
Chapter 1

* If you see any mistakes with either spelling or grammar, then feel free to comment. If you feel like you don't like the story then don't continue to read if updated!

[Location - NYC, United States]

[Date - December, 17, 2021]

[Time - 09:26 PM]

It was cold and raining that night. Not many people were outside except a select few. One of them was Nikolai Fujimura, a man of Russian-Japanese descent. He sat on one of the many benches in Madison Square while holding his umbrella. He had received a phone call from Ivan, and Shirou, who were two good friends of his. They told him that his girlfriend Jeanne had cheated on him. They found out when they saw Jeanne who they had recognized making out with another man when they passed by a park.

When he heard the news from them he had felt heartbroken . Heck! He even called Jeanne to confirm if this was true. She didn't deny it when he asked. Said that the man she was with would be able to provide for her more than Nikolai ever could.

Not long after that he ended the call. His mind in turmoil. He felt empty as Jeanne was perhaps the only person he could ever love. He felt both anger and loss.

He calmed down though as he decided to head back to his apartment so he could think about what had happened today. No matter how heartbroken he may feel, he had to stay strong. Nikolai wouldn't let this affect him easily though he knew it already had.

Nikolai had arrived at the intersection and just as he was about to cross... {Boom} He heard an explosion so he looked towards the direction from where the sound originated from. A large cloud of smoke followed from the explosion however that wasn't the only explosion. Several more followed in that direction which was near the harbor. Gunshots and screams slowly heard.

Just as he was about to run in the opposite location he heard a whistling sound coming from above. He looked up and saw a missile heading toward the area he was in. He wouldn't be able to escape the area of detonation as the missile was fast. *sigh*

Nikolai sighed as he accepted his fate. He was going to make it out, destined to die then and there. Seconds later , the missile landed and an explosion ensued. Nikolai died as he was engulfed in the explosion. Had he survived he would have seen U.S Marines being pushed back from the harbor by soldiers wearing full body armor made of an unknown material while armed with gauss rifles. U.S Naval ships were destroyed by battleships that had Hypersonic ship guns.

Though that had nothing to do with Nikolai as he had died and ended up in a void. In front of him was a large screen that seemed to be showing him his entire life starting from his birth to his death. He tried to move but found that he couldn't as he didn't have legs or arms. Nor could he turn and look around. He felt helpless as he could only watch his entire life.

[Time skip]

It had been thousands of years Nikolai assumed since he ended in the void after death. It was agonizing having to watch his life again and again, but it wasn't boring as he was able to watch his favorite shows and anime. Though he later got tired of it,

He would eventually disappear as he had noticed his soul was starting to fall apart bit by bit. He could probably last a couple more years at best but that was it.

It was then that he heard a voice. 'Someone's here? And a soul at that ?'

'Hm... you seem to have lasted longer than other souls judging by the age of your soul. Usually souls would disappear within minutes of entering the void. Forever unable to reincarnate.'

Nikolai was confused when he heard some else's voice. He was also curious so he asked "Who are you? Are you a god?"

'A God? No, I'm not one. I am just a mere observer. Forever wandering the multiverse in search of entertainment like other old beings I've encountered.'

'Though seeing you.. I've gotten an idea. Would you be interested in another chance at life? You'll get a new body and something to aid you! I'll even include a wish!'

"I accept," said Nikolai without thinking. After all, who would want to be stuck in a void knowing they would one day disappear.


In the blink of an eye, Nikolai's soul was repaired and he was given a new body. He looked at his arms and legs happy that he could feel and move again.

'Now, What do you want?' asked the Observer.

Nikolai gave it some thought and asked "Can i have a strong regenerative ability ?"

'Sure. You'll know if you have it when you arrive in the new world!'

And with that Nikolai disappeared in a flash of light. 'It seems I'll have to cash in some favors. *sighs* Now who should I ask ? Gaia. Probably. The Kaleidoscope..... No way!'

Hello! This wouldn't be the first time i have written a story and have published it.(Though not on this account) So I'm somewhat experienced. Even then this is a story that i made on a whim. So i can't guruantee quality. Nor can i guruantee that i will update. However if i do then its gonna be after a couple of days. Eh.. I didn't really plan it out since it was made on a whim.

Bias_Foxcreators' thoughts