
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Lainnya
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150 Chs

Matt's farm

Matt had always been fascinated by futanari, ever since he was a young boy growing up on his family's farm. His parents were traditional farmers, raising cattle and crops, but Matt had always been drawn to the unique and rare futanari species. He was determined to make a life for himself that revolved around these amazing creatures.

As he grew older, Matt began to specialize in futanari nutrition and health. He spent years studying and learning everything there was to know about these fascinating creatures. He became a seasoned futanari herder and nutritionist, and eventually saved enough money to purchase his own farm.

Matt's farm was unlike any other. Instead of raising traditional livestock, he raised futanari. Each of his futanari had been carefully selected for their strong genetics and impressive milk production. Matt took great pride in the care and well-being of his futanari, ensuring they were happy, healthy, and producing the best milk possible.

The milk from Matt's futanari was unlike any other. These creatures were unique in that they had huge milk tank balls to store their delicious product. The thick, creamy futanari milk was highly sought after for its healing and rejuvenating properties. It was said to be a cure-all for various ailments and was even rumored to have anti-aging effects.

But Matt didn't just stop at selling the milk. He had a vision to create a whole range of products using futanari milk. With the help of a skilled team, he turned the milk into creams, lotions, and even cheese. But his most popular product by far was futanari milk ice cream. People came from far and wide just to taste this unique and delectable treat.

As his farm and business grew, Matt became known as the futanari milk mogul. He was a pioneer in the industry and his products were in high demand. But Matt never lost sight of his love for the futanari. He made sure to always put their well-being first and treated them with the utmost care and respect.

Years went by, and Matt's farm continued to thrive. He had a dedicated team of employees who shared his passion for futanari and their products. And as for the futanari themselves, they were living a life of luxury on the farm. They were well-fed, well-cared for, and living their best lives.

Matt's farm had become a haven for futanari, a place where they were celebrated and respected. And for Matt, it was a dream come true. He had turned his love for these creatures into a successful business, all while promoting their well-being and preserving their unique species.

As he looked out over his farm, watching the futanari happily grazing in the fields, Matt couldn't help but feel grateful. He had found his purpose in life, and it all revolved around the amazing futanari and their incredible milk.