
From the Streets to a Home: The Adventures of Firu the Stray Cat

Firu is a stray cat who roams the city in search of food and shelter. One day, while exploring a neighborhood, he encounters a family who adopts him and gives him a home. As he adjusts to his new home, Firu ventures outside and explores the world around him, facing challenges and making new friends. In this adventure-filled story, Firu learns that even stray cats can find a home and that sometimes, the things we fear may not be as bad as they seem

exial_31 · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter 11

Firu snuggled into his blanket, closed his eyes, and prepared to sleep. But instead of falling into a deep slumber, he found himself floating in a dark, empty space. Without knowing how, a bright light appeared and dragged him towards it. Soon, he realized that he was falling into a magical portal.

Firu couldn't believe what he was seeing. The buildings and houses were truly curious constructions, with designs that seemed to be taken from a fairytale. Some of them looked like giant trees, while others looked like rock caves. There were even some houses made of leaves and branches.

The trees were enormous, with thick trunks that rose towards the sky. Some had brightly colored leaves, while others had flowers and fruits growing on them. It was an amazing sight for Firu, who had never seen anything like it before.

Animals were moving everywhere in this world. Dogs and cats walked down the streets and stopped at food stalls to bargain for some snacks. Squirrels built bridges with twigs and leaves to cross streams, while birds flew freely in the sky, emitting melodious and pleasant sounds.

In contrast to the bustling and noisy city he knew, the atmosphere in this strange country was completely different. There was no car smoke or honking sounds. Instead, peace and tranquility reigned. The sound of birds singing and the murmur of streams was all that could be heard. Firu felt relaxed and happy to be in that magical and wonderful place.

Firu shook his head to snap out of his surprise and tried to understand what was happening. He wondered how he got there and how it was possible that he couldn't see any humans. Then he remembered the strange portal he crossed before sleeping and deduced that all this was a creation of his mind, a dream.

However, despite knowing it was just a dream, Firu couldn't contain his excitement. After all, every time he dreamed of strange places, he always found exciting adventures and couldn't wait to see what awaited him in this new world. After calming down a bit, he carefully observed his surroundings and began to explore. He walked down the streets and watched the animals interact with each other, fascinated by the peaceful and tranquil environment that prevailed in the city.

Firu felt a surge of excitement at seeing how different this place was. After all, what would life be like in a world controlled by animals? Suddenly, he saw a chicken in the middle of the street, crying inconsolably. He approached her to find out what was going on, and the chicken told him that someone had been stealing her eggs lately. Firu did not hesitate to offer his help and began to investigate quickly, determined to solve the case and help the distressed chicken.

Firu was determined to solve the mystery of the stolen eggs. He started his investigation in the chicken coop, where he found a clue, a blurry footprint that was vaguely familiar to him but he couldn't recognize it in that state.

Determined to search for more clues, he visited the neighbors' chicken coops. First, he visited the cow's pen, where he found another series of tracks, but much fresher and in better condition. Carefully examining the footprint, it seemed to be a small animal's print, but the shape of a claw could clearly be seen on each toe. The print was imprinted in fresh soil and the marks were deep, indicating that the animal had recently passed by. Firu noticed that the footprint was slanted, suggesting that the thief was running at full speed when he left his mark. Firu felt satisfied that he had found an important clue that brought him closer to the egg thief, and the shape of the print was very familiar to him, making him think of a specific animal.

Then, he visited the horse's pen, where he found a rope tied to the barn fence and a piece of black cloth that appeared to be of high quality. Approaching and analyzing it more carefully, he managed to find something else. Next to the rope, there were some reddish hairs that had a familiar smell. This confirmed his past suspicion. The egg thief was a fox.

Firu was completely sure that the thief was a fox. He would never forget those tracks and that fur. Now with the clues found and his deduction, he could prepare a trap and catch that thief.

The trap consisted of a bucket filled with fake eggs and a rope tied to the door of the bucket. Firu hid the trap in the chicken coop and waited until nightfall. Finally, he heard a noise in the coop and quickly ran to the trap. To his surprise, there was not a fox inside, but a hare.

Firu felt confused, but quickly realized that the hare had been attracted by the fake eggs in the trap. The hare told him that she had not been stealing eggs, but that she had seen a fox lurking around the area recently. Firu decided to follow his instinct and continued to search for the fox.

Following his instinct, he decided to follow the direction in which he had found the tracks earlier. This led him to a nearby farm where he discovered the fox in question: a cunning fox known in the area for his criminal activities.

With the thief found, Firu decided to wait until nightfall and, with the help of the chicken and her neighbors, set up an ambush for the fox. Finally, he managed to catch him and return all the stolen eggs to their owner. The chicken was very grateful and offered Firu a box full of delicious chicken treats as a reward. Firu was very happy to have solved the mystery and, above all, to have helped the chicken and her neighbors be safer.

Suddenly, Firu woke up. He realized that it had all been a dream, but he felt happy to have had the opportunity to be a detective for a day. He looked around and realized that he was back in his house, on his blanket. Although he knew it was just a dream, his heart still beat with excitement and adventure.

Thank you very much to the people who have decided to follow this book, I hope you enjoy each chapter and have fun with all the adventures of firu.

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