

Michelle's life changed instantly when she entered into a contract to marry Michael Smith, a self made billionaire. Her only aim was to find genuine love and make a living for herself. She found comfort in the hands of Michael as he was distinctly kind to her despite being rumored to be the most inappropriate and inaccessible being. Michelle fell for him and became pregnant but soon found out her parents died because of Michael’s treachery. What will happen when Michael finds out he took part in her parents' death? Will Michelle abort the pregnancy or ignore the reason for her parents' death and live in pain forever choosing that she already fell for him?

OBA_C · perkotaan
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6 Chs


The air in Michael's living room smelled of doom, not just filled with high tension…The tension in the room was palpable, almost unbearable. Angela smiled, trying to ease the tension in the room. "You could just feel the tension in the room". As minutes went by, the tension in the room turned to slight anxiety.

Tyler's eyes ran to the right and to the left watching the staring competition in engagement by Michael and Angela. He pondered on what was going on in both their minds and he wished to reduce the tension to give ease of access to the rest Michael and he deserved after the chaotic day but he didn't know what to do than leave the room for both of them to settle their score or rather figure out what the meeting is for.

Tyler stood up from his seat, Angela who presented herself to be filled with so much entitlement crossed her legs, sent a tensed smile across to Tyler, back to Michael who kept to himself, well relaxed on the couch but focused on the red heels throughout the stare.

He was sure he didn't have any feelings left for Angela but it bothered him that she drove down there well dressed and packaged, still putting on the red heels he had gotten for her during one of the valentine days they celebrated together that she also wore on the evening she cheated on him with his father.

Michael broke the silence, "Why are you here?" Crossing his fingers over his legs. Tyler had already left the living room but tried eavesdropping on their conversation to be sure of where Michael's head was. "What do you mean? I am coming right back into your life. You promised me a whole lot and you are yet to fulfill them. I am here to get all of them to happen" Michael snickered, he saw her fingers shaking while she sounded all confident like she had no fear in the world.

"Wow! I am not bothered by you wanting to get us back together or by your existence. I just want you to leave my house this minute especially when you are dressed inappropriately. You sure did not think before coming here, did you? -He flipped to be a bit calmer - Okay…..What then is the plan? How do you get me to dance to your tunes? I mean, I would like to watch you try." Michael moved closer to her, reached for her hand supporting her up from the chair.

"Leave now Angela before I do what I will be glad to not regret afterwards" he stared right into her eyes that could be seen as fearful, dropped her hand carelessly and turned to go up to his room. "Michael please I am so scared. I want you back in my life. I can't live without you, don't do this to me. What do you want me to do? Huh?" Angela knelt in front of him making Tyler who watched the scene play out gasp.

She raised her head like a sinner who went to pray for her sins to be forgiven by a Messiah. Her small eyes were glassy and filled with emptiness. Her penciled nose twitched as she pleaded with Michael. Michael watched her whole face turn pale, feeling absolutely nothing for her. All he wanted was her hand to be taken off his body. He decided to not scare her this time and be nicer to her. "Okay, cool. I just said, "I will watch you try."

He picked her slim figured body off the floor and carried her right out of the door before he dropped her. Although he was irritated when he saw her smile and showed to him her open teeth, he stared right at her face with a tiny grin, called for a personal driver to get her to her house but Angela immediately stopped him from displaying the gesture.

"Nope, Michael. I can do things by myself. I am willing to do anything to make you change your mind so you come back into my life. I will be here as much as possible to get you to feel safe around me again"

Angela said to Michael, rushed into her car and drove off.

The moment Michael entered back into his living room. He heaved a sigh of relief and said, Come out Tyler, I know you are listening somewhere around. Aren't you?"

Tyler came out and confronted Michael as he normally does. "Are you busy getting back together? Why did you carry her off like you just got pronounced, husband and wife?"

Michael ignored Tyler's shenanigans. He placed both hands on his waist thinking of the next step and why Angela is coming back after two years of no messages, remorse or apology towards him. He couldn't fathom why, to avoid any extra waste of time, he came to a huge conclusion looking absolutely concerned like he rarely would. "That girl might never reach out to me. Tyler, find her for me. You know what she looks like. I do not know how, just find her for me, I need her now in my life"

Tyler watched as Michael walked out of his reply to his room. He could tell Michael was exhausted from all what he has been experiencing from his family members and now, an ex-fiance. "Poor Michael" he muttered and Shouted to console Michael. "Right away, Bes" Tyler sat alone and thought to himself about how to get to Michelle the next day.

"I went to his place today, it was hard and he was so cold but I am so sure he fell for my tears (Angela lied) and all I could do was get him to believe me that I want him back in my life. Are you sure after getting married to him and giving him a child? I can get the money I need to travel out of Seychelles." Angela spoke distinctly to someone in the phone background. "Yes, that is all you have to do and you have your freedom"

Ariel sat at the other corridor that displayed the beauty of the city with lights and a luminous view of water. She sat on a moving chair and bounced off and on while she sipped on the wine in a glass enjoying the night scenery waiting for her best friend, Michelle to come join her.

"This corridor is quite similar to what scared me off a while ago. Now, it is purely like a blessing just right when you are in my space." Michelle and Ariel shared biscuits and sipped wine while listening to music. "Should we reach out to the police? Just to help you feel more safe? When you get there, tell them everything and anything you remember, it doesn't matter. It could turn out to be of help" Ariel's concerns for Michelle were written all over her face.

"Yeah, I think we should report to the police tomorrow. I am actually worried he could come back to this house anytime soon. Today would have been perfect but I just could not get it together. Lest I forget, Darius sent me a text earlier today." Michelle picked her phone, scrolled right to the message and showed it to Ariel.

"Wow, what is this? After two years? Why will he want to come back to your life noe? He actually thinks you are waiting for him to be back? Nah, you have to call that man who gave you his card. You need to call him right away. Or Is that why you won't call this gentleman who gave you his card? Do you still love him?" Ariel watched to read Michelle's expression.

"I don't, I thought I should but I don't.

Have you seen the man who gave me this card? He is so fine. If I am not exaggerating, he is the finest man I have ever set my eyes on. That beauty. He is more than handsome. I .... Just don't want to be seen as cheap if I already like him that much" Michelle's lower lip enveloped her upper lip pouting in sync with how she feels about Michael.

"My baby is in love again. This is wonderful to hear, who do we share this with to enhance this celebration? Worried about how she hit Ariel earlier, she stood up from the moving chair and hugged her whilst sitting on her laps.

"I am sorry for hitting you, my best friend. I love you so much, Ariel for standing up for me at all times. Doing the best you can, sometimes acting like my mother and father. Now, it's my turn. I am going to treat you to the one thing you have always wanted from me. I am going to give you the best massage tomorrow but today, We are going to party so hard together, going round after round singing and vibing to different beautiful songs. Let us drink the night away." Michelle hurrayed.

Ariel was so excited to watch Michelle turn up. They drank all night, Caught up with Ariel and all what she had planned after leaving in two weeks. An opening in the curtain slightly separated and Ariel saw a guy in all black quietly open Michelle's door and left out the other corridor.

She was scared to the bone, her heart shrunk, she wondered if she should raise a concern or not, but in the end she didn't utter a word and watched him enter into a red car and drive off. She pretended to be totally drunk to be present with Michelle and protect her mind by being drunk to stupor but made her mind to change the lock immediately they woke up the next day.

When and where do you hope or want Michelle and Michael to meet? At his office or back at the supermarket or is it through Tyler?

I hope to get your reply. Muah.

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