
Chapter 8

"You're late, special sergeants."

"Sorry Lieutenant!"

Hate cheekily replied to the Lieutenant while sticking her tongue out. The Lieutenant sighed and shook his head as Hate skipped off to the changing room.

"Sorry about her, Lieutenant. Unfortunately, I don't think her personalities changing any time soon, side effect of Fracturing."

Hope apologized as he gave a wry smile. The Lieutenant gave a wry smile of his own as Hope made his way over to the changing room.

"You could be a little less cheeky, you know?"

Hope called out to Hate as he took off his clothes and pulled his testing suit out of his locker. Hate giggled to herself as she changed into her testing suit.

"Ah, but where would be the fun in that? It's a lot more exciting to have a little fun."

"*Sigh* You're never gonna listen to me, are you?"

"That's the point."

Hope sighed as he closed his locker.

As the two of them entered the training room again it was filled with more people. The Lieutenant cleared his throat to get their attention. The people lined up in formation immediately.

"Now then, let's get this check up done. Aaron and Uriel, Ryan and Danielle, Robin and Frank, Susan and Zander."

The people split up into groups and went to separate areas in the room. Hate skipped along happily as Hope smiled wryly and picked up her weapon for her.

"Hey Envy, you still healing from last time!"

Hate called out to the female duo standing across from her.

"Hate, be a little more caring, will you? Sorry about her Envy."

"It's alright Hope, we're used to it by now."

One of the two, envy, sighed and gave Hope a tired look. Hope gave a wry smile and knocked Hate on the head with her weapon. Gate's weapon were two cartridges of several small knives throwing knives.

"Ow, you don't have to be so mean."

"Hate, seriously, look in a mirror when you say that."

Hate stuck her tongue out at Hope as they readied themselves. Hate started playing with her throwing knives as Hope hefted two large crescent scythes. Envy and Compassion each readied their weapons, a broadsword and spear respectively.


As the Lieutenant gave the signal all the pairs began to fight.


"Stop laughing, you sound more insane than usual."

Hate rushed forward while her knives began to circle, and Hope followed behind her while complaining about her habits.


Compassion cried out as they charged forward. Envy and herself back to glow as a holy light surrounded their body.

Hate grinned as the light around her and her knives warped slightly. Hate blurred as she rushed straight for Envy.

Envy slashed at Hate. Envy's sword was blocked by several of Gate's Knives which had formed a shield. Hate smirked and jumped up as Hope's scythe came flying over.

Compassion fired off a beam of light as wings of light materialized on Envy's back. Envy flapped her wings as she struck Hope's scythe with her blade.

Hope slashed apart Compassion's light beam as he thrust his left hand out. The air between him and Compassion distorted, and Compassion was sent flying backwards.

"Hope, could you at least try to put in some effort?"

"And you should loosen up a bit."

Hope and Hate began to bicker as Hate's knives were flying around Envy as they sliced at her body from every angle. Envy barely fended off the knives with her sword and wings.

While they bickered, Compassion held her spear in a thrusting stance as light began to condense along the head of her spear.

"Hope! You mind getting that!"


Hope sighed as he reached out and grabbed his scythe that had flown back to him. Hope leaped into the air and began to rotate as he flew towards Compassion. Compassion narrowed her eyes while Envy did the same. Envy extended her wings as they began to glow.

Hate smiled as she flew towards Envy as her knives gathered around her while rotating rapidly.

Suddenly Compassion and Envy shined and switched places. Compassion thrust forward with her spear before Hate could react. On the other side Envy closed her wings at Hope and sent hundreds of light feathers at Hope.

Hate smirked as Compassion's expression hardened. While they had been preparing Hate hadn't been slacking off, contrary to her attitude. Hate had positioned all her knives around Compassion and had sent them at her spear, fragmenting her spear into small pieces.

Meanwhile Hope had sent out a single slash. The slash distorted the air in the path of his slash and obliterated all her feathers and wings.


Envy and Compassion smiled as they had been planning for this. They both teleported directly behind Hope and Hate respectively. They had switched places earlier to suggest that they could only switch places and catch the two of them off guard.

However, they both found that they were the one caught off guard. Hate did a roundhouse kick in the small instant it took for Compassion to teleport and by the time she could react Hate had already sent her flying.

Envy on the other hand found that when she teleported Hope's scythe was around her neck and he was giving her a wry smile.

"Aaron, that's enough. Uriel, I know that you have only been recently assigned to the platoon, but you should assume that if you have used a tactic before then your enemy will also know about it. Hate, take things more seriously."

Compassion and Envy nodded at the Lieutenants words while Hate pouted and ignored the Lieutenant.

"Hope, stop Hate from getting into any more trouble."

"I'll try, sir."

The Lieutenant and Hope shared a knowing look while Hate got irritated since she was being treated as a problem.

"Alright, that should wrap up the check up. You guys can go back know."

Hope and Hate went back to the changing room and changed back into their clothes.

On the way back to the dormitories Hate was walking beside Hope while she ate a crepe that she had bought from a street vendor.

"You know this won't last, whether it's us or the rest of them, it won't last."

Hate told Hope in between bites of her Crepe, the cream at the corner of her mouth ruining the atmosphere of her tone.

Hope smiled as he wiped the cream off her face.

"We'll see about that, won't we?"

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