

Soul slowly woke to BlueFrost's arns holding her protectively. She'd never felt so safe. He was a stranger really, but he was also one of the few people she trusted here. Moonflower was still sound asleep in the other bed and Soul knew she wanted to be up before him.

Slowly she wiggled out of BlueFrost's arms. She sat on the edge of the bed for a moment admiring BlueFrost's sleeping face but knew it was time to start the day.

Heading to the lobby like are she noticed a few other people. Most were sitting at tables but two were standing at a board.

"What's this?" Soul asked walking up to the two people.

"It was a job board. The quests are still there but they no longer repeat." The one on her left was a treaunt with branches sprouting like armor. She had to wonder what made people want to be a tree.

"The true question is if we should take the jobs or leave it be." The one on the right was a cute cat girl with curves that made Soul feel almost inferior somehow. She was really stunning.

"We may be here a while. Finding a way to make money may not be a bad idea." Soul mused staring at the board. The jobs looked simple enough. She even saw one that was asking for help on a farm.

"That's what I said." Cat girl slapped Soul on the shoulder lightly.

"I agree but we should be cautious." Tree spoke so softly and shyly.

"Forgive me, I'm Soul. I should've introduced myself before just showing up into your confersation." Soul stuck her hand out.

"I'm Kitty." The cat clasped her hand and the friend's menu appeared.

"I'm Twig." The tree stuck out their branches and Soul smiled at them both.

"Twig has been my girlfriend for five years now. We love playing games together. We never thought we'd get stuck in one." Kitty hugged Twig's arm close.

"Wow! I've never had a relationship last one year much less five!" Soul blurted then blushed. "Well, you now know more about me than I wanted. Hehe..."

"We've all been there before, girl. I've had so many bad relationships I could fill a pool with my tears, but I picked my broken heart up and kept going." Kitty was so infectious with her excitement.

"I got lucky." Twig shuffled they're feet back and forth. If trees could blush, soul was sure this one would be.

"Soul!" Moonflower ran down the stairs and latched on the her side. "You weren't in the room. I got scared."

"Sorry, Kiddo. I was going to get breakfast and got distracted." Soul hugged Moonflower back then looked at the two. "Moonflower, this is Kitty and Twig, my new friends."

"Nice to meet you." Moonflower hid behind Soul shyly.

"I can't tell who is more shy, Twig or Moonflower." Soul laughed a little watching the two.

"We're going to take this job. Glad we got to meet you, Soul." Kitty grabbed a flyer from the board and walked hand in hand with Twig out the door. Soul couldn't help but wonder if she'd ever have a relationship like that.

"Come on, Moonflower. Let's get breakfast. After, we'll get a job." Soul went to a table and ordered the selin omelette with her favorite drink, meishu. Moonflower got pancakes with chicken bacon and rose blend juice.

"Starting without me?" BlueFrost asked joining them at their table.

"Good morning sleepy head. Never thought I'd see Moonflower wake up before someone else." Soul smiled at the two. "Oh! BlueFrost, I found the job board and thought about doing one. It could be a good way to level up and learn a little more about this world."

"Alright. Let's eat then decide." BlueFrost grabbed the plates from the server and looked down at his plate of fried potatoes with cheese and a side omelette also with cheese.

"That's a lot of cheese." Moonflower observed.

"I'm lactose intolerant in our world. I'm not here. I can eat all I want without consequences." BlueFrost took a large bite of potato and immediately started blowing in and out quickly. "H-hot."

"Was it hot?" Moonflower joked. "My dad always asks that."

"It's called a dad joke and they're never funny." BlueFrost frowned at Moonflower.

"I don't know. I've heard some good one's from Juna's dad." Soul laughed then calmed immediately. She wondered how her friends were doing and if she should try to find them. They didn't know she was here so they wouldn't be looking for her. They'd already found each other when they'd come to school that day. That seemed so long ago now.

"You okay?" BlueFrost asked reaching his hand out to hold hers.

"I'm fine. Sorry about that." Soul looked at Moonflower playing with his last bite of pancakes. "Let's check the lost board before we take a job."

"I'll pick a job. You two go ahead." BlueFrost waved them on while he finished his food. Soul had to admit, it was nice to see a guy actually enjoy his food.

"Over here, Soul!" Moonflower yelled waving a piece of paper. Soul took the paper and looked at it.

Name: Asuna Hitashi

Username: Warrior

Looking for: Tono Hitashi

Extra Notes: Please bubby! I need you! I hate. This body!

"So this is your sister. You named your character Warrior?" Soul looked at Moonflower curiously. Well, he was a normal little boy.

"Yeah. Now how do I find her?" Moonflower asked with big eyes.

"Now we leave what inn your at on the paper and put it on the found side." Soul wrote it down for him and walked over to the other side marked 'found'. She was going to just stick it there but decided to look for a moment as well. She spotted Moonflower's flyer and grabbed it.

Name: Tono Hitashi

Username: Moonflower

Looking for: Asuna Hitashi

Extra Notes: I'm looking for my sister. She's in a halfling mix of bear beast and lizard beast.

'Bubby! I'm with a group of other beasts and we're staying Darmik Inn on the west side of town. Please find me! I'm scared!'

"Moonflower! I think we found her!" Soul handed the paper to Moonflower.

"Where's Darmik Inn?" Moonflower asked puzzled.

"It says on the west side of town. Let's go look." Soul grabbed Moonflower's hand and led him to the west side of town.

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