
Life So Far and Winterfell

Slowly, I rapped my fingers against the wooden wall of the carriage, the rhythmic sound doing little to placate my boredom.

Around a month on the road. Carriages were...so goddamn slow. I know Westeros is massive - the size of a big continent - but do the carriages have to move so slowly? Guess it's to do with the lack of proper roads. If a carriage goes too fast, it's wheels will collapse under the shakiness brought on by the low-quality roads.

Sighing, I leaned back into the carriage and crossed my legs, settling into a position I'd become all too used to being in. Closing my eyes as well, I was welcomed by an abyss of darkness...but I looked past that or rather, I'd looked away from the darkness and back at myself. Skin, muscles, blood vessels, blood, nerves, bone, bone marrow--I saw it all and I looked through it all. Despite sitting completely still, I was actually beginning to put my body through the hardest and most effective workout it could possibly go through.

My muscles tore in places, re-growing with speed that was supernatural and my bones were covered in small cracks that healed over just as quickly as they appeared.

All of my body was being strengthened and so was my control over it. Or it'd be better to say that the connection between my mind and my body was becoming stronger as I did this unusual exercise.

What was this? I was somewhat sure about what it was...but I didn't know how I got it.

I just have it. Ever since I could remember - which, for reference, is since I was born into this world - I've had access to the information that allows me to bring my mind, spirit and body into alignment. A peculiar exercise, sure, but it's pretty bloody effective. It allowed me to see my...well, my everything. My muscle strength, my bone strength, my amount of stamina--and it allowed me to see all my weaknesses as well. And everyday, it allowed me to see those weaknesses disappear one by one. It allowed me to work those weaknesses away.

It was obviously the 'Hercules Method' from 'The Strange Talent of Luther Strode'. I was constantly bringing my mind, spirit and body into alignment and because of that...I was becoming more and more perfect. It also helped that my genetics were working with whatever the method was doing - from what I could see, I was pretty sure I would've become a pretty big and strong guy even without the method. The method just allowed me to fully bring out my potential.

"Young Lord," a call came from the front of the carriage making me open my eyes and reply.

"What?" I gave a somewhat annoyed reply, having been brought out of my meditation on the method - I had just been getting to a breakthrough on how to manipulate my muscles in such a way that I could make them like an armor.

Hurriedly, no doubt hearing my subtle tone of annoyance, the driver of the carriage replied, "We're approaching Winterfell, Young Lord. You told me to tell you when we neared," he said, making sure to keep himself clear by mentioning an order I had given him. He no doubt had experience with young nobles who were as temperamental as the weather itself.

Though I did feel a bit offended he'd think that of me. I wasn't like the other little shits of this world. Why?

Because I was mentally, at least, a 16-year-old. A somewhat mature one, if I may add.

I died in my original world - Cancer's a bitch, huh? - and I woke up as a child in this world. A world I was all too familiar with. I only needed to know my family name and that we lived in the Riverlands to know that I was in Westeros...which meant I was in the world where 'Game of Thrones' is set.

...A real kick to the balls, honestly. I mean, I loved the show (apart from the last season, obviously) and I'd read the books more times than I could count. But did I ever want to live in such a world?

No! Who the hell would?! Murderous psychopaths or idiots, probably!

...Anyway, I was in this messed-up medieval world and I was lucky enough to be one of the privileged. I was born to House Mallister, one of the bigger houses in the Riverlands and basically an equal to the ruling House, House Tully. Apparently we had a prouder bloodline or something - though none of my family were really about bloodline purity. I just chalked it up to us having a famous ancestor.

And as my driver just said, I was nearing Winterfell. Why was I going to Winterfell? I was being sent as a Page to Winterfell because of two reasons.

1) I was noble born and it was tradition to have noble born children paged to other parts of Westeros so they could have a wider variety of experience in the world and their cultures. Though frankly, most of the Westeros Houses have very, VERY, similar culture. Usually revolves around either the Gods or personal strength. Sometimes it's about money and family, however.

2) It was 289 AC and the Greyjoy's Rebellion had begun. I was the second born son of Jason Mallister, Lord of House Mallister and because I was of political value and because of the fact my parents loved me, I was sent aware from one of the main points of the rebellion. Which just so happened to be the coast my House lived on. Seagate, my House's Seat, was responsible for defending the west side of Westeros from the Ironborn Raiders that came to raid there. So, it was also where the main part of the Greyjoy's army went when the rebellion started.

I mean, I know the rebellion ends REALLY quickly. Doesn't even last a year. But my parents didn't know that, so they sent me off to Winterfell. Not like I could tell them I had knowledge of the future either? Not like I was too bothered about going to Winterfell either.

I'd at least get to meet some of the main characters from the show and books. That was something to look forward to, I guess.

"Thank you for the reminder," I replied to the driver before settling back into my meditation.

The method was as boundless as human potential was - so, despite having used it for seven whole years, I was still only scratching the surface of the whole thing. I'd successfully used it to make sure only my positive traits would continue to grow and I used it to push my growth in certain directions. Combat ability, mainly. Most users of the method only ever got it when they were adults, so they didn't have such chances that I do - I was able to choose how I'd grow and what I'd eventually be.

Like I said before, my genetic purity was...staggeringly high. Even without the method, I was sure I'd grow to be a strong man who was overwhelmingly talented in whatever he'd put his mind to. But with the method, I was able to amplify that talent and bring it out to it's fullest potential.

Suppressing unwanted traits, isolating and amplifying positive traits and mixing them with other positive traits to make me better...these were both beginner benefits to the method.

Progress, however, was slow. But it was acceptable for this world. Even with what I have now, if I were to grow to maturity and become what I've arranged with my genes...I'd still be one of the strongest men in this world. A man who needs no armor or weapons other than his body and his bare hands. Such a thing would truly leave a mark in history, no?

Smiling to myself, I came out of my trance of meditation and lifted an arm in front of me.

Athletic muscle was all over it but due to not having gone through puberty, it was still quite a slender arm with very little muscle mass on it. The muscle that was there, however, was of the highest quality. I got the idea from 'History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi' and I messed about with my muscles a bit and ended up with the Pink Muscle from that. The perfect muscle, basically. And even better yet, the beginner part of the method helps the user unlock the limiters on their body meaning I can use 100% of this perfect muscle unlike normal people who can only use 20-30% of their ordinary muscle's strength. My body is durable enough to withstand me using that much strength as well.

I'm working on the next stage of the method that will lead to an increase in height, muscle density and mass, bone density and mass, and an overall increase in the body's quality. I should be able to get to the next stage in the next few years. Four years max.

Flexing the individual strands of muscle one by one, I watched them while thinking about new things I could try out with my control. I didn't have any teachers for this sort of stuff, so I had to improvise most of it, which meant learning skills was both easier and harder.

Easier because I didn't have too much restriction put on me, meaning my creativity could really be let loose but also harder because traditional skills were quite a bit harder to learn. The information from the method inside my head only really details how to perfect the body through the method and it's unique exercise/meditation and how to control the x-ray vision that comes after the second stage - the next stage I'm gonna be at. It's not actual x-ray vision, however. Just allows you to see the inner workings of someone's body and their weaknesses. I'm pretty sure it's call Meat Vision by some who read the comic because when you use it you just see muscles and organs of the people you look at.

Seems freaky, honestly.

Putting my arm down, I looked out the window of the carriage and saw the tall and old grey walls of Winterfell and gave a somewhat intrigued smile as I watched the sentries pace back and forth across the wall, looking out over the cold plains surrounding Winterfell.

An entire month of journeying...finally bloody over.

. . .

POV Change - Eddard 'Ned' Stark (3rd Person)

Sitting in his solar, Ned scrawled across the parchment in front of him. More and more trade deals from houses in the South were being cut off from him and with the Greyjoy's Rebellion...he would soon have to go off to war again.

Flashes of Robert's Rebellion all those years ago flashed through his mind. His sister's urging of 'promise me' flashing through his head, sending a spark of guilt through his chest.

Closing his eyes, Ned put down the quill he'd been using and rubbed his eyes:

He'd been up too late trying to convince the lords from the Reach to spare some grain. He hadn't a lick of sleep all night and even from his solar he'd heard cries and screams of his newest born daughter Arya. He was truly at his wits end, so when a knock came from his door, he gave a frown before dropping his hand and opening his eyes.

He kept his composure and called out, "Come in," he said before picking up the quill and putting it back in the pot of ink he'd been using to write.

The door creaked open and in came the master at arms for Winterfell, Rodrik Cassel. The grey-haired man walked with a rare smile as he led a boy into the solar. Ned internally chided himself for not remembering this - he was receiving a page from House Mallister. Catelyn had reminded him last night as well but he'd been so buried in parchment that he'd forgotten.

Sighing, as inaudibly as he could, Ned stood up and managed a somewhat welcoming smile.

"Erik Mallister, second born son of Jason Mallister, Lord of Seagate," Ned greeted the young Lord politely, "It's nice to finally meet you. How was your travel here?" he asked as he looked the boy over with an inquisitive eye.

...He truly was a big lad just like Jason had told Catelyn. Erik was a little over seven name days old and yet from the size of him, you'd be forgiven if you thought he was ten and two name days old. The boy carried himself with a effortless grace, each of his steps silent and taking him just the right distance to make his pace look steady but not slow.

Ned's mind went to how his oldest son Robb acted. Robb was six name days old and yet he was neither the size of Erik nor did he have the obvious etiquette the Mallister boy had.

Erik smiled brightly and politely replied, "Lord Stark," he bowed slightly before continuing, "My journey here was a long one but to see the famous Winterfell and it's sturdy walls, it was a worthwhile trip," the boy spoke like he was ten name days older than he was, stumping Ned for a second before the Lord of Winterfell composed himself and let out a short chuckle.

"Well, now that you're here, how about I introduce you to my family?" Ned asked, feeling a burst of energy. A second wind, so to speak.

The young Mallister gave an energetic nod in reply, his icy blue eyes lighting up.