9 This must be the work of an enemy quirk



'What the fuck' is what goes through my mind when I am violently jolted awake by the noise of those clanking

I get out of my tent, only to see all of the soldiers awake before me gathering around what seems to be a makeshift podium made from simply a couple of wooden boxes, On top of the box is surprisingly Issac

"All Of you listen, your battle strategy is going to change, we at head quarters have noticed that there is a weakness in this units defence's so we have come to patch it up with a strategy" Issac said, as he said that he then stared at me picking me off from the crowd

Teqniquilly Issac is my superior, but everyone in gray terminal knows that if I so wished I could be higher in rank than him TIMES 5

The only reason I decided to go onto the battlefield is for combat experience,there are other reasons but that is the main one

"WHO HERE HAS THE HIGHEST RANK" Issac said, obviously knew that it was me who had the highest rank but Issac isn't the Issac of before he is wartime Issac, he isn't an idiot not only that but he has his quirk always active making him always smart

He purposely asked who had the highest rank because he didn't want to make it seem like he knew me, when I start jumping the ranks at lightning speed won't people assume that he is helping me out? Because of our close connection

Actually everyone in the group has a higher rank than me, "Me sir I am the captain of this 100 man unit" I say in a formal tone, I am not embarrassed to be talking to Issac in such a way after all I am the one who got him to where he is today, everything was all orchestrated by me and me alone, and he knows that, and since its Issac were talking about he is 100% loyal after all he isn't zep, he wouldn't dare to bite the hands that feed him

"Oh its you the rookie that has been causing commotion mainly for your rise of fame" Issac said in a gentlemanly tone, even though in reality he was just a 12 year old

I am actually the strongest in my unit even though I am surrounded by men I am able to make them submit with absolute strength

I step out of the crowd with my pistols in there holster, since Issac was standing on top of the boxes he had to look down at me while I was under him, "Soldier meet me in that tent over there" Issac said, pointing to a big white tent that wasn't there yesterday and was being guarded top soldiers

As he said that Issac went into the tent and I soon followed after, Inside the tent was pretty plain, there was a wooden table and 4 iron foldable chairs surrounding the table, in each chair was Arthur, Zep and Issac, the last chair was obviously reserved for me

I then go and sit on it, "So is there a reason we are meeting up like this?" I say, for Issac to start a meeting that requires all of us even me it must be a very Important matter that must be discussed together

"Yes the truth is that what Issac said about your unit having a problem was a lie, we might actually lose the war" Arthur said, sliding his finger up on his nose to push up his glasses

"You see over the past 100 years the enemy nation's have gotten impatient, they thought that we the american's would fall easily but they underestimated us, not to mention that word has gone out that we are planning on uniting all the territories to defeat every single nation" Arthur said

I process everything that he said, wait thats a problem, at first I thought that even with the situation of the war america would be able to pull through, after all we have been at war for more than 100 years we have obviously been forced into desperate situations more than once, but from what Arthur has said not only is there a spy in our ranks, but our plans have been leaked the enemy nations will be able to counteract anything that we throw at them

"Shit they got us good" I say, with a serious look on my face

"It's good that you informed me now I can get my men ready and prepare for any unforeseen variables" I say

Over the years when something has come up they would come to me and report it, Arthur was the one that suggested that we do that, and I am not going to lie it has helped on multiple occasions

"That's all we have to report Alex" Zep said

Zep over the years has become a very reliable asset, I say reliable mainly due to his quirk ANTIGONE, it can make anything and anyone invisible it doesn't have any weaknesses other than the fact that it isn't offensive

His quirk has the qualities of an assassin and he has lived up to those qualities, "Ok good, if you have nothing else to report then I would like to leave" I say

And I make my way to the door, on my way out I greet the people that were standing guard, and I make my way to my tent

Today is the day that I make my debut, I haven't tried going up in ranks mainly because I haven't gotten my quirk yet, but after years of being in the military and still not awakening it, my patience has diminished

"To be great you need to do things that are considered great" I say to myself as I walk into my tent

There is something different about today's march to the battlefield and I think what I know what it is, as I think that, I turn to look at the old gentleman with a couple of medals on his chest.

He is the one leading the march, normally it would be me, but the thing is that he is of higher rank so he HAS to lead the march

Since I was was thinking I unfortunately didn't see the sniper that was in the clouds above me and the march

"Everyone SPREAD OUT there's a sniper" The Old man says

As he says that he jumps out of the way, as a bullets is sent flying to where he was previously, but the thing is that as the bullet makes contact with the ground it explodes like a canon

"That's the work of an enemy quirk" The old man pointed out

A/N: You guys get the reference right?

As he said that, he transformed into a dragon like creature but he had no wings

He then yelled at the sky and all the clouds that the sniper was using as cover spread out revealing HER figure

The sniper was none other than 30th ranked sniper in the whole world just from that you can tell the she was good at her job as a sniper

She was wearing some flying equipment

A/N: you guys know that flying equipment that is used in saga of tanya the evil? Its that one basically

"ITS AN AMBUSH" The colonel said reverting back to his human form but naked this time

As he said hell descended upon my unit, Fire, acid and bullets rained upon us, since there weren't that many people in my unit, they were able to get wipe out half of our forces in one attack

Before we knew it we were surrounded and boxed in, I waited for the dust to clear so that I could get clear look at out attackers, while I was waiting I turned to look at the old man

He looked very calm as if all of this didn't faze him at all, that made me worry what if he becomes an enemy when my plan goes into motion?

As the dust fades I see, that I see that we surrounded on all sides by hundreds of people

"Tch they said that this was the strongest unit that gray terminal had, If I knew they were this weak I wouldn't have bothered coming here" A man stepped out of the crowd of people, he had a very punchable face, from just his comment alone Alex had the urge to punch him like never before

I can't believe we have been surrounded, and judging from the appearance of the old man that means that gray terminal had some kind of idea that this attack would be happening, but it seems they miscalculated something, they underestimated the amount of forces the enemy would bring, even though the Old man is strong he isn't invincible

As I thought that the Old man then turned into his a dragon like creature but with no wings at all, as he transforms I see that all the faces of our enemies turn to fear and terror

"It-Its COLONEL ZILLA" A soldier grunt says in terror, I can see that he is on the verge of tears

Then the women who was previously in the sky (the sniper) says "I couldn't tell very clearly from since I was so high up in the sky but, its him Godzilla" she says, in a shaky voice, unlike the random soldier she kept composer even though barely

The guy with the punchable face swallowed hard but he didn't back down either, 'it seems he has some guts in him'

I turned to look at my unit, they were more shocked than scared shitless, "NO WAY ITS THE LEGENDARY COLONEL ZILLA" one soldier on our side couldn't help but burst out

"THEY SAY ALL BY HIMSELF HE WIPED OUT 100,000 soldiers in 30 minutes" the soldier said

A/N:The soldiers were average just so you know, but they weren't quirkless

The other soldiers nodded in response, since they were soldiers longer than me I haven't heard of the name colonel zilla or godzilla

"Oh that was long ago, about 30 years, also your wrong It was in hmmm about 20 minutes" The Old man said with the smile that was always on his face

Judging from his feets he should be a lieutenant general just a step away from general rank, what is he doing here?

"Now what shall I do with you" The Old man said

A/N: The old man can talk in his quirk form

"Senior zilla, if I were to offer you valuable information, would you let me go?" The man with the punchable face said with a vile smile on his face, mean while his comrades behind him looked at him with disgust for betraying their trust in him

"Of course" The old man said, "But It depends on whether the information is valuable" The man said

What an old fox, he is practically encouraging the man's betrayal, of I don't care but from this show of abilities this proves more and more that he is someone that MUST be eliminated

"Information I am going to tell you is very classified, So let me ask you, do you think only this unit was getting ambushed? Trust me I am not lying, we the chinese discovered that you discovered our spy that we sent, in fear that you guys would interrogate him and get valuable info, we launched our own counterattack not to mention that word has gone out that you are planning on counter attacking your enemy nation's" The now Identified asian man who still has a very punchable face said

When the colonel said that his eyes widened, "Your military must have thought that since this unit is the there strongest unit then we would attack it, you were wrong WE THE CHINESE ATTACKED A-"

And before he could even finish talking a quirkified angry colonel appeared in front him, and flicked his forehead a, just that little flick broke the sound barrier and squashed his head into an oblivion

"You are lucky that we must inform the others of this, if not for that ALL OF YOU WOULD BE DEAD" he said with a smile on his face, but you could tell that he was angry

"Young captain, lets go back and inform our higher ups quickly, judging from how long we have been gone we still have time to save everyone else


Yo what good guys? You should join my discord server, ok thats enough with the shameless advertisement i feel like im turning into ghosty z

Ok well just know that the reason it took so long to upload this chapter was because I am a good procrastinator

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