
Forever Together (ForGetHer) BL

His power can cure illnesses thus, it can also kill if he wants to Upon activation of his connection to us, his power will get potent and it will be more stronger with time, where it will be difficult for him to control He needs to know about his special ability, I heard that there are people looking for someone like him and use them as a weapon to gain more power and control over the others Now that he's in your hands, protect the young boy and conceal his identity no matter what Charlson have to protect his other half for the 2nd time, this is another chance given to him after the tragedy that transpired long ago

iNKHEART8 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

ForGetHer 6

"You are now watching Mr. Allen Queen trying to prepare a performance for us, we've given him a 30 minutes preparation time, wow he's listening to the music while chosing a costume what a wonderful strategy, he's maximizing his time!" The video got cut off "he has chosen a costume and is now practicing we don't want to spoil ourselves do we? So 20 minutes left before his performance, sit tight and relax folks"

Before the time ends Allen changed to the costume he has chosen and for the rest of the time he did it for stretching before a knock was heard

"Mr. Allen are you ready?" A voice asked outside the room

"Do I have a choice?" Allen said jokingly when he opened the door

"I'm afraid you don't" the person answered "I'm sorry about my boss he does this to all his business partners"

"It's okay, it's his conditions anyway so we have to abide by it, oh by the way I want to have a white back round a red light around the stage and a four spot light following me, lastly 30 seconds before the music ends I want you to turn off the red lights okay?" Allen asked or more like he demanded

"Y-yes of course Mr. Queen" Allen doesn't know that this conversation was also heard by the people inside the theatre

"you heard that guys right?" Pushing a bottons on his walkie talkie, he nodded to Allen

"Okay good, thanks, ahhhhhh it has been a while" Allen's getting ready for the most awaited moment

Allen standing at the center of a huge stage behind a closed curtain, feeling and taking the moment, thinking that one of his dreams are about to come true, performing in a huge stage not to mention a theatre in Dubai with the most influential person in the theatre world and in front of his boss. Taking in a deep long breath the curtain opened revealing the few people who's going to watch his performance

The red lights turned on and a four spot lights on him with a white background just like he instructed and him wearing a black sparkly ballet costume on a huge stage

The music started slowly and Allen started to move his hands gracefully next with a body movement with his hands and followed by his feet, his movements was exerted accordingly like he had practiced it for months even before this performance

The music became faster as the time pass by Allen proceeded to his next routine, a routine with a jump and spin, he is using all the spaces of the stage like saying to the people watching him perform that he is here for them to see him with his dream come true

His next routine was a multiple spin followed by a double jump and a twist, in the eyes of the people watching him, he is like a black butterfly without wings trying to fly and he couldn't because, there are people who's trying to pull him down, preventing his wings to spread

His last routine is where the red light was gone and now he was jumping, twirling with his hands free and a beautiful smile plastered on his face, he looks like a black butterfly with a beautiful sparkly wings flying around to spread his warm smile full of happiness and his performance ended with a graceful bow then the curtain closed and followed by the howling of people

"Was that?" Allen asked out of breath to Mr. Vincè

"Yes dear you performed in front of thousands of people with a live broadcast on TV!" Mr. Vincè said happily "you danced wonderfully captivating, you melted our hearts just by watching you, I knew you can nail it"

"you knew?" He asked flustered

"Don't belittle me, I have my ways of knowing you can do it" he said playfully

"Thank you so much Mr. Vincè"

"Say hi to your mentor for me" he said before leaving Allen I front of his boss and Bary "you've got a great person on your hands young master Rois"

"Allen I didn't know you could dance" Bary talked first

"heh, but it's just a little" Allen said with a blush from knowing that he just danced in front of millions of people and from the complements he just received

"You did great!" Bary said happily while the Master just stood there watching them

"Thanks, I should get change, yeah?" Allen said shyly

"Ahhh yeah we'll be waiting just outside the door" Bary blushed slightly seeing the costume that Allen is wearing up close

"Ohh and by the way I know what's Mr. Vincè's last name" Allen said and then wink which earned the shocked expression of the two once again

Allen changed into his suit then came out of the room "so..... where's Mr. Vincè??" He asked when he saw Bary and the Master outside the room. Allen doesn't have the courage to look at the Master's face but he is sure he's handsome, handsome to the point where no one can be a comparison to him

"He's waiting for us to the room where we talked before you performed" Bary answers him leading them to where the room is and the Master is walking just beside Allen

"Good job, Allen" Allen was shocked, shocked beyond compare that the Master himself praised him, hearing Charls talk to him sent shivers to Allen's body that made his knees go weak, palms sweating and a heart beating four times faster

"Th-thank you Ma-master, I'm glad I can help" stuttering because his lips are quivering

"Hello!!!!! Ahhhh Allen! that really was spectacular! Everyone I know were asking me of who you are! they wanted to pirate you to their agencies!! But I'm sure you won't let them right?" Pulling Allen and leading him to the chair to let Allen sit beside him "now please sit, Master Rois I wanted to celebrate what happened to us tonight won't you?"

Just a nod as an answers

"Ahmmm I would like to answer your second condition Mr. Vincè" Allen said which earned for the people inside the room to fall silent

"Now, do you? Nobody guessed it this fast" he said snapping his fingers to deliver the wine

"Well, I actually guessed it while asking you the questions I've asked here earlier" Allen said smiling while receiving a glass with wine

"HA HA HA HA HA! You did?! You really are a talented person Allen, so what's your answer? You only have three tries, one for each of you" Mr. Vincè said still laughing

"Okay! Your last name is...."

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