'm going to sleep."

As he went inside the tent, Bry looked at Hugh and said with a smile "Told you that it will be alright."

Hugh smiled back at her and said "That you did."

Then there was silence for a couple of minutes that was broken by Bry who said "So what now?"

Hearing her question, Hugh looked at her and said "We'll be moving to the Neck that connects North with South, from there my family will join us and we will settle down where a river originates that connects with the sea in the West."

"Won't we be troubled if the other humans find us when they migrate to the North?"

"They won't be able to find our settlement, I assure you that. But we will meet them for sure." Hugh said.

"Alright. So then what?" Bry asked.

"Then we will just settle there for life, and our descendants will be living there for thousands of years to come." Hugh said.

"But what if someone tries to be adventurous and stumble at our place and harm the giants and the children?" Bry asked.

"What did I tell you yesterday on our way here?" Hugh asked her.

"Dead Man Tell No Tales?"

"Yeah, if they harm any of our family, death is their only way out." Hugh said.

"You're harsh." Bry said with a smile.

Smiling at her he said "If we don't harden ourselves to do that then there is no meaning in making a family."

She nodded at him and stood up from her seat and walked towards Hugh and sat down on his lap with her back against his chest. Resting her head on his muscled and furred chest she said "Will your kids be alright with you marrying me?"

"They're independent of me and I only make sure that they will live a healthy life and only die of old age. So no, they have no say in it, as for my wife Grass is easygoing so there won't be any problem with her. As for Giga, she left after giving birth to my third child and went to find another mate, so no problem over there too." Hugh said.

"What made her go away again?" Bry asked Hugh.

"Well, as I have said before, I'm the only hybrid between a giant and CotF. She thought that if she mated with me she would also get hybrid children but as it seems to be only giant children were birthed by her, so she just left and I don't know where she is either."

".... So that's why you said that we may not have any kids huh?" Bry asked.


"That's alright with me. I will just take one of your CotF grandkids as my adopted child if you couldn't knock me up."

Hearing that, Hugh laughed out at her bluntness. As his laughter died down both of them slowly fell asleep in front of the hearth.


True to his words, Hugh led both Bram and Bry towards the neck and met up with Grass and his children and their children. That was one big family reunion in the eye's of the father and daughter duo, because there were twenty to thirty giants including their children and thirty to thirty five CotF including their children.

Seeing his whole family at Bram looked amazed and started to ask about the livelihood of the giants and the CotF, and the three giant son's of Hugh replied whatever Bram asked about. After hearing all that Bram said to himself "I thought the giants were just savage people who ate humans."

Hearing that Hugh chuckled and said "Bram, you do eat animal meat right?"

"Yes I do." Bram answered.

"Same thing, but different species." Hugh said.

Hearing that Bram blanched and looked horrified with terror filling his bones. Seeing that Hugh, Bry, Grass and all the adults and children started to laugh hysterically. As the laughter slowly died down Hugh said "Bram, the giants eat meat but not humans and that too rarely only. Most of the giants like to eat fruits and vegetables. The CotF on the other hand are omnivorous so you figure that out."

Bram just nodded his head like a hen pecking seeds from the ground.

After that they played around with the little ones and rested for a whole day to remove the tiredness from the trip.

The day after, Hugh married Bry in front of a weirwood tree with Grass standing in as a priest.

With that out of the way all of them sat down for a feast prepared by Hugh.

After the feast was over, everyone went to their homes with Hugh leading Bry to his home with Grass following behind them.




❌❌❌❌Chapter 6 End❌❌❌❌

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