

A single beam of light split the dark veil of space as a spaceship rip through the emptiness, unaware of the danger that hide in it.

"Phmmmmmm" Spencer breathed in deep from the cockpit of his spaceship. With the engine and the light turned off, he could barely see his own hands; but what he could see was the unsuspecting target spaceship out there all alone.

"I think I already smell money from here." He breathed out softly in ecstasy. "A freight ship traveling off regulatory space path without any escorts. Just imagining it makes me want to cum."

"If you do, keep it in your pants." Said a deep voice from behind. "Cause I ain't cleaning that shit."

An old man who looked well in his 50s was sitting behind Spencer on a metallic table. On the table, illuminated by a small light stand, was what appeared to be a mechanical arm. The outer shell of the arm had been open, revealing complicated wires and gears. Which the old man was moving around solely with his right arm.

Spencer swirled back to face the old man; a wide grin plastered on his face. "Rest assure Gabe, I am known in half the galaxy for my longevity and excellent performance." He said with a mock pelvic thrust. "I'm pretty certain I can hold it until we dock in the freight ship. But after that, I take no responsibility for any of my actions"

Gabriel looked up from the table with tired eyes. He opened his mouth but instead of saying anything he promptly closed it shaking his head. He massaged his temples with his right arm and went back to tinkering the mechanical arm.

"Is the arm almost done? We wouldn't want the target too have much of a head start." A feminine voice came jokingly from the dark. Illuminated only by blue holographic screen displayed in midair in front of her.

"Almost Vela. And your side?" Gabriel asked with his eyes still glued on the mechanical arm. He plugged in a few more circuits.

"I'm always prepared. Especially for something like this." Vela replied. The screen in front now displayed a blueprint of a spaceship.

"Hello? Is everyone ignoring me? It's kinda getting lonely in the front." Spencer yelled from where he was.

Blatantly ignoring Spencer, Vela open two more screens in the hologram. One displayed a complex calculation while the other displayed a control panel. "Then let's hit the target first, your role is last to go anyway." She said as she touched the control panel. A low humming sound churned from the spaceship as the engine began to start.

Gabriel furrowed his brows but, in the end, grunted in agreement. "Yeah, that might have to do. They haven't jumped yet, but they ought to as soon as their engine finish cooling down. Landing the hit beforehand doesn't seem too bad."

"Good, then hold tight." She smiled and tapped the screen in rapid succession. Suddenly the spaceship jerked forward without warning. Gabriel lifted the mechanical arm above the table and held on to it. Spencer yelp in surprise and nearly fell forward, marginally saved by the cockpit seat. Vela remained unmoving at where she was, completely unaffected by the movement.

Streaking across the empty space the spaceship charged towards the target. In mere minutes Spencer's spaceship was right on the tail of the target. The target's engine began to grow yellow attempting to warp away. But before the jump could be made, small projectiles were shot from Spencer's ship and latched themselves to the engine and the ship. Immediately on contact, the projectiles on the engine detonated. The explosion was not big enough to destroy the whole engine, but it was certainly enough to turn it offline. The target ship slowed to a halt.

"You're turn dickwad." Vela threw an hourglass at Spencer who caught it with ease as he approaches a cubicle at the far right end of the ship.

"Remember, the jammer only last 5 minutes. After 5 minutes they will be able to send distress signal for help. Get access to the control panel and deactivate the security so that I can hack in before then." She reminded him.

"Say no more darling, I'll get it done 3 minutes. Just sit back and watch some true display of skills." Spencer chirped and took a crystal long sword off from the wall. He held tight on to the sword and the hourglass and entered the cubicle. The inside of the cubicle began to glow in purplish light.

"Don't miss me too much while I'm goooonee-" Spencer yelled at the last moment as his body disappeared in the cubicle leaving nothing but his clothes in it.

Vela sighed in exasperation. "I still don't know why we use that idiot."

* * * * * *

The ship was in chaos. The trip should have been safe. Information was kept in perfect secrecy and they took an unregistered path that traveled over nowhere. No one even came close to this area of the galaxy nor should anyone has known they were taking this route. At least that is what communicator of the Goldquick freight ship thought.

And yet here they were under attack. The engine already took damage it could not self-treat. All frequency and radio transmissions were non-responding. He was trying everything, and nothing was working.

[Is the distress signal yet to be made?] A static filled sound came from the internal communication speaker. It was the captain.

The communicator gulped down in anxiety before managing to press the mic input button.

"It... it is being attempt but current there is not a single signal available. I believe they may have attached a frequency or radio jammer on the ship when they damaged the engine."

There was a short pause before the captain continued. [Then are there no other measures that can be taken?]

"No sir. Devices that functions are projectiles and not as a stationary equipment are mostly single use and temporary. It won't last,,, more than 10 minutes at tops. As long as there is no external invasion or further attacks from the-"

As the communicator was about to finish, the emergency resource aid cubicle indicated incoming object.

"What the...?"

The emergency cubicle technically didn't necessarily require their authorization to operate as it was meant as emergency rescue tool when a ship was completely down. At the same time, there could be no one who would be sending them anything at the moment. The emergency cubicle was high selective in what it allowed, and it didn't. Anything made of metal was banned from be teleported by the cubicle.

And in the cubicle appear a naked man holding a sword and an hourglass. The man and the communicator's eyes met.



Sensing primal danger, the communicator attempted to flee the site.

Only, Spencer was faster. With the sound of shattering glass, Spencer slashed the communicator clean on the back.

"Ed? What's going on? What was that sound?" Captain's confused shouts came from the speaker. But the communicator was too busy crawling on the trying to escape to reply. With a trail of blood, he tried to flee. The communicator was almost near the door when Spencer stomped his foot on his neck, breaking it clean.

Shouts were still coming from the speaker until Spencer finally cut the communication with the control room. He fiddled with the communication panel, pressing different buttons.

"So, it was this one." He flipped a switch that was labelled ELE. "And then... 3... 4.. 2, 9...1... 7?" He scratched his head in uncertainty. For a moment there was only static. Then- [Spencer?], It was Vela's voice.

"Bingo" Spencer whispered. Then in a loud voice; "First step done. I as always, was glorious." He waited for applause. None came. "So, what's next from here again?" He was used to it.

Vela sighed. He could almost see her rolling her eyes. [As I said, head to the control room and deactivate the security system. That will allow Gabriel to enter the ship and my terminal to hack the entire ship.]

"And the location of the control room?" He asked

[Haven't I already given you the blueprint to the ship?]

"Hmmm... nope doesn't ring a bell. Maybe you didn't give it to me."

[No, I gave it to you. Just yesterday.]

"Doesn't sound like it. And I have an infallible recall which allows me-"

[Christ for the last time!] He was cut off by Vela's curse. [Fine, let's say I didn't. The ship is Ravenfeather Co.'s standard SCV space fleet. Turn right from the communication room and on the third left door head inside for the stairs. Climb up and head straight. The second right door should be the control room.] She rattled out.

"Right then left...and what? That's way too long, can't you just keep the communication online while I travel."

[No, this is local electromagnetic wave communication, not DSN frequency communication. So use your infallible recall and start memorizing.]

Spencer sighed theatrically. "Already the fate of our success rests on my shoulders. It just happens so that I am known for my impossible comebacks from crisis throughout half the galax-"

[Leave the communication room turn right, third left door, staircase up, move straight, second door on right.] Boomed the speaker.

"Easy there, no need to raise your voice."

* * * * * *

"God damn it!"

On the other side of the ship the captain slammed his fist on the wall. The communication had been abruptly cut and most likely due to an intruder. He had taken every measure to ensure the voyage would be undisturbed. No one outside of his crew knew of the flight and he had deliberately chosen the most secretive routes there is to destination. Nothing should have gone wrong. But here he was now.

"Is there problem captain?"

The captain jumped in surprise. He hadn't noticed the priest who was now standing next to him. Flustered, the captain's eye's wondered around his crew. They were all focused on the captain and the priest, some in anxiety and some in fear. The tension in the air thick enough to cut like butter.

"Th-there's nothing to be concerned of father. It seems that we have hit an asteroid. We will be departing soon." The captain stuttered out, trying his best to hide the dread creeping on him.

"Is that so? That's fortunate..." The priest glimpsed at the dashboard on the control panel. It was flashing orange. "Because if something was to happen to 'her', then I cannot guarantee the safety of the passengers on this ship. Of course, if it is as you say, then there is no need to worry. Correct?" The priest asked with his lips curled in a smile. But his eyes portrayed no such emotions.

The captain could feel cold sweat trickling down his back. "O-of course! Yes, yes. There is nothing to worry about."

"Then I will return to my quarters." The priest tilted his head in a polite bow and left the command room.

The captain watched forlornly as the priest walked out of the room.

"Well shit. We're all fucked." Words escaped his mouth unconsciously. "Get all the men available. We gotta catch the bastard running around."

* * * * * *

Bullets rain passed the corridor, carried with them the yells and screams of men. Yet, not a single one could land on their desired target. For each bullet travelling at his body, Spencer deflected it off course with flawless execution. All the while running through the corridor.

"Deflect, deflected. And dead." Spencer casually said as he dismembered another of the ship's crew.

"Fucking die already!" The yell was half tearful, which Spencer paid no mind to.

The red ink that painted the walls scarlet slowly advanced its territory with every scream. By the last dying wail and gun shot, the river of blood reaches the objective door. Spencer check his hourglass. There was still some sand left. Smuged, he kicked open the door. And heard the sound of gun pump being pulled.

Instinctively he dodged to the side, narrowly evading the shotgun shots that now plastered the wall. The wall was half shredded, the shot was not enough to penetrate the wall but enough to make it look like emmental cheese.

"That... probably cannot be deflected." Spencer mused.

"You have any idea whose cargo we are carrying? You and your friends are dead!" An angered shout came from inside the command room. Followed by another gun shot. Spencer could feel the sheer force of impact through the wall and on his back.

"I might be in a pickle." He checks the hourglass once more, little remained of the sand. He would have 30 seconds at tops.

He was about to charge in the room never mind the consequence when he found a gun from one of the dead crews lying at his feet.

"Perfect. Gun, the best method of communication and negotiation." Spencer picked up the gun and waited. Sure enough the next gun shot came. This time, it actually did rip through the walls. Spencer could feel bits of jagged metal sinking into his back. His jaw tightened in pain. Yet he held back his howl and immediately dived in the room, shooting as he went.

The captain did not have a chance to reload as bullets left gaping holes in his body. Spraying red all over the control panel, the captain's body sloped on it.

With the job done, Spencer threw away the gun and dragged his bleeding body to the control panel. He could feel the wounds closing slightly already. Pushing the captain off, Spencer flipped the switch to allow all transmission and teleportation in the ship. The final sand dropped down from the hourglass.

Tired and bloody, he leaned down on the control panel adamant to do nothing until Gabriel arrived. Only to notice a new presence at the door of the room.

Spencer turned his head to find a priest standing at the doorway. Wearing Eternal Light priest's signature red and white rob with long collar.

"Could we have our little confession session in a bit father?" Spencer said. His heart was into going after a civilian after his part was already done. He half expected the priest to flee in terror but instead, the priest eyed the room and the corridor nonchalantly.

"No, no need. For now is the time you will be guided to afterlife where you will face your penance." The priest casual declared as his entered the room.

Spencer was about to chuckle when his body was lifted from the ground and shoved into the wall. He felt the wounds in his back opening wide and air in his lung escaping his body.

"Level 2...psionic...? Here..?" Spencer coughed out.

"Level 3, heretic." The priest slowly approached Spencer. With each step the pressure became stronger. Spencer could taste the blood from his mouth by the time the priest reached him. "Now, if you wish for a quick painless death, you should start talking. On who's order are you here?"

Level 3 psionic priest in a freight ship. It sounded more absurd than anything he had heard in all his life. Spencer thought. He was struggling futilely to break the bound when behind the priest he saw the access light on the control panel blinking. Spencer relaxed. Gabriel was here. Now all he needed to do was buy time.

"Not really the lap dog type, well unless it's for money." Spencer managed out with a laugh.

The priest's eye's narrowed at the words and the pressure grew.

"Unfortunately, I am in no mood for jests." Then as if to confirm something, the priest began to rotate Spencer's naked body in air.

"There aren't any tattoos on your body or augmentation. So you must be from either Corp. or from some exoplanet government agency. Your alone, which indicates government, but your capability indicate Corp."

When Spencer was rotated a full circle back to face the door, he spotted shadow at the door. Purposefully, and in pain, he started howling as loud as he could.

"I see that you have no intention of answering. Very well, there are other methods of extracting the-"

Gunshot sound rang out. However, the bullets were stuck inches before the priest's back, as if blocked by an invisible wall. The priest quickly turned to face the new perpetrator; and fell directly into Gabriel's plan. A flash bang erupted the moment the priest turned.

The priest shrieked in pain and shock. As his concentration faltered, he dropped Spencer. Taking the chance, Spencer scuttled away.

Groaning in pain the priest began to wildly thrash everything in the control room. "How dare you, you vermin! Heretics! Do you even know who I am!"

Gabriel approached the priest. Dodging everything wave of psionic energy and debris thrown. He reaches the priest and extended his mechanical hand to the back of the priest's head. Before the priest could do anything, electric currents powerful enough to cause sparks to fly in the air coursed from the mechanical arm into the priest's head.

Priest's body twitch violently. Smokes rising from his ears and mouth. Black burnt patterns formed around his skin. When the electric current ended, the priest fell limply on the ground like a marionette whose strings have been cut.

"Not sure who the fuck you were, but I got some guesses as to what you are now." Gabriel grunted looking down at the body.

"Ah my impeccable strategic planning and acting skills shines again." Spencer, certain that the priest is dead, was just now crawling out of hiding.

Gabriel remained glaring at the priest's corpse.

"Level 2 psionic-"

"Level 3" Spencer cut in.

Gabriel glanced at Spencer; one eyebrow raised.

"What? He said it." Spencer pretexted.

"Then it only adds to the abnormality. Level 3 psionic battle priest escorting a freight ship. And in common average priest clothes no less. There's something wrong." Gabriel gruffed.

Then, through the whole control room, announcement rang out.

[Ah-ah. Gabriel. I have control over the ship now. How is the situation inside?] It was Vela.

Gabriel pressed the voice button on the control panel. "There may be an issue here." He paused for a second. "There was a psionic priest."

Spencer interjected from behind. "Defeated with my perfectly planned plan." No one paid any attention.

[...What? Psionic priest? In a freight ship?] Vela asked after a moment in disbelief.

"Yes, and a level 3 at that" Gabriel confirmed while scratching his chin.

[Something is obviously off...]

"My thoughts exactly, I want to check the cargo. Have you hacked the whole system?" Gabriel tapped at the panel.

[Of course. I will unlock the cargo room go and check it if you want. I need time to fix the ship's engine with my drones anyway.]

"Alright" Gabriel replied shortly and headed to the corridor.

From behind Spencer quickly followed Gabriel's steps. "Hey Gab, is a dead priest that big of a deal? I heard the church sends them everywhere anyway."

Gabriel was momentarily lost in thought then opened his mouth.

"I reckon it ain't really your fault for not knowing. You were born and raised in Corporate owned exoplanet." He started

"What does that got to do with the priest. We had religions in Teegarden."

Instead of directly replying to Spencer's question Gabriel skipped to another topic.

"How long have we been working together?"

Spencer started counting with his fingers. "About three years." He concluded

"And during those three years how often did we see a member of the cult in the ships we attacked or the ships that attacked us? Excluding the Orions."

"Except those bat-shit crazy harlequin anarchists?" Spencer scratched his head. "This just might be the first."

"It is the first." Gabriel agreed. "Because all the three major church sects are paranoid bastards. They do not leave any group that opposes them alive. Which I suppose comes natural to fanatics who believe they are the sole truth of the universe.

"And because of that, they are spread thin as paper out in the galaxy waging wars against each other. That's why they were at your planet. They already have a full plate; they got no reason to go around pissing at the Corp.

"And that same religious sects, dispatching one of their greatest resource, a battle priest, on a common freight ship? I'd be made before believing that."

With those words they reached the cargo room. They stood outside the door.

"Then to send someone like that, whatever is behind this has to be important. And important shits are bound to be priceless. Oh man I think I'm getting a Bonner." Spencer licked his lips.

"It'd be a relief... if it's just priceless." Gabriel said as he pushed the button next to the door. Ominously, the door to the cargo room slowly slide open. In there was

As most readers would have noticed already by chapter 1, I'm not too familiar with SF genre. My experience with space adventure ends at Star wars and SF ends at Philip K. Dick's books. So I'm generally open to any suggestions, recommendation, correction of incorrect scientific facts, and everything between.

Also, thank you for reading

Thanks for reading guys

LemonSojucreators' thoughts
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