

After graduating from Su Shi University, Su Jing was in a bad mood and went back to his hometown to adjust his mood. However, he discovered that his own backyard had become the Galactic Garbage Station. Every day a large amount of trash is deposited into his backyard. Some came from the Tomb of God, Battle Through the Heavens, Coiling Dragon, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, X-Men, Captain America, Iron Man, and other novels, animes, and Marvel universes. As the owner of the garbage station, Su Jing has the obligation to deal with this Garbage. At first, he thought it was a hard and unprofitable task, but he discovered that he has found the most beautiful and cushy job in the world. Before anyone says anything, I am the original translator of this novel/fanfic.. I am uploading it here to get a larger fanbase and to get some support on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/GGS6395)

DarkShadow95 · Selebritas
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1409 Chs

Chapter 1132 Countermeasures Part 2

Afterward, Su Jing activated the Spring Leaf Secret Art to continue healing Luo Qilin. After approximately half an hour, Luo Qilin regained consciousness, and his complexion showed remarkable improvement in that half hour. He was no longer in immediate danger.

"I'm sorry, Master. I have disappointed you," Luo Qilin quickly apologized after seeing Su Jing.

"It's not your fault. The opponent was incredibly strong this time. Take some time to rest and recuperate. We may have to face him once again at any moment," Su Jing reassured him, leaving behind some Lantian Silver Thread Rice and Jade Fang Fishes for Luo Qilin's nourishment. 

Before departing, Su Jing also bestowed valuable items upon Luo Qilin, Bai Hetu, and his other subordinates through Luo Qilin. The stronger they were, the better their chances of success would be.

Su Jing hurried back to Su Family Village, where he noticed a commotion near the harbor. Su Dapao and another middle-aged man lay on stretchers, being swiftly loaded into ambulances by doctors and nurses. 

Both of them were unconscious while Su Dapao's condition was critical, with broken legs and severe injuries all over his body.

"Let me see what's happening," Su Jing pushed through the crowd, prompting the doctors and nurses to step aside when they recognized him. 

The patients' conditions were too precarious. Ideally, they should have received emergency treatment on-site before being transported to the hospital. Otherwise, their chances of survival would diminish.

However, as the cause of their collapse was unknown, it was challenging to determine the appropriate course of action. The arrival of Su Jing, renowned as a Divine Doctor, alleviated their concerns.

"A'Jing, you're here. They suddenly collapsed, and we have no idea why."

"Dapao's situation was even stranger. He started running and then suddenly collapsed."

Su Jing carefully examined Su Dapao's and the other man's injuries. Besides the leg fractures and minor abrasions from the fall, there were no significant physical injuries on their bodies. 

The unconsciousness they experienced was likely the result of damage to their souls and spirits— conditions that are difficult to address with conventional medical techniques.

Releasing his spiritual force, Su Jing infused it into their brains, hypnotizing them and soothing their minds. After a while, they began to regain consciousness. 

Though their complexions remained unpleasant, their lives were no longer in immediate jeopardy. They were fortunate that the dark shadow had merely sought to escape, avoiding any disturbance or harm to them. Otherwise, their lives would have been in grave danger.

"They're awake! A'Jing's medical skills are truly extraordinary."

"Of course, how could we forget who our A'Jing is?"

The gathered villagers couldn't help but express their admiration for Su Jing when they saw the two men waking up. Yet, at this moment, Su Jing couldn't find any joy in his heart. After ensuring that the two men were safely transferred to the ambulances, he returned home.

He called for Bai Hetu, who arrived promptly and Su Jing retrieved the Ghost Face Scroll from the "Zhu Xian" Universe and handed it to Bai Hetu, providing instructions on what needed to be done. He then summoned the Golden Eagle which descend some way away from him.

Under normal circumstances, the Golden Eagle would never permit anyone to ride on its back except for Su Jing. However, recognizing the urgency of the situation, it set aside such concerns for the time being.

Bai Hetu mounted the Golden Eagle and soared in a specific direction. After flying for approximately a hundred kilometers, Bai Hetu retrieved the Ghost Face Scroll and unrolled it. 

As the ghost face emerged, it emitted a piercing scream of agony, indicating that they were still within the range of the Holy Light emitted by the Angel Badge.

Bai Hetu continued his flight on the Golden Eagle, steadily pushing forward while conducting distance tests at each stage. It wasn't until he reached the edge of the Holy Light emitted by the Angel Badge that the results surprised Su Jing. 

The radius of the Angel Badge's Holy Light extended to approximately 2,000 kilometers, encompassing over half of China.

Naturally, the intensity of the Holy Light diminished the farther it extended from Su Jing. Nevertheless, the Angel Badge possessed immense power, serving as an absolute nemesis of evil. 

Even in the peripheral areas, the Ghost Face Scroll couldn't withstand it, causing excruciating pain to it. The shadow, despite its greater strength, would undoubtedly suffer greatly. It should be virtually impossible for it to approach Su Jing and his friends and family.

"With the continuous use of the Angel Badge, at least more than half of China will be temporarily safe," Su Jing sighed with relief after thinking about it. However, he knew that now was not the time to let his guard down. 

With such a formidable enemy lurking outside, no matter how courageous he was, he couldn't afford to be complacent. His focus should be on fortifying their defenses and finding a way to eliminate the shadow.

"By the way, the initial range of the Holy Light emitted by the Angel Badge was far more limited compared to now. The more spiritual force the Angel Badge absorbs and the stronger my own spiritual force becomes, the wider the range of the Holy Light will expand. If I continue absorbing spiritual force with the Angel Badge and extend the Holy Light to cover the entire Earth, wouldn't the shadow have nowhere to hide? Even if I can't encompass the entire Earth, the broader the range, the more advantageous it will be," Su Jing contemplated.

Su Jing knew that he was no match for the shadow on his own and he also recognized the Angel Badge as the perfect countermeasure against it. Therefore, he needed to focus on the development and enhancement of the Angel Badge.

Without hesitation, Su Jing sat down and began absorbing spiritual force. At regular intervals, he utilized the Angel Badge to absorb the spiritual force around him. Through his ongoing deeds and the gratitude and admiration people held towards him, a constant stream of spiritual force replenished him at all times. 

Yet, prior to this, his own training hadn't allowed for substantial spiritual force absorption, and the true potential of the increasingly powerful Angel Badge remained unrealized. 

It was akin to a person who could only eat a limited amount of fruit, choosing only the larger and more appealing ones while disregarding the smaller, fragmented ones.

Now, Su Jing's focus was sharper than ever. He concentrated his spiritual force, gathering it from all directions, leaving no trace uncollected. Naturally, he also took the time to heal himself, for the shadow's previous attack had caused not only physical harm but also mental trauma.

Furthermore, he had already begun formulating a plan in his mind, understanding that he needed to accomplish even greater feats to garner the worship and reverence of the entire human race.