
Full Attribute In Naruto

The story of Hirota Nobu an orphan in Konoha, and his journey from procrastinator to ... Coomer.

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11 Chs

Hirota Nobu

Hirota Nobu.

Hirota Nobu, that was the name of our protagonist, the story took place in the Hidden Leaf Village of Konoha, the ninja Village in the land of Fire. Where at this time a young orphan named Nobu was on his way to the Ninja Academy in order to present himself for his first day.

To anybody walking down the street Nobu was just like anybody else, any other 4 year old kid that is and if you were to ask him, Nobu would also think he was similar to any of the kids attending Academy on this day.

As an orphan he wasn't under any delusion that he would become some kind of great ninja, but nothing could stop him from believing in his own innate superiority. After all he was just a kid and kids no matter how bad their childhood, are born with a certain sense Of confidence that can only be diminished by the future humbling's life will no doubt hand out.

Nobu was a skinny kid with pale skin and lanky limbs, befitting more of an anorexic than of a future Ninja. This was to be expected since Nobu rarely went outside.

Although it would be hard to assign labels to kid at the age of 4, you could with almost perfect confidence say at the age of 4 year old, the young bookworm was the opposite of what you would expect of a ninja recruit. That being the case one might wonder why such a physically unimposing person would be heading towards some of the hardest training possible in all of Konoha.

After all, as any orphan with such unimpressive features and Bland black hair should have been taught by the matron of his patronage to know that such a future was not for the likes of him.

But that was not the case for young Nobu, his parents having died at the hand of ninjas, Nobu knew that as an orphan in the village hidden in the leaf, there was only one way for him control is faith.

Therefore no matter how many times the matron at the orphanage told them that such a path was not for him that she was too skinny too Frail too bland, a peasant in every way he should be glad for the mercy of the village and simply be a worker and contribute to the betterment of the land of Fire, Nobu refused.

This is how on this Monday morning, the head matron Shinko a Stout and severe older woman with forearms the size of a man's thighs, walked Nobu, and 20 other orphans to the Ninja Academy after all, In the matrons opinion if Nobu failed the tests ahead of him he would have no other choice than to submit to her choices for him.

Unaware that the matron believed that he would fail, Nobu walked with his head held high, firmly believing that today was the first day of the rest of his life.

He knew that with the training that would be available to him at the Ninja Academy, he would be able to Forge his own path.

In his mind even if the physical training was hard, he did not have to excel, all he had to do was not be the worst, after all Nobu didn't want to be the most powerful Ninja, he simply envisioned being strong enough that the average man would have no defense against him.

Using the power taught to him by the village, he believed that he could accomplish anything he put his mind to as long as he didn't provoke any stronger ninja.

After all, Nobu was not a fighter, as he had learned from a few altercations with his fellow mates at the orphanage.

But from the books he read Nobu understood that having power was not the end all be all, It would be preferable if he did not have to use his power, he could simply use it as a deterrent to get what he wanted, just as the heroes in the novels he had read did.

So in his mind as long as he didn't utterly fail before having learnt anything, he would consider his time in the academy well spent.

If he somehow managed to graduate, he would simply continue being a ninja until he was forced into a dangerous situation and then quit under the pretense that that life was not for him and proceed to use that ninja training to better his Life as a civilian.

Little did Nobu know that it was not so easy to quit being a ninja, especially for one such as him. If he really wanted to quit without achieving enough Merit that the village would allow him to do so, an organization existed that would make sure that Nobu would still serve the village until he was used up.

But of course a child, no matter how smart they thought they were, would have no idea of the checks and balances the people in charge would have put in place.

So as the entrance to The academy became visible Nobu believed that he had everything under control, from this point on all he could do was rise.

" All right all of you," the head matron exclaimed as they were about to breach the threshold of the academy. " Remember to behave yourselves and try to the best of your ability. If I hear that any of you created trouble today, you'd best be certain that you'll be doing thrice the chores back home understood!"

"Yes madam!" the children cried in unison.

" All right, have a good day then, I will come to pick you up once this is over." the matron said, giving her final farewell before turning around and walking back towards the orphanage.

The moment she did the other kids in the group started chatting amongst one another, they were obviously too fearful of the matron to be Rowdy in front of her as they were walking down the streets of the village, But now that she was gone nothing stopped them from roughhousing, all except for a few of the students including Nobu.

He always considered his classmates too dumb to be worth his time, and would avoid them, whenever the opportunity presented itself. He had great plans and the games of children did not interest him.

" Finally." he whispered, " It's time."

Cringe kid, like all kids who think they are smart.

KageCoomercreators' thoughts