
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Lainnya
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150 Chs

The white cat

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a wise and powerful king who had three sons. The king loved his sons dearly, but as he grew older, he became worried about who would succeed him on the throne. He feared that one of his sons would not be fit to rule and would bring chaos to the kingdom.

In order to distract his sons and test their worthiness, the king devised a series of impossible tasks for them to complete. The first task was to find the smallest and most beautiful dog in the kingdom within a year. The king believed that the son who could accomplish such a task would prove himself to be the most resourceful and deserving of the throne.

The three princes set off on their separate journeys to find the perfect dog. The youngest prince, who was known for his gentle and kind nature, traveled deep into the enchanted forest. After days of wandering, he stumbled upon a magnificent castle hidden among the trees. The castle was adorned with gold and jewels, and it seemed to be inhabited by intelligent, talking cats.

Curious, the prince entered the castle and was greeted by a beautiful little white cat. She introduced herself as the queen of the castle and invited the prince to dine with her. The prince was amazed by the cat's intelligence and charm, and they quickly became friends. As they talked, the prince noticed that the cat wore a locket around her neck with a portrait that looked exactly like him.

The prince stayed in the cat's castle for a year, enjoying many entertainments and feasts. He had completely forgotten about the task given by his father until the cat reminded him. She then presented him with an acorn and told him that the dog he was seeking was inside. The prince returned home and, to everyone's surprise, broke open the acorn to reveal an impossibly tiny dog that danced before the king.

Seeing that his youngest son had successfully completed the task, the king was impressed but still not convinced of his worthiness. He sent all three princes on a second task – to bring back muslin fine enough to fit through the eye of a needle.

While his brothers searched high and low for the finest muslin, the youngest prince immediately returned to the white cat's castle. Once again, he spent a year there, enjoying the cat's company and hospitality. She sent him back home with a grand escort and a golden chariot, as well as a walnut.

The two older princes eventually returned with muslin that could fit through the eye of a large needle. But when the youngest prince opened his walnut, he found a hazelnut seed. Inside the seed were successively smaller seeds, each containing more and more intricately embroidered muslin. The king was amazed and declared the youngest son the winner of the second task.

Determined to prove himself once and for all, the king set a third and final task for his sons. He declared that the one who could win the most beautiful princess for a bride would become the next king. The two older princes set off to find a suitable princess, while the youngest prince made his way back to the white cat's castle.

The wise cat listened to his request and agreed to help him once again, but this time she had a condition. She revealed that she was not just a cat, but a futanari - a woman with both male and female genitalia. She told the prince that she could give him the most beautiful princess, but only if he first accepted her for who she was.

At first, the prince was scared and refused her request. He was afraid of how he would compare to her and what people would say. But the white cat pleaded with him, telling him that she could help him win the task and ultimately become king. Reluctantly, the prince agreed to comply with her request.

As soon as he accepted her, a bright light filled the room and the white cat transformed into a beautiful woman with a massive tower of flesh. The cat courtiers were also transformed into humans, proving the power of the white cat's magic. The prince was in awe of her transformation and realized that she was truly the most beautiful princess he had ever seen.

The princess then explained her past to the prince. She was the daughter of a queen who had promised her to the fairies in return for fairy fruit. The fairies had raised her in a tower that was impossible to enter except through a high window. While the fairies arranged a marriage for her to an ugly fairy king, she fell in love with a human king who had passed by her tower. She had planned to escape with him but was caught by the fairies. They killed the human king and transformed her and the people of her kingdom into cats.

The princess was cursed to remain in her tower until she found a man identical to her dead lover, who must also accept her for who she was - a futanari. The prince was shocked by her story but was also filled with admiration for her courage and determination to break the curse.

Together, they set out for the prince's kingdom, where the princess was found to be far more beautiful than the brides of his two older brothers. Her tower of flesh was no longer a curse, but a symbol of her strength and resilience. The prince's father and older brothers were amazed and overjoyed by the prince's choice of bride.

The former white cat revealed that she was not just a princess, but the ruler of six kingdoms. She bestowed a kingdom each upon the prince's father and brothers, leaving her and the youngest son with three kingdoms to reign over. The prince and the princess were overjoyed to have found love and a kingdom to rule together.

They celebrated a grand wedding, where the prince's brothers and their new brides were also present. The prince's choice of bride and her true identity were the talk of the kingdom, but the prince was proud and happy to have found someone who accepted him for who he was, just like he had accepted the princess.

The prince and the princess ruled over their three kingdoms with love and fairness, and their marriage marked a new era of acceptance and understanding in the kingdom. The former white cat, now a beautiful princess, was no longer just a cat, but a queen who had found true love and happiness with the youngest prince.