
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Lainnya
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150 Chs

Nathan lottery winner

Nathan had always dreamed of winning the lottery. He spent every month buying tickets, hoping that one day his luck would change for the better and he would become a millionaire. He was a simple man, working as an accountant and living a simple and modest life. But deep down, he longed for something more extravagant.

One day, Nathan's dream finally came true. It was announced that he had won the lottery with the grand prize being a magnificent mansion and a harem of twenty futanari to staff the building. Nathan couldn't believe his luck. He was over the moon and quickly packed his bags to move into his new home.

As he explored the mansion, he couldn't help but feel like he was living in a dream. The rooms were grand and luxurious, and the harem of futanari were stunning. Nathan's jaw dropped as he learned that they were here to serve him, fulfilling his every desire and need.

At first, Nathan was hesitant. He had never been with a futanari before and wasn't sure if he was ready for such an experience. But as the days went by, he couldn't resist the temptation any longer. He indulged in every pleasure imaginable, and his harem eagerly catered to his every whim.

They cooked for him, massaged him, and even tended to his every intimate desire. Nathan couldn't believe how lucky he was. But one day, when he woke up, he found himself in a wild and erotic scene. A futanari was below him, filling his ass with a thick, pulsating dick. Another futanari was riding his dick, while another was wildly raping his mouth, filling his stomach with breakfast.

Nathan's arms were reaching all the way into the vaginas of two other futanari, his hand past the tunnel and into the womb. As he relaxed and luxuriated in the pleasure, he realized that he wanted more than just pleasure from his harem. He wanted children.

He shared his desires with his harem, and they were more than happy to oblige. Nathan asked them to line up in front of him so he could fill each of them with his sperm, his dick pulsating in lust. He wanted to make them all pregnant and start a family.

As his harem eagerly took turns carrying his children, Nathan declared that the futanari who helped raise the kids the best would have the opportunity to make the rest of the harem pregnant for a year as a reward. It was a wild and unconventional arrangement, but it worked for them.

Nathan was living his dream life, surrounded by a harem of loving and devoted futanari. He had everything he could ever want, and he was grateful every day for his stroke of luck in winning the lottery. And as his family continued to grow, Nathan knew that he was truly blessed.