
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Lainnya
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150 Chs

Lexi gone sraight

Lexi was a master lockpicker, known for her incredible skills in breaking into people's homes. But Lexi had a secret - she was a futanari, and she loved using her extra appendage to rape everyone in their house before leaving. But she wasn't just in it for the thrill, she saw herself as a hero, improving the safety of homes everywhere she went.

Lexi's reputation had spread far and wide, and people were afraid to leave their homes unattended for too long. They knew that if Lexi targeted their house, she would find a way in and leave her mark. But what they didn't know was that Lexi had a system. After she was done with her 'work', she would leave behind a folder containing all the security flaws she found in their house. It was her way of showing them how vulnerable their homes were and how they needed to improve their security.

However, despite her noble intentions, Lexi wasn't making much money from her 'heroic' deeds. She would often spend her earnings on new lockpicking tools and gadgets, leaving her with little to no money to afford the luxuries she desired. One of these desires was to find herself a boyfriend, or even a husband. But as a futanari, Lexi knew that it would be a challenge to find someone who would accept her unique anatomy.

So, she continued her mission, breaking into homes and leaving her victims traumatized and violated. But with each successful break-in, Lexi's skills grew even more, and she was able to earn more money. With her newfound wealth, she was able to indulge in a few boyfriends who didn't mind her 'extra equipment' and even a husband who enjoyed being fucked by her.

Lexi's double life continued, with her being seen as a hero by some and a criminal by others. But she didn't care. She had found a way to use her skills and desires to her advantage, and she was content with her life. As she challenged herself with even more complex locks and security systems, she grew more skilled, and her reputation as a master lockpicker only grew stronger.

But deep down, Lexi knew that she was just trying to fill a void in her life. No matter how much money or how many boyfriends she had, she couldn't escape the feeling of loneliness. And with each break-in, the guilt weighed on her more and more. But she couldn't stop, she was addicted to the thrill and challenge of breaking into homes and leaving her mark.

One day, as she was about to break into yet another house, Lexi paused. She looked at her tools and the folder of security flaws and realized that she didn't want to continue living this way. She wanted to use her skills for good, to help people secure their homes instead of violating them. With a newfound determination, Lexi started her own security company, using her lockpicking expertise to help people protect their homes.

As her company grew, Lexi found a sense of fulfillment and purpose that she had been searching for all along. She no longer needed to break into homes and leave behind a trail of destruction. She had found a way to be a true hero, using her skills to improve the safety of homes everywhere. And as her wealth and success grew, she was able to find love and happiness with her husband and boyfriends, without the need to use her futanari abilities.

Lexi had finally found her true calling, and she was no longer a master lockpicker futanari, but a successful businesswoman and a hero in her own right.