
" Little Diary"

"You can't live without love"

- Kim Namjoon ( RM of BTS)

Jack POV

The grayish fur was smooth and soft; lightly tracing my finger on its edge I could feel its softness embracing my rough skin. It was light and tightly sealed from outside dirt, at its center I could see "Amelia" written accurately and precisely with a strong italics word. The stroke on the word was elegant and dark which emphasized much further on the dubiousness of the book.

The ribbon was light and blue; it was long and perfectly bonded the book, securing it from any outside extrusion. The ribbon was flawlessly knotted with a tiny diamond jewel marking and docketing the secrecy beneath it.

Slowly unraveling the bluish thread, I flipped the initial page with utmost care. The sheet was brownish due to the years of being locked up yet the handwritten content had the crisp sentiment still intact to present it to the reader. The handwriting was small and beautiful, indented straight without any error in between the sentence.

The Polaroid was rectangular and slightly crooked at its edge, lento smoothing the fault as I held the small thing on my hand there was sudden surge of emotion swirling through me. The infant held onto his image of incorruptibility and purity as he lay innocently in her embrace. Her eyes held that unshed love and appreciation as it screamed motherhood and with a bushel and peak of love she looked amazing.

Her hair loosely secured to a bun and cheek stained red with tiredness and all those hard work, she looked speechless. That maternity gown didn't fail to accentuate that unexplainable and breathtaking curve underneath it. He was smiling too, those brownish orbs expanding into capacious love and further condensing into drizzling drop of tears staining his cheek.

Holding both of his prized possession in his embrace and face marked with the utmost peace and contentment, he was indeed what we call in Latin, "Familia Virum Perfectum." His handsomeness was complemented with a dark buffy hair cut and a masculine body which could grasp anyone's attention.

My eyes travelled back to that sweet infant, his eyes was chocolaty brown as he stared innocently to his parents as his thumb filled his mouth and cheeks puffed with cuteness. The infant was familiar and even if sounds weird and impossible but I could sense a deep connection with him. I had the sense of déjà vu, I could literally feel the soft skin embracing me as I greedily sucked her breast for more milk and I could smell the sweet milk which grew me into a beautiful person I am now.

The strong fatherhood presence and warmth was still there and this jamias vu experience was ethereal. I slowly went through her memory lane which had me rendering speechless to how dramatic it was. It was as if I was reading a cliché love story but with its own spicy and unique twist. I was there with her whenever she would call, "My dear" in her story.

I stood near her, holding her invisible hand and consoling when she nearly died escaping the kidnap attempt. This woman, "My mother," was the strongest kind and she was wonder woman. The story was incomplete without any evidences pointing to the kidnapper or my father's whereabouts.

But all those recent finding was real, those pathetic will, painting and all those creepy things happening was absolute without any fabrication. It wasn't a silly prank that we see on hidden camera where the assailant would come out of his hiding and laugh at victim's reaction. She was all behind it; my mom was all behind it. She did those things because she had to do for me and my dad's security.

I am unclear about the incident that happened way back but one thing was crystal clear that she was hiding me from someone .The zenith shocking discovery was that my adoptive parent's one of mother's pawn in this premade plan of her. They used be a classmate in her old university and my mom was the one who invested in my adoptive father's company.

Every revelation was eye opening as it held my breath at a massive height and then made it free fall. It was a roller coaster ride; I was holding the chair arm steadily and securely expecting the unexpected story to ravel. I don't know what secrecy they had and where my possible father was but there was indeed something missing. Even though there was not much in the book there wasn't any ounce of desolation in me because I knew my parents didn't abandon me.

Holding the Polaroid in my hand and the placing the diary in the shelf I headed off to my kitchen to grab something. My stomach lay flat and unsatisfied as I greedily stuffed the sandwich and salad. Gulfing down the remaining mango juice from the carton I headed off to my room to call Sam. After those days in Denmark and my encounter with Joseph who seemed to be my uncle too; things escalated much in faster pace after that. Elisa was still missing and Joseph looked old and kind but there was something eerie in him which made me uncomfortable.

He eyed me from head to toe giving me that toothy grin which brought my hair to still. Dubious thing about him was that unlike Sam who had his surname William Jenkins, Joseph had none. His name was incomplete and it made me wonder why Sam never decided to investigate on him. I knew I had to get away from Joseph and the only thing which nudged my head was I had to go back to my apartment for a while. The idea was favorable because I could still work on my computer and continue with the searching.

There was a soft knock on my door as I slowly prodded towards it. She was safe and smiling; her hair was held up into a high pony that clearly showed me a silver necklace which I didn't see it before. The blouse looked amazing and the faded jean was perfect for her. She looked different and glowing while I stood there standing in Presque vu.

She was here and it was not a dream. Recently I have been dreaming about her and our memories together so seeing her safe and sound, it clouded my rationale judgment. As I slapped hard on my face, the pain activated my neurons as it ran at full speed to my brain and made it to function effectively.

My hands were faster as I swiftly snaked round her waist and brought her into a warm embrace. Those wait, wanting, and fear that has been solidified within me released from his so called control cage.

Comfort, love and yearning was the only thing I could think of as she held her small hand behind my back and replied my desperate hug. Her scent was alluring and heavenly as always and this filled my void making me once again into a complete being. I leaned closer to her face to peck her pinkish lip but to my disappointment she held her slim finger and held it on my lip. As she kept her finger on my lip she looked straight and serious to me and said that she found my dad.

Sorry for the late update, I am trying my best to juggle between exam and work but I will try my best to update as regular as I can

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