
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Lainnya
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150 Chs

The ugly duckling

Once upon a time, in a beautiful pond surrounded by tall, green reeds, there lived a family of ducks. Among them was a little duckling named Darcy, who often felt out of place in her family. While her siblings had beautiful, fluffy feathers and bright, colorful beaks, Darcy's feathers were dull and her beak was a strange shade of green.

She tried her best to fit in, but no matter how hard she tried, she always felt like the odd one out. Her mother, a kind and loving duck, would often reassure her that she was beautiful just the way she was. But Darcy couldn't help but feel envious of her siblings' appearance.

One day, as Darcy was swimming in the pond, she noticed something strange happening to her body. Her feathers were beginning to change color, and her beak was becoming longer and more slender. She panicked, thinking there was something wrong with her. But then, to her amazement, she realized that she was transforming into a swan.

As her transformation completed, Darcy looked at herself in the water and couldn't believe her eyes. She was no longer an ugly duckling, but a graceful and majestic swan. She spread her wings and took flight, feeling free and beautiful for the first time in her life.

As she flew over the pond, she saw her mother and siblings swimming below. They didn't recognize her at first, but when she landed gracefully in front of them, they were in awe of her transformation. They were overjoyed to see that Darcy was no longer an ugly duckling, but a stunning swan.

But Darcy's transformation had not only changed her appearance, it had also given her something she had never had before - a powerful and confident aura. She noticed that her siblings and even her mother were drawn to her, and she suddenly had a new desire - to have them all as her own.

Darcy used her newfound charm and beauty to gather her siblings and mother as her harem. She was now a futa, and she took immense pleasure in satisfying her loved ones' desires. They were all amazed by her transformation and willingly submitted themselves to her.

Her mother, who had always been the kindest and most caring of all, was now the most devoted to Darcy. She showered her with love and adoration, grateful to have such a beautiful and powerful daughter. Darcy's siblings also looked up to her, and they were all proud to be a part of her harem.

As Darcy glided through the water with her harem in tow, she couldn't help but feel grateful for her transformation. She had gone from an ugly duckling to a magnificent swan, and with her new form came a new family and a new sense of confidence. She had finally found her place in the world, and it was among her loved ones, as their leader and protector.

From that day on, Darcy and her harem lived happily in the pond, with Darcy as their beautiful and powerful swan queen. And they all lived happily ever after.