
G Examination

One day, You Huo and his family was pulled into an exam called the Global University Entrance Examination. Going through exams together with other unfortunate examinees, their lives are put at stake and they can only live by passing each exam. However, something about these exams and the system ruling it didn’t seem right — It seemed to be trying to trap the examinees with ridiculous rules and strange questions… There, You Huo meets lnvigiIator 001 who seems to hoId a key to the past he no Ionger remembered and, together, they go through the exam, unravelling the mysteries behind their past and the system.

Orangess · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

( 6 )

Old Yu and two good-hearted old ladies took advantage of the chaos earlier to hide Yu Yao behind them but they trembled like a leaf.

No. 154's eyes was just about to look over when Mr. 001 pointed his chin at You Huo, "The other is him. Take him away."


No. 154 looked down at the note.

The sharply scribbled handwriting clearly read ——– Young girl.

No. 154 looked at You Huo with a blank look.

You Huo who was being looked at stared at Mr. 001 coldly.

No. 154 was certain that if this cold-faced handsome guy had a knife in his hand, he would've already cut off his boss's head.


When he just wanted to speak, Mr. 001 who gave him his orders turned up his coat collar and walked out into the snowstorm.

"Fuck! Brother!!"

"Dammit!! Why don't any of you speak any sense!!" Old Yu exploded.

"It's not him! It's me! Not him——–" Yu Yao was stunned for a couple of seconds before quickly rushing out from behind everyone.

However, when they looked over, the door was open. Snow continued to pour into the room along with gusts of wind.

There was not a soul by the door.

The three invigilators, along with the bald man and the wrongly accused You Huo, had disappeared without a sound.

"Stop shouting! They're already gone. If you want, you can go chase after them!" The tattooed man gnashed his teeth and strode over to slam the door shut. He even added two locks.

The room went quiet. Old Yu's eyes were red. He slapped his thigh angrily and sat onto the floor.

Yu Yao fell back onto the chair. She cried even more miserably.

Ever since she entered this cabin, she had not stopped crying. She was about to finish crying out her entire lifetime of tears.

Yu Wen stood stiffly facing the door with a pale face. He then turned around to pick his father up. With a frown, he said: "My brother left me a message."

"What?" Old Yu was shocked.

That invigilator took him away so quickly yet You Huo was able to have time to leave a message?

"He asked me to find a knife." Yu Wen said.

"What knife?"

Yu Wen slowly shook his head. He didn't answer. Instead, he turned to look at the answer wall.

Old Yu also looked over.

His eyes slowly swept over the wall. Finally, it settled in one place.

It was those thin knife marks.

"Who did that?" Old Yu was stunned for a moment.

Yu Wen: "It was there before. I saw it before the question was given."

He thought back for a moment and finally understood his brother's previous actions.

"I understand now."

Old Yu was very confused: "What do you know now?"

"Brother earlier was constantly saying that he was looking for a pen, but he was holding an axe in his hand." Yu Wen looked at the knife marks on the wall and said, "Earlier didn't that invigilator also say that there are clues for all rules? These knife marks are the clues."

The ink couldn't leave traces on the wall but a knife can.

So it is the so-called pen.

Old Yu's eyes brightened. He let out a sigh: "Sure enough, he's still very good."

Yu Wen: "Huh?"

"Then let's find a knife! At least we can be of help."

Old Yu wanted to turn around to let the others know of this news, but his mouth was covered by Yu Wen.

"No, no, no, don't!"

Yu Wen pretended to be comforting Old Yu. He patted Old Yu's back and said: "Don't worry, don't worry. My brother will be fine!"

Old Yu was about to vomit out blood from his smacks.

He again said in an extremely small voice: "Brother said that the knife was hidden away."


The snow got stronger.

Wind would randomly blow from all directions. Everywhere outside was misty, and you couldn't see the outlines of the mountains and trees. In the distance, you could see faint lights.

You Huo walked through the snow with a cold expression.

When he was pushed out the door, the cabin behind him disappeared. Even if he wanted to go back, he couldn't.

But there was one thing that was confirmed —– With the accompaniment of the invigilators, they wouldn't be turned into smithereens in the snow.

But compared to the snow, the invigilators were more worrisome.

The bald man was still in grief. He looked like he was at a funeral. Fortunately, they didn't go too far. Before they freezed to death, he finally saw a house.

It was a very small western styled building which sat alone in the middle of the woods.

In general, ghosts tend to like to inhabit these kinds of houses.

"We're here." No. 154 pushed You Huo in.

Under the light, You Huo's handsome face was stiff from the cold. His thin lips were pursed tight and his skin was cold and pale.

This small building went through some sort of strange refurbishment and it was completely covered in murals and sculptures. Big and small, they covered every corner of the house. When they looked around, he found himself facing a pale, stiff face.

The moment the bald man entered, he collapsed to the ground.

Seeing that he was about to leave another pool of water, No. 922 didn't hesitate to drag him down the corridor.

The bald man's cries came from that direction: "What are you doing? I was wrong. I was wrong ——– I won't so anything bad anymore! What are you going to do?!"


A deep voice suddenly rang by his ear.

Mr. 001 who was standing next to You Huo while taking off his gloves, asked this casually.

You Huo glanced at him and walked straight past him.

No. 154 glanced at You Huo and then looked over at 001.

"Why are you looking at me?" Invigilator 001 pointed at the corridor with his chin. He said lazily: "Hurry and go. Someone can't wait any longer."