
What is this place? How did it all happen?

 Alright let me explain... Who is Fred & Garry, why do they own a diner? What is going on? And what events led to all of this even happening in the first place?

 Alrighty then... Let me explain, I'm Ringo Starr, and I'll be the narrator of this Comedy Novel, let's begin with Fred & Garry's backstory & then you'll get to know the cast:

 Fred, full name being: Fred. A Sanchez was born on July 26th of 1991 (26/07/1991), he would of been born at a local hospital in Oregon, he spent most of his life in an RV & would of went to a conventional school all his life before he retired from elementary school & went to highschool at age 15, his parents couldn't afford a good place to live on, because Fred's grandparents lived in a wooden shack in Nevada, but despite being able to afford renovations, they still couldn't afford to build they're own home1, at school, he would of because friends with a kid named Johnston, but Johnston would later become a partner in trade later on in life, and have his first name be unrecognized & be called simply as: "Garry". Fred would later attend colledge, and learnt economics & finance, and later along with his friend "Garry"2 move to Montana, and found a diner known as: "Sanchez & Johnston Eat-In & Bar" in 20143; it seemed that life can get no worse for the 2, they've made lots of money with the Bar they've constructed with their own cold hard-earnt cash they've made4, and they used the money to pay off their colledge debt & moved on with life, they had a nice life until one day...

 We'll talk about that day sooner/later on in the story, now we'll talk about Fred's Friend, Johnston:

 Johnston. H Garrison, also known mainly as: "Garry" was born on May 4th of 1993, Garry would of spent most of his life growing up with hid dad, who had was an alcoholic & smoked alot (which was unfortuante, his dad died at 51), but they had great times together, his father wasn't abusive to him, but his mom was strict & didn't want Garry to stay with his dad often due to risks of children's exposure to alcoholics, they lived in a nice family home in Wyoming (In the dessert, for some trucking reason), and they had a nice life, Garry would of met Fred Sanchez in school at 1st grade & would soon later become friends in 3rd grade. The 2 would later split up because Garry's parents had the choice for keeping him in an elementary school that taught you until 8th grade, or sending him to a cheaper, yet reputable middle school. The choice was already laid, yet Garry's dad would keep in contact with Mr. Sanchez (Fred's Dad), because they liked going out to the bar & telling dad jokes. And the 2 would later on become partners in trade & found their own bar, Garry would later enter colledge but not be able to peacefully attend as for he had a sociopath of a dorm-mate to deal with, but despite Garry's hard work, he was able to get his degree & retire from colledge with passing grades, and soon would found the "Sanchez & Johnston Eat-In & Bar"; and he was even the owner of the whole establishment, buisness would be doing great & Garry would of made lots of profit for himself, but he couldn't have done it without Fred at his side during his buisness venture, however, like they say... "All good things have to come to an end..."

 And then we'll get to talk about... "The Incident"... you see, Fred & Garry clearly enjoyed their life, they're hard-work & effort put into the founding & construction of their eat-in bar, they were even kind enough to donate money to their families & other friends in order to keep their lives stable, but then again... remember... "All good things come to an end..."

 Garry's dad would of never been able to smoke another cigarette again, because his dad would of died at age 51, and another tragic incident would be that Fred's grandparents would soon pass away of old age & later their newly renovated shack would burn down, and Fred's parent's Family RV would of gotten involved in a highway disaster, and luckily Fred's Dad & Grandfather were able to survive, but his mom wasn't so lucky, and now he was in-debt just to pay the medical bill. And to make matters worse, in 2016, here's when the incident would happen...

 On Febuary 12th of 2016 (12/02/2016), the Sanchez & Johnstons Bar (You can actually purchase alcohol there, obviously), a terrible yet absurdly ridiculous inicdent would happen at the restaurant, where an older woman & her daughter would get into a fight with her daughter's boyfriend, who as a chef at the restaurant, all because they couldn't get a free discount for their food, the situation was so stupid that then the karen of an older lady threw an empty glass bottle & would smash on somebody's head, causing a fight to outbreak, and even Fred had to get a "Big Iron" to shoot somebody in the leg, apparently the police got involved, and the incident was written down as "a fight caused at a bar because somebody got too drunk", but that wasn't the case, the older women, whom we'll call her "Karen", threw a fit along with her daughter at 1 of the chefs, and that chef happened to be Karen's daughter's boyfriend, and then the whole fight came out, at the end. An attempt at Lawsuit Justice had to filed, and multiple charges including "Manslaughter" were filed, costing a fatality of $3.3 Million US Dollars, there were lots of people at the bar, multiple staff members got injured because 1 man got pushed into the deepfryer, and a record of 24 people died5, Fred & Garry were devastated by the accident, and couldn't handle the stress that 100s of innocent people were put in-danger over a petty fit + a little but if mishandeling, they were about to get a 120 Month Prison sentence, and that will not be fun.

 In the end, the 2 closed down they're restaurant, escaped from Oregon, and the tale ends, since then, a ranger been sent to go look'in for them, the people who survived the incident stated that they left town & went to Southern USA so they can go peacefully commit suicide, because the folks who stated that said that: "Frederick & Garrison were very nice fellows with the leather coat-jackets, they wouldn't dare intentionally slaughter multiple people over a petty fit, they may have commit suicide at this point because they looked grieved with terror & shock, including very severe degrees of trauma on their looks when the 2 knew they're hopes & dreams were being shut down". And that may be true, but if it was, then we wouldn't be telling you this story...

 In fact... The incident was so tragic & severe that they didn't commit suicide, but something comedic yet sinister was going on at their new diner, located somewhere, in... New Jersey, USA... We present you... "Fred & Garry's Diner".6

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