

Efua’s POV

I jolted awake to the sounds of fists banging on my door.

"Efua! Efua! Open the door now!" the voices yelled.

I hadn't even realized I was panting and soaked in sweat as my night gown clung to my skin. I steadied my breath before looking at the time to see it was just five twenty six in the morning. A sharp pain shot through my head and I groaned. The loud bangs coming from the door weren't helping matters at all so I picked my silk robe from my bedside and put it on. Immediately I opened the door Mum gave me a look of terror and touched my cheek before storming into the room with her scarf tied tightly around her waist. Great she was also carrying a kitchen pistol.

"My baby what happened? Who is here! What is it! Kilode?" she questioned searching the room gallantly like a warrior queen. I rolled my eyes at that before massaging my forehead and shaking it. Alade who I didn't notice was behind me spoke startling me a little.