
Game Across the World

Cultural fragments descended from outside the world of Gaem, and fate quietly changed… As a cultural carrier, games contain immense power, abilities and talents can be obtained in the game world! No resources, no contacts! But the game world is fair, and the coming role determines everyone’s future! The dungeon has its own golden house, and there must be Yan Ruyu on the battlefield! [Three years of games, five years of college entrance examination] [On how to pass the trainee practice copy] [One hundred postures for the clearance of the game doctoral copy] [Nordell Game Strategy Award] On the eve of the college entrance examination for another year, a cultural core was discovered and a brand new game world was born! Shen Chen, Salted fish player, game dead house, game design programmer! When he woke up from a dream, he came to this world, looked at the score sheet and made trouble. I was destined to miss the book, and eventually became a 996 civilian? No, the undead team has not completely defeated me, how can the game world that comes to bear me! what! How is the village called Beijun Village? How can talent have tenacity and blood anger? The greed of the knight? Bishop Faor, why are you ignoring me, what does indifference mean? No, Warcraft? Alliance… Is the so-called cultural core… Is Heishi step so strong? All parry and block? Does it mean to be impeached? see through? Wait online! anxious! How to fight Ratman Hogg! What is the lair of Sivana’s daughter Sivanas, watch out for the dragon’s breath! …It turned out to be so, the game has crossed the world! Why did cultural fragments come to this world? What is controlling all this behind? Chaos, natural disasters, insect swarms, and groups are coming one after another! I will cut off the black hand reaching out to this world

Abra_Gan · Game
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Game World and Games

  Magic makes civilization, faith makes gods, adventure makes heroes, and epics make legends.

   P! In fact, Gaem World is just a traditional magical world with knights, wizards, priests, and masters.

   Humans occupy the central continent, the orcs conquered the northern plateau, the dwarves live in the western mountains, and the elves live in the southern forests...All races live steadily without conflict or war.

   Of course, it's just that there is no obvious war, and resources are gradually becoming unbearable in a world with rapidly expanding population.

  Masters built the Dimensional Wizard Tower, and they began to look for a passage to the Dimensional World.

   The dwarf followed the vein all the way down and dug one dungeon after another.

  The flag of the Kingdom's navy flies over the vast endless sea, conquering one island after another.

   The orcs are rushing to the top of the world, wanting to see what secrets remain on the snowy peak.

   Some people say that the cataclysm is that the orcs angered the gods and sent infinite punishments.

   Some people say that the teacher has discovered the chaos void in the dimension, which has attracted demons.

   also has this view, the dwarf dug into the gate of **** in the depths of the world.

   The bishop of humanity said that the heroic spirits were awakened by your unbridled, and now they want to retake their homes.

Regardless of how the rumors spread, it is written in the Gaim History Book: On the last day of the Era of the Ten Thousand Nations, the astrological changes, with nine stars connecting pearls, three stars ring orbits, inter-star communication... heralding a major change is coming. Swept the game world.

  The sunrise of the new era came a little later than usual. When the first radiance of the sun fell, the black meteor fell on the capital of the wizard, destroying the seven white towers that symbolized the peak of magical civilization.

   Abyssal creatures swarmed from the mine tunnels dug by the dwarves, and the Blackstone Fort, symbolizing wealth and craftsmanship, was destroyed overnight.

  Countless undead crawled out of the black bay of the endless sea, turning the bustling port area into a terrifying place of death.

   Finally, the Zerg swept down from the peak of the world, and the orcs' shaman shrine became their new worm nest.

   However, there are countless cultural fragments that have arrived in this world with the disaster, and they have once again given hope to the desperate creatures of this world.

   The mages interpreted these fragments. In the smallest fragments about the size of a fingernail and the largest palm size, there are worlds hidden in them. In the eyes of the mages, these worlds contain countless wisdom, power and rules.

   They are studying these worlds day by day, but their lack of knowledge and short-sighted vision cannot allow them to obtain the power to save the world.

   Disasters continue to spread in this world, and weak races begin to migrate to the center of the continent. Even powerful races such as humans, elves, and orcs have to cooperate to resist the invasion of disasters.

  The creatures call this period: catastrophe! Great retreat! The era of great integration!

   Relying on the water system and mountains, various races have built a magical high wall on the border, using life span, flesh and blood and materials to forge the first fortress that has not been lost in the disaster.

   But such consumption has caused all races to almost lose their elites and geniuses, and they can no longer organize a battle for a great fortress.

Since the author did not intend to write fantasy, the fragments once again surprised all races. An untalented mage apprentice, with a weak spiritual fire, let himself "descend" to the world in the fragments. He found his body in that world. The middle was digitized, and just a few days of adventure allowed him to break through the apprenticeship level and become a true mage.

   He wanted to keep this secret, but his sudden promotion was noticed by the Mage Association. Soon the news spread throughout Gem, and people communicated with the fragments and "come" into the fragmented world.

   After summing up, the world built by these fragments can not only enhance the potential and strength, but also train combat ability, command ability, and management ability. Even the rules and rules of fragments, as well as some inexplicable so-called "science" can be used.

  A new era has begun, and this kind of world is called a game in the fragmented world! So the fragmented world was named the "game" world! The fusion of technology and magic began. Magic technology, "modern" educational methods, and game strategies began to dominate the development of this world.

   The beneficial characteristics of the two civilizations were combined, and a new civilization system was born.

   At the same time, the church has researched new powers for "advent", which not only allows people to go to the game world, but also allows them to use magic to "descend" the power of the game world to the game world.

   In the next battle of the river fortress, a Du Yue warrior successfully manifested a large cultural fragment, the top weapon in the legendary world, the sword of extermination!

   In the first battle at his peak, the sword blade cut a deep Mayana trench on the harvest plain, separating the sky from the earth, and destroying the abyss's attack range weapon, the wheeled chaos artillery.

  Many game masters followed along with their efforts and severely damaged these alien beasts from the abyss, not only regaining the harvest plain, but also suppressing the abyss back into the mountains.

Since then, the world has the power to fight disasters and corrosion. The game world has been incorporated into the systems of education, belief, politics, and economy. The college entrance examination not only measures the strength of students, but also needs to test their exploration of the game world (task) And understand (copy).

   Shen Chen recalled the monthly test report card on the desk in the morning, with 136/150 cultural scores, 43/150 physical fitness scores, 86/150 skills scores, 127/300 comprehensive tests, and a total score of 392!

He couldn't help but smile. The pressure of the college entrance examination in this world is much greater than that of his year (for admissions can refer to the stick). Even the high school affiliated to Zhongdu College where he attended, only less than 10% can After being admitted to one, less than 50% can go to university.

   And the score and the school determine what kind of education and training resources a person will have.

   The power that the fragmented world can manifest is limited. Although new fragments are excavated every year, it is still in short supply. Shen Chen's high school Class A has only 8 hours of game time per day, which is completely insufficient.

   If it is a poor school or class, it may only have 2 hours or 4 hours, and the progress of the practice will only be further behind, and it will be difficult to catch up again.

   Of course, you can also spend more resources and money to buy enough game time, but the cost is not affordable for ordinary people.

   Shen Chen is still missing his parents in this world. Although he has a living grandfather, he is secretly injured. He lives in a military nursing home and cannot provide financial support.

   Even if it is the house where he lives now, even though it is an inheritance left by his parents, the property taxes, property fees, utility bills, and living materials are still overwhelming Shen Chen's original body, and he needs to work extra to earn money.

And if you can be admitted to a high-quality university similar to the previous life (211, 985), generous scholarships, game time extended to 12 hours, not to mention, you can also have independent game landing equipment, enjoy excellent campus resources, and get a rich game world Access rights, a better game communication environment and superior strategy teachers.

   The most important thing is the guild established on the basis of the university, which can challenge the dungeon and complete the tasks more smoothly, and the strength growth is naturally not a problem.

   But with my own grades now, it is difficult for me to enter a cultural application college (higher vocational).

  This kind of colleges can only come into contact with the basic scientific knowledge that has been organized from the game world, learn the corresponding magic device skills, and become an office worker or game world service worker (GM?) after graduation.

   Low wages, long working hours, poor working environment, and welfare and social resources are naturally of no share. Let alone the goddess Su Yutong, it is difficult to find a wife.

   "I don't want to be a 996 suffering person like my previous life!"

   But how did the original body fall from the first to the present situation?

   Shen Chen digs into his memories... After entering high school, students have the right to re-select the game world. Their world has changed from the basic kind for children to the middle and upper world.

   "Children's world? Isn't this Mario's world? There are also angry demons..." Shen Chen vomited. "It turned out to be in the private server, isn't it a blow!"

   The legendary world is naturally a legend in the minds of all students, a top priority choice, but this world has existed for too long, not only the internal forces are mixed, but also the reality and the arrival have some people thinking about it.

  'S predecessor had strayed into a world of legends that had been passive with his hands and feet. It was formed by the splitting of the main fragments. Not to mention the incomplete rules, the upgrade can only reach level 30, which is equivalent to the existence of private servers.

   A month ago, the black hand behind the scenes finally began to harvest the power of the private server, and the ability of private server players accumulated in the game world was looted.

   Shen Chen was naturally one of the members implicated. He lost all his accumulation of two years of games. Not only did his strength plummet, his mood was also severely damaged, and his comprehensive test performance was unfavorable. In the end, he could only score less than 400.

Although the master who created the private server eventually fell into the distribution network, the private server was banned, and the power of the game world could not be recovered after all. The government's compensation is the right of access to a new game world, and signed confidentiality with each victim. protocol.

   Secrecy caused the school to misrecognize what happened to Shen Chen, thinking that he had made a mistake in his practice, and his skills were lost. As for the principal and higher-level existence who knew this, they would not say it.


   This confidentiality agreement is not only about the existence of private servers, but more importantly, this new world!

The cultural fragments were excavated from the cleaned white pagoda. They were the earliest treasures that came to this world. It is not simply a quick fragment, but a complete, pieced together spherical object. The government will take this form of fragments. Named "Cultural Core"!

It is larger than the sum of the fragments found by the government in history, and there are faint words and lines on the spherical fragments. Violent...yi...bi...and a gear and wrench Style icon, a mark left by boxing.

   These patterns are ambiguous, and the characters of different civilizations are difficult to translate, so no one knows what this fragment is.

   But one thing is certain!

   It is a complete, mature, and recyclable world. Enabling this fragment means that all races in the Gaem world are about to usher in a new era! An era of great development!

According to the Spell Academic Seminar, Warlock Scholar Inheritance Institute, Church Study Organization, Supreme Conference of Knight Sword Bearers, Game Strategy Forum, Game World Research Organization, etc., the world created with this fragment can give players the strength and talent The lifting speed increased several times.

   In addition, while the world can accommodate enough players, it still guarantees the sustainable development of the world's circular green. In this way, at most the next generation, Gaem World will have the power to fight back and regain lost territory.

The complete world represents complete rules. Once it runs, it is naturally out of control. As soon as this cultural core is unfolded, the ruins of the White Tower immediately become the source of its world. It wants to control like other worlds, of course. Powerless.

   This world can only monitor and add some features related to the arrival, but it can no longer affect the operation of the game world!

   Fortunately, after a period of testing, the automatic operation of the game will not affect the player's strength, but will promote the training speed. At the same time, the rules and settings in the world are very in line with the Gaem World. It has become an inevitable choice for people to replace the legendary world, the dragon valley and the dungeon world, and the journey world.

   Of course, necessary tests and experiments are also necessary. After all, this is a new and unknown world. If there are any traps or changes, Gaim's future cannot be used as a bet.

   It happened that the private server incident broke out, and these poor bugs became the most suitable experimental subjects, with free game entry quota and 12 hours of daily game time. This does not cost any compensation, and it can also buy the hearts and minds of these small citizens. I think the private server players will be grateful for the government!

"North County Village, Black Rock Wolf! This...this is not!" Shen Chen recalled the games he had played before. The name of the village and the mobs he faced made him very familiar. That was the majority of game players in the previous life. Known as "Warcraft"!

   "But the predecessor had such a good opportunity, why did my soul get here in the end?"

   "A new game that has never been touched, according to the character of its predecessor, it should be incredibly happy and full of curiosity to immediately step into this world, and continue to explore at the same time!"

"In the end what happened?"

"Head hurts!"


   "I have a talent called'Knight's Greed', what does it do?"

   "Oh! That line of small characters...This talented goblin association is not responsible for it! Attention!!! When you get more glittery treasures, you will also provoke the owners of those treasures!"

   My inherent talent seems to provoke the NPCs who released the tasks, and the reputation has all become cold. Not to mention handing over tasks, it is extremely difficult to talk to them again!

"It turns out that, in this way, the characters (NPC) in the game world don't care about themselves! The main/side missions cannot be completed! The supplies cannot be obtained from the supply merchants! Even the faction has begun to change, UU reading www.uukanshu .com is biased towards orderly neutrality and even towards evil!"

"This is North County, the birthplace of the Paladin, where the power of the Holy Light is bred. A Paladin should possess the virtues of humility, honesty, mercy, bravery, notarization, sacrifice, honor, and light, not your dirty, stinking A place where dross can defile!" the guard warned.

The inability to complete the task means that the talent cannot be improved. It means that even the Novice Village cannot leave. It means that no matter how strong the strength is, Shen Chen's predecessor cannot imagine giving up the dream of becoming a strong man. As a genius who dominates the high school, he will never Be willing to be a civilian or worker and waste your life.

   But the reality made him desperate, this game could not start, and other games had no resources for him to enter!

   Under the weight of reality, the predecessor used some means to hurriedly end his life, but he did not expect that there was a soul that was almost identical to him and came through and occupied this body.

   "Can I handle the current situation? How to make these NPCs recognize themselves again?" Shen Chen was a little flustered. Although it was a game world he was very familiar with, the changes in it also made him at a loss.

   "No, I am also a traverser anyway, I am more familiar with this world than the natives of this world, I will definitely find a solution!"

In previous games) I have defeated at least the Legion, the Ancient Gods, explored the woodlands, ice caps and outland, fought side by side with the Storm King, was taught by the Ash Lord, and licked the dried bananas of the Elf Goddess. How can the reputation of the North County be It's hard to beat me!"

   After learning the truth of this world, Shen Chen calmed down after all, the otaku attributes appeared, and he began to fantasize again...