

Ryu an orphan in sunagakure has set his sights on KazeKage. Watch his rise

Ryyuuuuu · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Fish Problem solved

Ryu appeared in the crowd of Sand Shinobi as all his clones rose from the ground.

Ryu: All of you retreat to the rear. Aunt chiyo, Pakura lead them away while I deal with this. Also where is the Swordsman of Hiramekarei.

Chiyo: He's next to the Jinchuriki.

Ryu looked over and saw a guy with a Mohawk like hairstyle. This guy's name was never explained in the series but he had to die today as those swords would become his. After warning them of the other two swordsman he went to the raging Jinchuriki.

Ryus clones fought and produced jutsu against the huge body of the six tails. This was to ensure that the sand ninja escaped successfully. He had some of his clones go and attack the Mohawk guy. The remaining mist ninja retreated and Ryu could see Fuguki and and Juzo carrying, Kushimaru and Jinpachi.

Surprisingly Jinpachi still had some signs of life especially as a medic ninja started to operate on him. As for the swords they are.probably in a sword somewhere.

Ryu: Well I did miss his heart and if someone who got crushed by a rock can remain alive after being crushed and still give away an eye. Then I guess anything is possible.

Ryu ignored them as he focused on the six tails and what to do with it. Should he kill him or capture him. He decided it was better to capture him instead of killing. They could possibly get some benefits from kiri for this. If not then they'll kill him and have a second Jinchuriki.

Ryu: Start the purple flame formation. Bring the sealing unit over.

Clone Ryu: Here's the swords.

Ryu: I almost forgot that she had an incurable illness. But from what I can see it should be breast cancer. A powerful kunoichi is gonna die from such a thing.

Sealing unit captain: Captain Ryu

Ryu: Is it possible for you all to seal the tailed beast back into the body or do I have to knock it out first.

Sealing Unit Captain: Sorry we can't do such a thing without the key to the persons seal.

Ryu: I see. Be prepared to place the necessary seals on him when this is finished

Ryu instructed his clones to enter the formation and bomb the guy with ultra big ball Rasengans until he turns back. While doing that he poured chakra into the two swords.

After a while the sounds of roaring from the six tails stopped as he returned to being an old man. After placing some chakra suppression seals and other seals on him they left the area. Meeting back up with the sand ninja Ryu smiled as he said

Ryu: You all did great work and like I promised you no one would die. Now get back on the boats and let's set sail to Uzu. After all we need to make sure they keep their promises.

Chiyo: Is that Hiramekarei?

Ryu: Yeah my club broke so I needed a replacement. I originally planned to get Kiba but killing a sick woman didn't seem right. Besides with my chakra I don't need the infinite lightning it produces.

Chiyo: She's sick

Ryu: From what I can see its the incurable disease you spoke of. Only in her chest.

Chiyo: I see.

On the boats excited chatter rang out as they sailed towards Uzu. Ryu could see Iwa and Kumo ninja retreating from Uzu. Leaf and Uzumaki ninja didn't bother to chase as.they watched before noticing them sailing over. Ryu turned towards Sasori and asked

Ryu: So did you get any of the special bloodlines.

Sasori: I saw a lot of them. I caught a Kaguya clan member and someone with boil release. I met a few people who could turn their own bodies to water and a woman who could use boil and lava release.

Ryu: Well now you can study more with aunty. Keep them alive until you perfect the human into puppet transformation.

Sasori: Mn

Ryu: You're not coming out are you

Sasori: Not until we make it home.

Ryu shook his head as he left and walked towards Pakura

Ryu: You're mighty quiet?

Pakura: You beat him easy didn't you?

Ryu: I simply used the numbers advantage to deal with him.

Pakura: Was it easy?

Ryu: Yes. But I'm a special circumstance. You don't have the benefits of my bloodline. You habe your own and simply need to think on creative ways to use it. As well as expand your chakra and taijutsu.

Pakura: I've thought of ways I just don't know if it's possible.

Ryu: I'll help you study. Besides I also have a few ways to improve your bloodline limit.

Ryu said as he walked away. Pakura smiled slightly as he left. After seeing that the situation on the various boats are stable Ryu walked to front of his own. Just in time for them to dock on Uzugakure. Jumping off he could see Sakumo, Orochimaru, Jiraiya Tsunade and a few Uzumaki.

Ryu: So can you all help with the fish problem we have?

A middle aged man stepped out as he said

Uzukage: Yes we have. In fact we use this quite often. Its a two scroll situation. It applies the same aspects of the summoning jutsu. One scroll is used to put the stuff on and then the other is in the location of where you are. The distance is only about the amount of chakra you possess.

Ryu: Doesn't really help me much I'll still be the one to be doing this task.

Pakura: Seems being a fishermen was made for you

Pakura spoke from the ship with a giggle. Her remarks caused a few shinobi to snicker as well. Ryu simply ignored her as he said

Ryu: So you must be the Uzukage

Uzukage: Yes but as of today I'm no longer the Uzukage. So you can call me Hirito.

Ryu: Oh are stepping down from the position.

Hirito: No the Uzumaki clan will be officially joining Konoha after this inci

Ryus gaze condensed as his chakra erupted completely. The ground beneath him completely cracked as the wind blew crazily. He it the sand ninja the, leaf ninja, or the Uzumaki ninja. They all had sweat on their faces.

Ryu: So Konoha is gaining an extra clan in its village. And such a large and powerful one as well. Maybe I should decrease the population a little.

Everyone gulped as they heard his words. They could no longer see his face as chakra completely enveloped his entire being. However Hirito was no fool as he said with stammered words

Hirito: I...I. I heard that Mito.... Gave you..... Some.....ugh sealing scrolls... I.....i can..... Offer more....more to suna.

The chakra pressure subsided as Ryu said

Ryu: That's fine with me but I also want the medical knowledge you all have. After all the mystical palm technique is something you all came up with.

Hirito: That... That can be done. Only only if you can guarantee that as long as you live Suna will not go to war with Konoha

" Good One" this is the thought of all the ninja on his side. That massive chakra caused some of them to lay flat on the ground and tremble.

Ryu: I can guarantee that as long as I am Kazekage and any time after until I die Suna will not start a war against Konoha unless you provoke it.

Hirito: Deal

Ryu then looked towards Sakumo

Sakumo: We can increase the amount promised by half.

Ryu: No need but I'll take 10,000 good swords 10 chakra metal swords.

Sakumo: This. I'll have to speak to Lord Hokage

Ryu: That's fine besides that amount is a little less then half of what you tried to give me. Now if you can hand over the things we'll be on our way.

Jiraiya: You're not planning to stay?

Ryu: Not at all. Besides I don't want Iwa or Kumo to plan an ambush. Or worse Kiri decides to come out in full force as we travel back the way we came. Besides I don't need an angry blonde to continue to stare daggers at me. And I'm not entirely sure if my aunt and cousin will be able to hold the sanity to not kill Sakumo here.

Tsunade: Hmph

Sakumo showed a bitter smile as he could feel the hate filled glares of Chiyo and Sasori.

Hirito: I'll get the things for you quickly.

Ryu nodded as he turned and jumped back on the ship. After speaking with Chiyo on what happened and how he handled it. He sent a letter by eagle to the village to inform them of what happened

Unknown location

In a dark underground place an old man sat on stone chair eye's closed tightly. Behind the man tubes pushed something into him. The tubes came from a large face with hands. A white object appeared from the ground.

Zetsu: Madara the plan for the Uzumaki went a little wrong

The old mans eyes opened revealing a calm gained from age.

Madara: A little wrong?